58 Not Safe for Work Chapter. Reader beware.

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Slair lifted his face and dried his tears in a hurry when he heard the knock– Who would it be? The knock was so light and hesitant, unlike daddies’ or Grieve’s. He calmed himself and let the wind open the door.

Surprisingly, it was Grieve.

The blonde warrior lowered his head, held a pink twin lotus in his hand, and couldn’t look Slair in the eyes. The hands he used to bend bows and hold swords gently spit the flower from its conjoined part, holding half over his heart and raising the other half up high.

「Slair,」He said,「I… I have sinned. I shouldn’t have lied to you. After I learned about the relationship between Alex and Rhett, an uncontrollable evil force spread in my mind. I began to wish I could have the rights only dragons could have. I fell in love with you. I am in love with a man who has the same gender as me, and even lusted for this sacred envoy. The Book of Dragons can’t cleanse my soul and my mind anymore; I have been hiding this from you for so long. Now, I have my vengeance; many people around me asked me to marry a woman, but you are the only one I can think of. O Slair! I am too ashamed to be your friend. I can’t shamelessly stay by your side and pretend nothing has happened. I am here to confess my sin to you; please give me your judgment.」

Grieve kept his head hanging. The flower that he held close to his heart trembled. He saw Slair’s feet, bare with no socks, approaching him. He felt a hand pick up the flower he was holding high. He closed his eyes and waited for his heart to be smashed on the ground and then stomped on hard.

But no.

Slair knelt down with the flower, lifted Grieve’s head, and gently wiped the tears from his face– Grieve just realized the droplets on the twin lotus were not dew but his tears.

「Grieve, why are you crying?」He asked,「A warrior who doesn’t shed a tear when driven to his death. Why are you crying in front of me? 」

「I am afraid,」Grieve said「I am afraid of losing you.」

「But you won’t」Slair put the flower aside, hugged and kissed him. He was not skilled, but the mere touch of his lips was enough to make Grieve’s body burn like a fire.

「S…Slair, You… Am I dreaming?」

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「I love you.」 Slair said「I love you long before you love me. I thought you would find a woman, get married and leave me behind. Grieve. If you have sinned, then my sin must be worse than yours. 」

「But, Slair… We are humans, that…」

「Shhh.」Slair pressed an index finger to Grieve’s lips,「Since we love each other, there’s nothing left to say. Today, I don’t want to hear anything from the Book of the Dragons.」 He showed a mischievous smile and snapped his finger. Winds gathered on his fingertips, then turned into wind blades that scattered, shredding all the clothes on them into pieces and thoughtfully rolling the fibers to the corners. Slair happily grabbed the things between Grieve’s legs, satisfied that it was slowly raising its head. 

「Slair, Stop! Don’t…」Grieve was horrified. It was unexpected that his expression of love went well, but with what was going on, are they… Grieve didn’t know how two men could do it. The only bloody scenario he had thought of came to him from the depths of his mind, causing him to shrivel. Yet, the disobedient thing was getting thicker and thicker under Slair’s touch. At this moment, Grieve thought about his only savior– too bad, why did that blue potion have to wear off at a time like this?

But the good thing was that the cabinet was in this room. Grieve lunged forward, reached the cabinet, and quickly pulled out the four bottles that had been hidden there.

「What are these?」 Slair stared at the bottles with interest, and the wind followed his command, snatching them from Grieve’s hand and dropping them all in Slair’s arms. He opened the bottles, studied them for a while, and smiled knowingly.

「You prepared these?」Slair pushed three of the bottles away and picked up and wiggled the bottle with white lubricant,「Don’t be so nervous. If you don’t know how to do it, I can teach you.」

He scooped a large portion of white ointment and applied it on Grieve’s erect organ. The ointment began to melt on contact with the human body. Inside the ointment, some tiny plant seeds bounced around, like countless small tentacles stroking Grieve’s penis at a very high frequency. This kind of stimulation was almost unbearable for Grieve, and in front of him was Slair’s naked body, he felt like he was about to turn into a rabid beast and find a hole to poke at.

「NO!」But he firmly covered his eyes「Slair, I will never harm you! Trap me with magic!」

「What are you thinking.」Slair removed his hands,「What do you mean to harm me? We just going to do intimate things.」

「We are both men!」Grieve said,「I will hurt you!」

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「If you’re good, I won’t get hurt」Slair patted Grieve’s head, put some ointment on Grieve’s index finger, and guided it to his rear, 「Here, go in here, slowly and expand it properly.」


Grieve was already blushing. He felt his finger enter a warm, tight place- now he understood where it was.

「You don’t like it?」 Slair asked him.

「So this is… this is how you do it…」He muttered,「I thought I was going to open another hole on your body…」

Slair was stunned for a second, then burst out laughing. He was on top of Grieve, and because of the laugh, his strength was weakened; his body sat down and swallowed Grieve’s finger in whole. Suddenly, Slair’s laughter turned into a moan.

「If I touch here, will you feel comfortable?」

Slair buried his face in front of Grieve’s and nodded.

The white lubricant melted in his body; some flew out of his hole and onto Grieve’s hand. The seeds of the plants jumped inside him, and Slair twisted impatiently, rubbing Grieve’s erect part.

