Everyone was silent in the carriage.

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『Mags,』Alex was the one who broke the silence, 『One day will be more than enough for the enforcement team to clean it up, right? 』

『The problem is my people are fighting.』Mags shrugged,『All the explosives were made with magic crystals from beasts and metals from this continent. Robert employed some workers and gave them the design to make these explosive bombs. It hasn’t been decided whether the controlling system is a dragon item, but the human’s life is tied to it; he must use a magic scroll… Although I have no doubt this is a typical dragon item misusage case, some dragons disagree. They think what’s done is done. No matter where the wild human learned about these things, we only need to find the dragon responsible for making those magic items. The rest are internal matters among wild humans. Dragons should not interfere.』

『He is going to blow up a city!』Rhett shouted,『Why aren’t they not holding the person responsible for using those magic items?  Without the dragon’s magic, he will not get to where he is right now! Are we going to sit here and watch a lunatic blow up a whole city?』

『The purpose of the Wild Human Protection Act is not to guarantee human lives,』Mags sighed,『But to reduce the dragon’s interference with wild humans to as close to nothing as possible. Suppose a dragon uses magic to save a human’s life out of intolerance. It will violate the non-interference principle. However, if we found out about it, we wouldn’t take the life of the rescued human away. Likewise, it was our responsibility that we didn’t stop Robert from doing these crazy things with dragon items, but now what’s done is done. The thing that is threatening human lives now is explosive bombs made of human products, then this is an internal incident among humans–』

『 That’s ridiculous! He just used a dragon item, and it is obvious he has more!』

『Don’t worry, I came because I couldn’t do anything without orders, but we still got humans.』 Mags smiled and nodded at Slair, then happily unfolded a map, 『I will give you some information in draconic. If a human accidentally heard it, there is nothing I can do about it !』

Slair stared at the map. All the red dots marked on the map were the places where the explosive bombs were buried, and near the palace was the densest. In addition, Mags also provided a cross-section of the explosive bomb, which drew the red magic crystal and the surrounding metal shape- METALs!

「Grieve, are there a lot of ore crabs around here?」

「There are some, about the same density as Abby.」

The ore crabs love metals, but their natural predator poulperats wield fire magic. Therefore, the ore crabs generally avoid places where the fire elements were active, especially metals mixed with fire elements. If it’s ore crabs, they can instinctively extract the magic crystal from the explosive bomb easily. However, the fire elements were so active around Perl City that the orb crabs must be long gone.

In any case, they should give it a try. Slair’s hands touched the ground, and the earth and wind magic surged from his hands. He made some “Chirp” noises and tried his best to convey the message that this place was harmless with a lot of food.

『Slair baby,』Alex and Rhett got out of the carriage,『We’re in on this one.』

『Dad, Daddy! But you can’t…』

『Last time we went to help with the investigation, for some reason, we did not mention Robert. If we said something back then, Robert’s dragon items would have been taken away.』Alex said shamefully,『This is what we owe to the people…. So, this may be the last time we are together.』

The blue dragon and the red dragon looked determined. They patted Slair’s head,『You have all grown up.』

Slair understood they had made up their mind. He jumped into their arms and gave them a bear hug,『I will become a better mage. I will learn how to get on the dragon’s floating islands and kidnap you away.』

『We shall be waiting.』

『But,』Slair lifted his head,『We should at least have some cover-up… I have a plan. 』

Grieve stood behind them silently. He didn’t understand dragonic or dragons’ principles, but he felt something from their expressions. Mags waved at them in the carriage, looking like he wouldn’t interfere with anything, but Alex and Rhett’s look was the same as Slair’s.

As he did to the Dragon God, Grieve gave them a quiet bow.

Robert sat alone at the top of the palace, watching the crowd crying below. It was almost sunset, and Grieve and Slair hadn’t shown themselves.

Hehe. Do they bet that I won’t dare to blow up the city? Ridiculous! Although he could escape through the secret tunnel and then blow up the city, he didn’t have much time left, and the expired portion in the treasury only made him feel better for now. Why not die on his own terms and drag a few more people to the grave?


「Grieve Klein, you coward!」He shouted at the sky.

「Who are you calling a coward, wretched Robert!」

The crowd stirred. Two figures flew from the sunset– Grieve rode on a giant bird that looked like a phile bird but had a dragon-like tail; Slair rode on a pegasus like Choco, but it was blue, and its wings looked suspicious too.

『Dad, let’s begin!』

The blue dragon’s enormous magic power gradually poured into Slair’s body. He opened his hands, and dots of blue light emerged from his palm. They gathered more and more, attracting dark clouds in the air, followed by lightning and thunder. Torrential rain poured down, and abundant water elements gathered in the city of Perl. And for a moment, it suppresses the fire elements underground.

Mags looked at the two dragons in the air, slightly worried– They were violating the law right in front of him, but he better pretend not to see anything… The brown-haired dragon took the time to sense the underground; there were already a lot of ore crabs gathered there. This number was far from being able to clear all the explosive bombs, but it was better than nothing.

Grieve must feel the most awkward among them all. He was riding on Rhett’s back, who was disguised as phile. It was both exciting and terrifying– He was riding on a dragon!

