Chapter 24

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「Slair, do you like birds?」 Grieve looked ahead; there was the famous bird city, Phile.
「It depends. Something small and round would be cute, but I also like the bigger ones that could carry me to the sky.」 As he spoke, there was clear and melodious bird chirp came out of his mouth. At first, it was a single bird, then it was a flock
「Phile is the name of the city ahead. The trick of yours will amaze them. 」 Grieve said,「Phile is full of birds. If you like, you can buy one or go to a special hunting ground to catch them. The arrows there are also exquisite. But they are very exclusive… however, if you make a real friend, they are a nice group of guys. When I was fleeing with Teacher Karl , I was rescued by the people here… 」
「Then let’s go check it out. 」 Slair said.
Grieve’s teacher, the great warrior Karl’s mount is a Pegasus . Pegasus is a very rare anemo monster, even people in Phile be envy of such mount. After Karl passed away, the Pegasus left on its own, and Grieve never saw it again.
However, it has been a few years since he last visited Phile, and Grieve no longer knows the way. After they found a hotel and stayed in, they went for a stroll and inquire information along the way.
Another couple of foreigners. The residents on the street looked at them with alert. Grieve felt something was wrong, and at this moment, a golden feather long-tailed pheasant flew over and landed on Grieve’s shoulder and 「tweeted」 intimately.
「Miffy! Miffy! 」 The owner of the golden feather long-tailed pheasant was the girl who met Alex and Reid. She called her bird and found it on the shoulders of a tall warrior. The samurai was blond and blue-eyed, handsome and handsome, with very familiar eyebrows.
「Grieve !」 The girl yelled angrily, 「What are you doing back here!」
Grieve stared at the girl for a long time and finally recognized her: 「Della?」


In addition to 《Wild Human Documentaries》, Slair had also read some entertainment novels explicitly written for humans, such as 《Handsome Prince Falling in Love with Me》, 《My Lover and My Dragon》,《Humans from the Rival Dragon Family》 and so on. So his first reaction was that these two would hug each other next, and maybe they would cry for a while –no, this was terrible, it was unimaginable. So he softly pinched the tail feathers of the happy golden feather long-tailed pheasant, dragged it down, and stopped between Grieve and Della.
「Tweet–」The poor bird named Miffy suffered a heavy rounding kick from its owner.
“Miffy! Ah, my Miffy! ” Della grabbed Miffy sadly, and she noticed Slair next to her,「Hey…you…aren’t you the one in the liar’s portrait from this morning? I knew that none of you are good people! Come on, are you in the same group? ! 」
「Della, it’s not my fault that Miffy likes me more, and it only recognizes you as the master.」 Grieve scratched his head and said helplessly, 「As for Slair, this should be the first time you met, right? Della, where is your brother? 」

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「Oh, look! Who’s here! Grieve, my friend!」 A macho man walked from the other side of the street and opened his arms to Grieve. Behind him was a big eagle who was taller than a human,「It has been so many years since we have last seen each other, I really want to have another fight with you!」
「Anytime, David, my friend!」 Grieve laughed and hugged him. The two looked close. Although they hadn’t seen each other for many years, there was a special friendship from one warrior to another. For a while, Slair and Della looked like excess people.
Slair suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis — he thought he knew Grieve more than anyone else. At least no one else on this continent would have ever seen how this great warrior grew up from a small cell. From a fragile embryo to a fetus that can be born, but he can’t show off this to others–So why did it matter how much he knows? For Grieve, he was still a person who he met at the age of nineteen. Before that, he might have had many friends. Perhaps each of them was closer than him. Slair the Dragonmaw to Grieve’s special thing about his abilities, magic, miracles, dragons—not friendship.
This kind of cognition caused a sudden tingling in his heart.
「Go to my house for a meal, Grieve!」 David invited him, 「Is that your friend? Please come too! Our family has the best-roasted honey bird in Phile! 」
「Big brother!」 Della pulled David’s sleeve angrily, 「Miffy won’t listen to me as long as Grieve is here! Moreover, the person with him is suspicious! Don’t you remember the two liars in the morning? This is the person in the painting they are holding! It’s exactly the same, I will never mistaken his identity! 」
This was the second time she mentioned this matter, and Slair was surprised—he hadn’t drew a portrait here. According to Grieve, Robert, the man looked similar to him had a big scar on his body. You won’t be confused with him, so how can anyone hold his portrait?
「Beautiful girl,」 he asked sincerely, 「can you tell me about those two people?」


