Extra 5: Vacations

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During the winter recess, Rhett seemed depressed.
Klein’s winter was not too cold, the snow could only accumulate a thin layer at most, and the lake could barely freeze. However, this temperature is not ideal for a fire dragon who loves to soak in magma.
『Darling,』Alex touched the red dragon’s scales and asked worriedly,『Did you feel cold? It had been a while since you bathed in magma.』
『I am fine.』The red dragon said,『This temperature can not harm me.』
『But you are a fire dragon, and this is bad for your mood. I heard that if a fire dragon doesn’t bathe in magma for an extended period, it would have serious descalation.』
『But we are in prison, Alex. Although His Majesty has given us permission to teach magic here, we can’t go back to the floating island… 』
『There are volcanoes on the main continent, Dad, Daddy!』 Slair said,『Let’s go have a vacation!』
He found the modified carriage, brought Phile and Choco along, and flew to the southern volcano islands. Grieve looked around nervously– Grieve had a good understanding of fire magic now, and Slair thought he could try to tame the element. However, the warrior was not a fan of 「jumping into magma,」 a suicidal method of taming. If necessary, He would do more dangerous things for Slair within a heartbeat, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be pushed into a volcano by his smiling family.
「Don’t worry, Grieve,」Slair patted his shoulder. 「 Do not think about those strange things. I won’t throw you into the volcano. We can ask fathers to dig a hot spring, and we would enjoy our vacation there. I promise there will be no magma– I was young and naïve and didn’t know the correct way to practice magic. You are familiar with the fire elements, and time will make them submit to you even without the outside irritation. 」
「HOT SPRING!」Grieve’s eyes lit up,「That sounds great.」
However, he thought his action was not manly. In a family of two dragons, one god’s envoy, and him. He felt ashamed that if the family activity was canceled because of the limitation of his human body,「Uh, Slair. I will try my best to tame the fire elements. If bathing in magma was a family tradition, and it was canceled because of me…」
Alex laughed and stopped him「No. No. No. Only Rhett needs to soak in magma. I’m not too fond of that temperature, and Slair didn’t jump in magma willingly. We don’t want to disturb your lover’s world, or I will pick the hot spring too.」
The blue dragon’s words made Grieve blush. At that moment, Rhett, who was holding the carriage flying, let out a roar—They had arrived at their destination.
『Magma! MAGMA! MAAAAAGMAAAAAAAAAA!!!』Rhett placed the carriage aside and rushed toward the volcano. He could feel his scales aching for a magma bath. This was too close to the volcano, and the air was hot. Alex shook his head, picked up the carriage, and flew away.
「I will meet with him later. Let’s find a place for a hot spring… Oh, don’t worry. The volcano won’t erupt with Rhett’s control.」
Alex used his dexterous claws to build a vacation cottage, enclosing a small courtyard with a decent-sized hot spring. A few brave small animals were attracted by the noise here and were held by Slair to smooth their fur.
Alex could see the crater where Rhett was located from a distance. The red dragon seemed quite excited, and smoke was constantly coming out of the volcano. After getting his things together, Alex flew towards the volcano with a special box, smiling happily. Although he didn’t like the heat, he didn’t mind trying it once a while.
「No work and no students. All we have now are small animals and beautiful outdoors. Ah, this is awesome!」Slair quickly stripped himself and jumped in the hot spring, then Choco chirped and followed suit. The phile bird gave a disdainful 「Tweet」before it flapped its wings to play in the woods. Grieve grabbed Choco by the tail, dragged him away from Slair, and squeezed himself in.

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「I bought that with me,」Grieve hugged Slair’s slender waist from behind,「 I heard there is something about doing it in the water…」
「You have to let Choco close its eyes first.」 Slair turned back and kissed Grieve’s blonde hair. Soon the two of them were tangled together and inseparable.
As if I wanted to watch! Choco gave them a disgusted glance and moved its hooves. It decided to keep its distance from its masters in heat.
However, all of them missed the point– This was not the wild human preservation.
And not all dragons live on the floating islands.
