My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 30

For the time being, I searched for Hikami-san, but I couldn’t find her because she went to check the second floor. 

“Hikami-san! I’m gonna go check out the food stall!” 

Yelling loudly enough to be audible on the second floor, I ran outside. I should have taken measures to hand over the oba-san to the cops, but leaving it as it was, it was weighing down on me. For some reason, it was making me shudder, so I made a run for it, calling upon the ‘Formless Sword’ and equipping it. 

By the time I got to the food stall, I was already out of breath. However, I did not need to defend. Because the food stall itself had disappeared without leaving a single trace. Thinking I got the wrong place, I got closer to the area. However, the weird stains on the ground were all that remained. 

Taking a closer look, it looks like a bloodstain no matter how you look at it. At a glance, you can see red color being reflected. But it’s still odd. It was only that one oba-san at the stall. And the ‘Sleep Spray’ is effective for about 3 hours. It was still impossible for her to wake up. But if so, that would mean there’s another person. 

As expected, is this mission about uncovering the truth of this stall along with Hikami-san? 

The oba-san I left sleeping disappeared along with the stall.
Rather than poison, a paralytic drug… Why bother with the risk of such a thing?
And why didn’t she use it the first time I went into the stall alone?
Why did she use it only when I went with Hikami-san?
And where did she disappear to?
What on earth does this bloodstain mean?
Why doesn’t the politician’s house feel like it’s been lived in?
The house and the food stall don’t seem to have anything to do with each other, but both are pretty suspicious. 

Nothing’s adding up. This is way too complicated. I’m confident that if all of these questions are answered, the capture mission related to Hikami-san will also be solved. Besides this, however, the situation is like a labyrinth. 

As I surveyed the surroundings, I could see her approaching as if she was running late. Seems like she heard my voice and followed me. When I was about to say that she didn’t have to go along with me, my phone suddenly started ringing. Consequently, I pulled it out. 


A private number. Who could it be at such a time? I was curious, so I received it for the time being. 


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“Why were you so late? Are you aware of the story of the dead man who was late in answering the phone? ” 

The hell would I know that. Dying just because he was late to answer the phone… It’s too miserable! There’s only one person I know who can spout such an absurd story. I also have that voice well-engraved into me. 

The other party was a woman I gravely wanted to call a Great Demon King of Terror. I wanted to hang up that instant, but it goes without saying that it was physically impossible. 

“What… What business do you have this late at night?” 

I panicked for a moment and ended up fumbling my words. 

“Didn’t I say I was nocturnal?” 

I heard her say in a slightly rough voice. But still, I replied to those words like an idiot. 

“No, but… it’s my time to sleep though …?” 

“But you’re *not* sleeping right now.” 

“Don’t you think I could’ve gotten up thanks to the sound of the phone?” 

“So? Even so, you *have* to get up and answer my call, of course. Do I have to call you at your convenience? Stop spouting such dull things. ” 

Yes, yes. Of course that’s the case. Why does this ojou-sama have to irritate me to the point of calling me? But the fact that I can’t magnificently tell her to stop fooling around also makes me quite pathetic. 

“So, what do you need?” 

“Oji-chan, isn’t your tone a bit too rude considering that I’m going as far as giving you a call?” I do hate dull people, but I hate people who don’t know their place even more.” 

“May I ask you why you called me?” 

As soon as I changed my tone, Kusora spoke in a fairly low voice. 

“That line is…” 

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What the hell does this shitty woman want me to say? I’m trying my best to put up with the boiling feelings of wanting to straight-up curse at her. I’m about to go crazy. 

“I’m in a serious situation right now. I beg you, just tell me only what you want. I’m really busy.” 

“Serious situation? What is it? Is it interesting? 

“No, there’s no way it is. I’m running the risk of dying over here…” 

“Oh? That sounds interesting. Did you forget that I told you I’ve taken an interest in you, Oji-chan? Even though I’ve kept you alive since it seems you could entertain me, if you go enjoy things on your own, I might get angry.” 

This. Crazy. WOMAAAAAAAN! Even though I already died multiple times here, what the hell about this is ‘interesting’! 