「Thank you, great dragon!」He gently stroked Rhett’s neck. Rhett couldn’t hardly speak any human language in his human form and was even worse in his unfamiliar bird body. Still, he replied with a joyful chirp, and a spark escaped from the corner of his beak.

「Grieve, are you here to commit suicide?」 Robert said with a fake smile, 「A pouring rain can’t change anything.」

Grieve jumped off the giant bird and punched Robert hard in the face.

「Yo, aren’t you afraid? 」 Robert wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth,「I’ll blow up the whole Perl City if I am not happy.」

「I’m sure you’ve done something to the whole city.」Grieve stared at him in disgust,「But would you really want to sacrifice your life with it?」

「Then I can blow it up piece by piece. Do you want to risk it? You just hit me; why don’t I blow up the west side first…」

「Wait!」Grieve backed up with concerns, leaning against the firebird and said,「You said I have one day!」

「However, you make me angry…」Robert slowly walked over, held out his index finger, and pointed at Grieve’s nose,「How about you stand there and let me hit you back?」

Grieve showed a look of submission. At that moment, the bird suddenly lifted its wings and chirped.

This was the code for 「Found it.」

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Robert drew a knife and tried to cut Grieve’s flesh slice by slice. The prince was just like his father; he would do anything for innocent civilians…


The flaming sword cut off Robert’s head. Robert opened his eyes wide in horror as he saw his body spurt blood and fall, then he lost consciousness altogether.

Grieve held the sword in one hand and clutched Rhett’s wing with the other. The fire on the flaming sword split into countless strands into Robert’s body and linked up with the control system. The explosive bombs were ready to go off any time. The ore crabs have demolished the outer ones, and the inner ones were close enough to Rhett. With the dragon’s summons, the fire elements followed the route of 「Underground-> Robert-> Sword->Grieve->Fire Dragon」 rushed toward Rhett. Grieve felt his body was on fire, burning his veins and nerves, but he gritted his teeth and maintained this posture without moving.

The rain gradually stopped. The sun had set, and the moon peeked out from the clouds. A moonbow hanging quietly in the sky. Slair slumped on Alex’s back, and the flames from Grieve’s sword retracted from Robert’s charred body. A large amount of fire gathered in the blade and Grieve’s body. Finally, he had enough. He raised the sword and shot them all into the sky. Suddenly, a gorgeous firework exploded in the night sky.

Apart from that, no other explosion happened.

The people of Perl watched the sky in silence. Just now, Robert’s head fell from the top of the palace, and they feared the whole city would be blown up, but it did not. The crowd was puzzled by what was going on, so they turned their eyes to their prince on the top of the palace and the man rode on the pegasus in the sky, eagerly looking for an answer.

『Alright, Dad, the situation is under control; it’s time for us to head back!』 Slair hugged Alex’s neck and urged with satisfaction.

『About that, Slair baby… We might have miscalculated… We just used magic in the transformed state, and it shortened the time we could maintain this form… I think Rhett is about to hit his limit, too…』

『Eh?! Dad, just waits a little longer… Hey!』

In front of everyone’s eyes, the pegasus in the sky turned into a handsome blue dragon, and the firebird on the top of the palace also turned into a red dragon. At this moment, the crowd let out a huge cheer:「The Dragon God had come to save us–」

Dragon forums -> Discussions -> Pet lovers

Image CrystalSlair Image Crystal Season One: Walking with Wild Humans! Release!

Poster: [Image]

Trials: [Video][Video][Video]

Item Link: [Link]

Subtitled in Dragongic! What are u waiting for! Raise your claws and click that link! Btw, Easter egg at the end!

№.0 ☆☆☆ PINKWildHumanFilmCrew ☆☆☆


№.1 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆


№.2 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Front row lick!

№.3 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Who took my sofa!

№.4 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Front row licking Slair! Buy Buy Buy !

№.5 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Your Majesty, please watch your language

№.6 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

Amazing! The trials are lovely! Little angel Slair, little cutie! That wild human is not bad too, but I just want to scream, Get your paws off my little Slair!


№.7 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Ordered ten copies on the spot! Happy! I can’t believe it’s out.

№.8 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

… (Skip many floors)

I finished the show… Slair is so cute and so great. However, the ending… I couldn’t help but worry about Alex and Rhett. This time they violated the laws, for sure. There is no way they can get away from it… But I pity them, QAQ. It is impossible to save that city by two humans.

№.406 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

+1, But they are not members of the enforcement team. They acted before the enforcers did anything, not to mention their shapeshifts were so terrible and even changed back to their dragon form in front of humans…

№.407 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

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That can’t be right. Didn’t Robert use the dragon items first? Why didn’t the enforcers do anything about it?

№.408 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

If you take a closer look, those were made by humans upstairs. Although it was a direct copy of the dragon item, it was still man-made.

№.409 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I still find holes in this logic!

Robert used dragon items→ The red and the blue dragons hide useful information → Robert used man-made explosives threaten human safety and used dragon items at the same time. Later we knew he held even more dragon items →The red and blue solve the problem through Slair and Grieve.