When Alex arrived at the crater that Rhett rushed down, he saw two red dragons. One was Rhett, and the other looked a bit older. His scales were darker than Rhett’s, and his strength was weaker. However, he had more experience in fighting and wasn’t planning on giving his bath.
『Foolish young dragon! What gave you the confidence to enter an old dragon’s territory!』He yelled at Rhett,『It is immoral to peek at an old man’s bath!』
『Who wants to watch your bath! I am just in a hurry to soak in the magma! I have no idea you are here! Can’t I just move to a new crater!』
『All the nearby craters belong to me!』 The old fire dragon yelled,『You disgustingly dirty dragon! How long since your last magma bath! Isn’t that enough for you to ruin one of my craters!』
『Since you got so many caters, let me soak in one for a while. I can give you treasures, lots of gold and diamonds!』
『If you start with that, I would agree. But it’s too late. You knocked one of my teeth out when you rushed down! Give my teeth back!』
『Uh…』Alex felt uneasy,『Dear elder…』
『HOW DARE YOU CALL ME OLD!』The old red dragon turned his head as he beat Rhett up,『I can call myself old, but how dare you! AHHHH, what are you holding? WHAT ARE YOU HOLDING!!! The young dragons these days! How could you visit an old dragon with these things! Do you have any decency? Ah! Am I a casual dragon?』
The blue dragon looked at the special lubricant and high-temperature series of erotic products on the claws, and his blue face turned red. He quickly used his wings to cover the claws『This is a misunderstanding… We thought there were no dragons around and wanted to have some fun…』
『You broke into my place and said you wanted to P.L.A.Y!』 The old red dragon was still angry,『You have made my magma dirty, knocked off my teeth! I am too old to replace my teeth, so if one got knocked off, it was lost! Understand!?』
『We are deeply sorry for what happened, and we will find a way to make it up to you. Can you let Rhett go?』
『No, I will knock one of his teeth, too.』
The old red dragon said and lunged forward. His front claws with golden flames attacked Rhett’s mouth. In a hurry, Alex tried to protect Rhett, but he forgot what was in his claws. His water ball successfully defused the attack, but those erotic items all fell into the magma. He spent a lot of time convincing Mags to buy them for him, but now they were gone. Although the things were heat-proofed and were still usable, their packages were not. Among them was a bag of lava ducks, and when it hit the magma, those ducks instantly inflated. The light-yellow ducks neatly flipped their wing, and their flat bills were constantly gulping a huge columnar material.
The old red dragon stared at the ducks floating up and down with the magma, and he was furious. 『You…YOU… I NEED TO SWTICH MAGMA!!!!!』

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Under the wrath of the old dragon, the earth began to shake, the volcanos became agitated, and the magma continued to rise. Rhett couldn’t suppress him—in the field of magic, the older dragon always had the advantage.
『STOP–』Rhett shouted in sorrowful anger, 『It was my fault, it was our fault—Please don’t let the volcano erupt! My humans are still down there!!!』
In the eruption of lava, the old red dragon scratched his ear『What did you say?』
『MY HUMAN… AHAHAHAHAH, OUR SLAIR BABY!!! We promised that everything would be fine! What if they are unprepared…』Rhett and Alex flew up in terror and rushed down the mountain.
「I need a break!」 Before Grieve got closer, Slair hastily backed away and rubbed his back in protest.「We’re here to soak in the hot spring! Just soak!」
He briefly hid his hickey-covered body with his hair and pointed to the crater「Do don’t you think it’s a little weird over there?」
「It’s probably just Dad and Daddy having a good time.」 Grieve said,「Alright if you are tired, let’s soak.」
But he still grabbed Slair and gently laid kisses on his back.
Choco covered its eyes with hooves and helplessly rested his head against the floor. It tried not to watch its masters but couldn’t cover its ears. It felt the vibration coming from the earth. Choco’s ears flipped, then it jumped up and crashed straight into the middle of his two masters.「Chirp! Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp, CHIRP CHRIP!!!」
But it was too late. The red lava mixed with dirt rushed down from the top of the mountain.