Dragon forums -> Discussions -> Pet lovers
【Surprise】 A survey result about Slair

Hello everyone. As you all know, His Majesty gave all his work to his three major consuls. Thus he can spend all of his time browsing online. We, the three consuls, had been plotting against His Majesty and saving vacations for a very long time. Today, all of us ask for a one-hundred-year vacation at the same time. Therefore, you might not see His Majesty for a while. If you see him, please remind him go back to work.
I also paid attention to the famous human Slair. It happened that I belonged to the Air Traffic Control Bureau. A member of the patrol team gave me some information:
[Sound File][Sound File]
№.0 ☆☆☆Feel like flying☆☆☆
Front row seat to lick a human
№.1 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆

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Upstairs, there is no picture. What you licking?
№.2 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
It’s okay to have a the voice
№.3 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
That was not Slair’s voice. Isn’t this a song of wild humans? The first one was posted before.
№.4 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
Hmm, but the one in the previous post is not the full version. This one is a bit longer.
№.5 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
Seeking Translation! The Consul must be good at human language too. Seeking Translation!
№.6 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
Oh, That’s right, the previous sound file has been posted. Yes, His Majesty has already translated the first part. I finished the translation after his-well, the red dragon and blue dragon have picked up an egg and hatched in it. Then Slair the great Dragonmaw was hatched. He was as tall as a giant pine tree on a snow-capped mountain when he was born, crying like thunder, and with a light wave of his hand, a large swath of the mountain fell. One winter, the evil cyanrats gathered into a tide. Each of them was as big as a cow, and their teeth were as sharp as swords. When they bit through the ice wall and were about to eat all the warriors, Slair let out a dragon roar. All the cyanrats turned into ashes, the ice wall was re-established, and human beings were reborn.
№.7 ☆☆☆Feel like flying☆☆☆
…What the hell is this
№.8 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
What the hell +1, Slair is so cute… Is it singing about a dragon in the song? It can’t be, the young dragon is very fragile.
№.9 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
Human’s imagination… (:з」∠)… But, Alex, Rhett, Slair, What a coincidence.

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Obviously, Slair had been there before. That’s why his owners’ names were in the song @ The Declaration of Flames @Blue is the BEST
What about the other song?
№.11 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
There is another song that has nothing to do with the dragons… It was something like this. Dragonmaw Slair disguised as a weak boy and entered a village with a warrior beside him for protection. Everyone respects the warrior and ignored the dragonmaw. There was a pair of sisters who were born together uttered bad words to the Dragonmaw. Their father released poisonous snakes to attack the Dragonmaw, but the warrior was bitten by it instead. The angry dragonmaw cursed them, so the evil old man fell into the group of poisonous snakes and suffered from snake venom every day, but couldn’t die. The sisters who were connected suffered the pain of broken limbs every day, but couldn’t separate. In the end, they sincerely regretted it. They presented the treasure that their ancestors asked for from the dragons to the warrior, and they were finally forgiven by the Dragonmaw. Slair freed their pain and gave the sisters a new grace to separate their connected hands. Later, the two sisters married good people and lived happy ever after.
№.12 ☆☆☆Feel like flying☆☆☆


I always feel that this is not the Slair I know.
The style is too weird…human minds are truly…
№.14 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
I have a guess… The treasure from the dragon… Isn’t it the pure gold deluxe version of the camera bug I ordered?
№.15☆☆☆I was Shocked☆☆☆
Probably! That’s why we can see Slair in that video!
№.16 ☆☆☆= = ☆☆☆
Probably +1
Ah, Your Majesty [Insidious Laugh.gif]

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№.18 ☆☆☆Feel like flying☆☆☆
Ah, Your Majesty [VirginMaryLaugh.gif]
№.19 ☆☆☆Counting money until claw cramps☆☆☆
Ah, Your Majesty [Calming mile.gif]
№.20 ☆☆☆Long live the vacation☆☆☆
The almighty me forgot to change my account ! Damn it, it is my fault for working too hard! Occasionally I have to take a break too!
№.22 ☆☆☆Feel like flying☆☆☆
№.23 ☆☆☆Counting money till claw cramps☆☆☆
№.24 ☆☆☆Long live vacation☆☆☆
I…I’ll go back…QAQ…Really…I misjudged you all. Back then, you guys were cute and diligent!
№.25 ☆☆☆ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆
We also miss the time when we worshiped you, Your Majesty. I hope that when we come back, the files are all processed.
№.26 ☆☆☆Feeling like flying☆☆☆

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