「I understand.」

Grieve’s kisses rained on Slair’s shoulder and slowly moved toward the center. The finger at the back jerked gently, and soon he added one more finger. Slair lifted his face, gently bit on Grieve’s arm, and dropped a vague tooth mark before changing places to nibble again. He granted and shrank his asshole as the number of fingers behind him increased to three. Then Grieve pulled out from behind with a handful of white fluid and thrust his erected penis in hard.

The comfort of being wrapped tightly around him made Grieve almost unable to hold his sperm. He let out a low growl like a wild animal, stood up from the floor inside Slair, then jumped up on the bed, crushing Slair underneath him. When Slair felt his body sink deeper into the soft bed, Grieve’s buried organ went deeper with the impact, his legs hanging over Grieve’s shoulder and Grieve’s arms on either side of him, holding him in a tight circle, nowhere to escape.

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The warrior started charging. The emotions he suppressed were not pouring out like a flood. He kissed Slair with such a frenzy that Slair felt he was not facing a gentle prince but a lion in heat.

「Grieve…You…Slow down…Ah…」Slair clutched the bed sheet, feeling like he was going to be scattered by Grieve. But Grieve could always find and thrust on that correct spot, as accurate as his arrows, brought Slair endless pleasure and changed the tone of his voice.

「I can’t hold it anymore…Slair…Slair」Grieve chanted his name,「I can’t believe it…Slair…」

「I am here.」Recall all those strange ideas Grieve had, Slair felt them ridiculous and bitter,「This is not a crime but love.」

He met Grieve with a kiss and stuck his tongue out to lick his lips. Soon, Slair’s tongue was caught by Grieve’s; they tangled and played till Slair was out of breath. He fell back heavily on the bed, and his black hair spread out on the white sheet. Grieve stared at Slair’s passionate eyes and repeated,「It’s love…It’s LOVE.」

As if he had realized something, he suddenly blossomed into a bright smile that made Slair feel there was a sun in his room. Grieve’s hand slowly moved up along Slair’s slender waist, caught his delicate palm, and interlocked their fingers. Slair closed his eyes and could feel Grieve drop a soft kiss on his lips. The elements were moving with their rhythm. Grieve was wrapped in a circle of red lights, violently impacting a four-leaf clover-shaped vortex. Suddenly, all the light dots merged in one, and a bright light exploded in front of his eyes and enveloped him with unprecedented joy. A thick white fluid shot from his front, and Grieve roared and released inside Slair.

They embraced each other on the bed. After a while, Slair wanted to get up and go to the bathroom, but Grieve stopped him. His thing was still inside of Slair and was now erected again.

「Wow! Grieve! Isn’t once enough for you?」

「Of course not,」The blonde warrior pointed at the twin lotus and said with a righteous tone,「We should do it as many times as the number of the lotus petals.」

「Wait! Shop ah…emm…slow down…」

The next day at noon, Slair rubbed his sore back and slowly got up from bed. His body had been cleaned, the sheets had been changed, and a plate of honey-drizzled fruit was on the bedside table. Slair showed a satisfied smile and looked for Grieve– He found the blond warrior by the desk, looking solemn with The Book of Dragons on the table.

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「Grieve?」Slair jumped off the bed, walked behind him in an awkward position, and rested his head on Grieve’s shoulder,「Shouldn’t you be waiting for me to wake up by the bedside then give me a kiss? What’s troubling you?」

「I am thinking about offspring.」 Grieve said.

Slair slowly straightened his body. He glanced at the Book of Dragons in front of him and suddenly felt some remorse– He should let Grieve finish his thought. That’s right, the biggest problem for two wild human males being together was… offspring.

Even though he was known as a god envoy and could use countless magic, Slair was a man. Just like male dragons couldn’t lay eggs, men couldn’t give birth to children. He grimaced, annoyed– Grieve was very religious; could he live without children? Slair recalled the time they went to the temple of the Mother of Fertility, that story with countless holes… but it was a very realistic expression of people’s expectations.

So what would Grieve do? Maybe he’ll look for a willing woman and ask for an heir or heirs; perhaps he’ll even consider Slair’s heir and ask the woman to have Slair’s child as well – no, stop, stop thinking about that horrible thing!

As soon as Grieve turned his head, he saw Slair’s terrible expression. He lowered his head, embarrassed「Slair…I…I have thought about this very seriously. What I am about to ask may not be very reasonable, but I will respect your wishes…Well…I think…」

「What do you think?」 Slair grimly squeezed a few words out of his teeth.

「Magic…That’s what you call a miracle, isn’t it? That is a compelling skill, but you taught it to me and said that all humans can learn magic… So, I was thinking…Can we open a school? We can recruit those children with good characters, teach them martial arts and magic, so they can pass these skills on to their children and grandchildren. The school will welcome everyone to come and study… Uh, it was stated in the Book of Dragons the relationship between students are to teachers as sons are to fathers. If we do so, we will have our descendants spread all over the continent…」

Grieve said as he lowered his head again,「But this is your unique secret technique; I don’t know if you are willing to teach others…」

「I DO!」 Slair hugged Grieve happily, buried his face in his arms, and rubbed it hard,「I DO! That sounds very interesting! And we can even get Dad and Daddy to teach with us! This castle can be used as a school, it’s huge anyway!」

「Great!」Grieve lifted Slair’s face and kissed him. The sun shone through the window and splashed on the leaning twin lotus on the table.

This was a light kiss, but Slair felt his heart beating fast, and it was sweeter than when they were intimately connected. He could feel Grieve’s heart beating at the same rate.

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