In a flash, Grieve thought, this must be fate. They couldn’t escape at this rate. Perhaps only the “taming” could get them out of the situation alive… but could Slair stop so much lava by himself?
He stopped in front of Slair and held his hands out in front of him. The temperature around them was getting warmer, and he could feel the lively fire elements as if they had been drinking.
Calm down and go around us.
It was hard to describe what it felt like. Grieve felt he had established a deeper bond with the surrounding fire elements. Slair was hugging him, their magic entwined into a giant elemental painting. The fire and earth elements were rushing toward them, greeted gently, and circled away from them; The water wrapped around them, and the wind separated the water and the fire.
Next, the phile bird, Alex, and Rhett came from the sky. Phile bird picked up the shaking Choco, Rhett controlled the lava, and Alex scooped out the naked couple with his claws.
「Sorry,」Alex said「We never thought there will be other dragons…」
『Look what I find!』The voice of the old red dragon came from behind,『You raised humans! Why would you raise those weak and useless creatures? Cowards! You have destroyed the pride of the dragons! Oh god, humans, oh humans, oh why the humans are so cute—If you got time like this, why won’t you give birth to more baby dragons?』

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He stood in the lava and shouted angrily. His tail flicked, and the lava wrapped around his tail quickly turned into countless tiny arrows of flame and attacked the two dragons in front of him. Then the lava formed a vortex in front of him, trapping Rhett’s hind claws and Alex’s tail. The two dragons didn’t expect him to be serious, and the barrier they had cast in haste was not strong enough. Those tiny arrows pierced through the blue dragon’s water wall still carry the horrifying heat, enough to leave a mark on the blue dragon’s scales.
The battle between the dragons created a vortex of elements. The phile bird and Choco screamed at the outside and couldn’t get closer. Eventually, they had to leave to avoid the attack. Most of the tiny fire arrows were shot at the two dragons, but some were missed and grazed the phile bird’s body, causing the giant bird made of fire to scream in pain.
The human was no match for the magic. Grieve turned around and used his body as a shield to block the gaps between the blue dragon’s claw and protect Slair in his arms. Some fire arrows squeezed through blue dragon’s claw, stuck in Grieve’s body, and instantly left a burning hole.
「GRIEVE!」 Slair was heartbroken. He cast healing spells in a hurry, but his healing speed couldn’t catch up with the speed of the flame. At that moment, Alex and Rhett caught their breath. Since they were two young dragons who tried to protect their humans and lost the first-hand advantages, they could barely get even with the old dragon.
『Look how stupid you are!』The old red dragon laughed at them,『Throw those humans away, and you will have a much better time going against me! But let me guess, you won’t do it… Just like those dragons I met.』
The two young dragons didn’t understand why the old dragon suddenly became serious. They were worried and angry but couldn’t get out of the fight. The blue dragon could feel that Grieve’s injury was getting worse. He was so concerned and got hit by the old red dragon’s tail. Alex fell into the lava, but he still remembered to hold his claws up and protect the two humans in his claws from falling into the lava.
『Look at you. You are being ridiculous! All for the sake of humans, huh?』The old dragon came down after him and tried to read the blue dragon’s claws. Rhett let out a roar and pulled his legs from the old dragon’s magic by force, lunging up and biting him on the neck.
『Son of a XXXXX!』The old dragon turned back to bite Rhett, and Alex took the opportunity to climb out.
『The mighty fire dragon controlling the magma,』At that moment, the wind brought out Slair’s voice『Could you tell me, what made you so angry? We only came here for vacation and didn’t intend to disturb any dragons. How about we talked it out?』
『I have nothing to talk about with a dragon that raises humans. Huh? You are not a dragon—Humans?!』 The old red dragon was shocked,『How can a human knows how to speak draconic?』
『I thought every dragon knew about our Slair.』Rhett lifted his head in pride. 『 Do you never browse online?』
The old dragon’s eyes rolled, but he quickly resumed his disdainful tone『You are human even if you speak draconic.』
As they are going for round two, Slair said『Honorable dragon, do you have any misconception about humans? My magic is not as strong as yours, but there are things I could accomplish but not you.』
『You’re a human, what are you talking about?』The old dragon stared at the blue dragon’s claw.