Although the red and blue dragons violated the law, no matter how you see it, Robert was the one who started the fight, and what they did was purely self-defense.

№.410 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Upstares, The ATB has been fighting about this problem non-stop… Hey, isn’t His Majesty in this post too? Let’s ask him @ShinyGoldBlingBling

№.411 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Allow me @FeelLikeFlying

№.412 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I am here, but Ginko (little silver) is not. We just had a fight, and he ran away… Did you watch the easter egg?

№.413 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

I am still listening to the EP and have mixed feelings about this.

№.414 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆


What’s up with the Ginko? Your Majesty, didn’t you always call him by his name?

№.415 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

He is a silver dragon, so I call him Ginko, emmm, you can be Blakie.

№.416 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Easter eggs… E…Easter egg! EASTER EGG!!! Easter EGGGGGGGGS It!

№.417 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

What’s wrong with the easter egg? Oh…Ah…God…This…

№.418 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Out of curiosity, I dragged the bar… Help! It’s Slair’s statement! I haven’t been able to read it, but I am already persuaded by it.

№.419 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I think the little angel’s statement is reasonable! Since Robert could use the dragon item and man-made counterfeit without punishment. The red and blue dragons used them as a magic medium shouldn’t be a problem… Because it could be divided into 「Casting spell to close human」and 「Human casting on themselves」!  For the shapeshifting magic, as long as the wild human didn’t recognize their true identity, it was alright.

№.420 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

But they are exposed… They turned into the dragon right at the spot…

№.421 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I don’t think it’s a big deal? I mean, the enforcers use their dragon forms, too and using dragon form to save a city is reasonable. After all,  we are gods in the wild humans’ eyes.

№.422 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

But they are not the enforcers. It is absolutely against the rule.

№.423 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Your Majesty, say something! @ShinyGoldBlingBling

№.424 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Wait, how could Grieve count as close humans?

№.425 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Little Slair said Grieve is his partner.

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№.426 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

OAO!!!!!!WHAT!!! Shocking!!

№.427 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

NO! I am going to kill that wild human!!

№.428 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Upstairs, please be careful with your language! However, I …

№.429 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

…(Skipping many floors)

Quit it.

№.678 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Your Majesty! You are finally here! Where did you go?

№.679 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I chased after Ginko. Although I found him, he didn’t want to come home with me. My heart felt so tired.

№.680 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

How come I smell something from the script of a romance novel.

№.681 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Your Majesty, what did you argue about?

№.682 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

Yeah, that didn’t sound like him at all.

№.683 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

Marking with my life.

№.684 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Stare OwO

№.685 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Just some normal things we fight about… About the punishments for Alex and Rhett. Without a doubt, they violate the law. Imo, we should consider Robert’s previous behavior and their current situation. I suggested prolonging their imprisonment on the continent. However, Ginko wanted to lock them in the clan prison.

№.686 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Prolonging their imprisonment… That didn’t sound like a punishment.

№.687 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I think that sounds great! I support you, Your Majesty!

№.688 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Then what? There was no way he would run away like this. He is a workaholic.

№.689 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

I predict there is going to be a big bucket of dog blood coming for us!

№.690 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

As we fought and fought and fought, I accidentally told him that I found his alt account… Anyway, I discovered his little secret… He got mad and ran.

№.691 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆


№.692 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

…His secret…It can only be that, right?

№.693 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

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What secret? What? What? Please leak his alt account!

№.694 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Wait, you know??? You all hid it from me???

№.695 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Any dragons with eyes could find that out → →

№.696 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

I smell gossip!

№.697 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Shhh, upstairs, be quiet and watch.


№.698 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

What do you mean you can see it? You call that… You call that 【】? If I don’t know what that is, I will think it is 【】!

№.699 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Your Majesty, your censorship is… I opened my imagination.

№.700 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

The curiosity had hopped out of my chest.

№.701 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Your Majesty, so you found him, then what?

№.702 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

I tried to comfort him, so I said, Don’t be shy; it’s not a big deal. As long as you switch into your human form, a human chef like me will agree with anything you say.

Then he cried! He cried!! Cried! CRIED! I have no experience of how to deal with this kind of thing. He was always the one bullying me!

№.703 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Wait for a second, so Your Majesty, you left the crying…Ginko and came back by yourself?

№.704 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

No way, but I didn’t know what to do, so I found a counter and browsed the forums for answers. My body is too big, and my tail is exposed outside. He is still crying. Please help… btw, why did he cry?

№.705 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Your Majesty… by your age, do you have less experience and emotional intelligence than a human?

№.706 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

I don’t believe you never tried to comfort your crying human lovers, Your Majesty.

№.707 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

But that’s Ginko! Ginko! He is neither my human lover nor my pet human. He is Ginko! How could I know what to do!

№.708 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

Your Majesty! Kiss him until he stops crying!

№.709 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Wrap him with your tails, cover him with your wings, then hug him with your claws!

№.710 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I don’t know what to say anymore…

№.711 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps ☆☆☆

That’s right! I should use my wings to cover him; it will ruin his reputation if others see Ginko crying like this. See you!

№.712 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling☆☆☆

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