『Then let’s make a bat! If I win, you will let us go, and if I lose, I’ll be at your disposal, but please let my dad, daddy, and Grieve go.』
『Dad and daddy! How could you! You are a human! How could you call dragons your father!』The old dragon said in surprise『How can you be so shameless?!』
『You…』Rhett was so angry, there was smoke coming out of him. However, Slair smiled and said『What’s wrong? The great dragon is afraid to accept a challenge from a humble human?』
『Why will I be afraid?』 The old dragon said,『But if you lose, I need to knock off one of this little red dragon’s teeth. So what are you challenging me for?』
The dragon’s battle ended, the elemental vortex dissipated with it, and finally, the phile bird could fly over. Slair crawled out of the blue dragon’s claw and asked Alex to heal Grieve first before he wore the bathrobe brought by the phile bird. Slair calmly picked up a branch and drew a chessboard on the ground.『Let’s play chess. This is the most popular game back at home. It’s called the「Dragon Chess」. It is said to be taught to humans by the Dragon God. I think you must know how to play it. 』

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『Ah, it’s this thing.』 The old dragon said happily,『I’ve been playing with this for hundreds of years. Do you think you can win me as a little human?』
Slair was good at chess among humans. Alex didn’t understand chess but understood the importance of age and wisdom. No matter how stupid a dragon was, the years of sedimentation were enough to make him hard to deal with. He looked at Slair worried, but Slair smiled and patted the blue dragon’s claw.
『I’ve only played with humans, and this is my first time going against a dragon,』 He stroked the phile bird’s head,『I will confirm that you agreed to only take my daddy’s… I mean a tooth from the red dragon over there and me as the prize, but you won’t make it hard for us, right?』
『Of course.』 The old dragon said smugly.
『Okay, let’s make it four out of seven.』
Obviously, Slair was no match for the old dragon. He quickly lost the first game; he lasted a little longer in the second game, and in the third game, the old dragon played him around, and when he had enough, he took all of Slair’s chess pieces in one fell swoop.
『You are interesting, tiny human. You are improving, but unfortunately, you can’t beat me in such a short time.』
『But it’s enough for us to catch up.』
Two groups of dragons appeared in the sky.
One group was Slair’s fan club— Slair turned on the camera bug on the phile bird’s head. The longing image transmitted to the world of dragons again, and the forum instantly exploded. When they knew Slair’s predicament and were no longer inside the wild human preservation, this group of dragons came.
The other group was a small team from the dragon clan prison, led by the black dragon Yig. He wore a red armband, handcuffed the old red dragon, and greeted Slair happily『Hey, we meet again! Thank you for the news. This old dragon is a human-hating extremist and has repeatedly attacked other dragon’s pet humans and dragons that raise humans. He had slaughtered the city of wild humans, said he would beat up all baby dragons who love humans and injured a few kids! He should be locked in prison to death, but he escaped a while back. If we didn’t watch your video, we would still search for him on every floating island.』
『YIG!』Rhett shouted,『Weren’t you arrested? How did you join the enforcers?』
『I am not an enforcer,』Yig said,『I am still serving my sentence, but I was allowed to make up for my action by aiding the enforcers to catch the fugitive. Now that we got him, it’s time for my return. I will try to get out soon!』
Slair’s fan clubs watched the other group taking the old dragon backing, feeling very regretful for not being able to beat him up. But the live Slair was here! 「Swish」the dragons gathered around Slair. When Grieve woke up in Alex’s claws, he was shocked to find they were surrounded by dragons. Slair touched their noses in turn until his hands were sore. When Grieve saw this, he hugged Slair back into his arms and waved his hand at the dragons, meaning「Slair won’t be patting you any longer. If you want to be patted, I will do it.」
The dragons stared at Grieve as he stared at them back, and eventually lost to the determined wild human.
『What a day.』 Alex sighed,『Next time, let’s enjoy our vacation within the wild human preservation.』
Rhett nodded and silently packed a space pouch of lava.
——The End——

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