“Can I hang up if you don’t need anything? What’s interesting is looking forward to what lies after I escape the crisis of death…” 

“Hang up? Don’t you mean sever the connection to your life?” 

“No, like I said…” 

“Uhehe. That sounds like a voice that’s about to disappear. Anyway, it’s interesting. All right, whatever. If it’s a death crisis, I’ll let it slide this time. Do your best not to die. I don’t want toys that entertain me to break already after all. Understood? Well then, bye-bye.” 

Then, I was one-sidedly hung up on. She’s a woman who plays with people’s lives every opportunity. On top of that, I was completely treated as a toy. Gritting my teeth, I felt the urge to throw my cell phone out into the vast expanse of the galaxy. But since I couldn’t do that, I wanted to at least hit the reject button on my own, but that was even more impossible. If I did, then it feels like she’d really jump at me for the kill. 

During the call, Hikami-san arrived and talked to me as if she was waiting for me to hang up. 

“Who was it?” 

“Oh, let’s just say it was a weird person with some screws loose.” 

“Hmm, is that so. By the way, the food stall seems to have disappeared.” 

“Yes, something is wrong. I get the feeling that she had accomplices with her, but…” 

As she agreed with my words, she indulged in something with a serious expression, but immediately started a clear analysis. 

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“By all means, the murder itself does not seem to be the purpose. In that case, it’s usually a single offender… ” 

Is that so? Certainly, I’ve never seen a psychopathic murderer with an accomplice before. And it’s not just here. That house was also weird. 

“Hikami-san, how did you find out about the house where that politician lives? It didn’t look like a house where he was living with his family after all.” 

“I don’t really know either. I saw him going into that house when I was tailing him last night, so I thought he must be living there.” 

“Is that so. Another strange thing is that… aren’t politicians usually guarded?” 

Yes, indeed they are. That’s why I tried to get rid of the guards first, but to my disappointment, he was alone.” 

Alone in a house with no family nor guards? That too one who isn’t even a regular person? Everything about this was strange. Anyway, nothing’s going to be solved if I just stand here. 

“Let’s go back to that house again. We may need to explore a little more detail. Did you check up to the second floor back then?” 

“No? I just went to the washroom for a while, but since I heard your voice saying you’d be going to the food cart, I followed you here.” 

The mission this time is peculiar. Most of the women whose capture information came out were enemies, but for the first time, I got one to be a friend. For some reason, that really made me excited. But for the time being, I came back to the politician’s house again, indulging myself in some idle chatting with her on the way. The inside of the house was still quiet. I checked all the first floor earlier, so it was the second floor’s turn this time. 

“Mm? Something’s wrong here.” 

As soon as we went upstairs and saw the corpse, Hikami-san tilted her head as if something was odd.” Of course, it didn’t look strange to my eyes. It’s just a corpse that had been decapitated clean. 

“Is something wrong? Something strange, perhaps?” 

“The lying posture is subtly different.” 

Subtly? It’s amazing she noticed that. Hikami-san completely sat down and began to examine every nook and cranny of the corpse… However, all she did was just stare at it, without trying to touch it. Seems like dirty things were of course dirty. 

“Seems like someone fished around his body.” 

“Eh? Really?” 

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I was surprised to hear her say something unexpected so I asked again, but she seemed like she was already convinced of her own analysis with that firm expression on her. 




While thinking where she’d go while calmly analyzing, Hikami-san suddenly turned deep blue and hugged me. What happened to this woman all of a sudden? 

“What, is something wrong?” 

“Mo… A mouse!” 

But when I looked in the direction she pointed towards, I couldn’t find anything like a mouse. If it did, it must have disappeared right then. But I didn’t dare say that the mouse was gone. That was because her perky breasts were gently pressing onto my chest. 

Those breasts were so tender and elastic, like marshmallows, that they alone would be enough to bring one to ecstasy. How can they be so soft? But then, my neurons that were busy thinking about only these things were finally calmed down thanks to the reality of finding the corpse in front of me again. I regained my sanity and finally tried to separate her from myself. 

“The mouse ran away. Everything’s all right now.” 

“I-is that so?” 

After raising her face a bit and surveying the surroundings, little by little, she separated away from me. And, perhaps due to embarrassment, she swiftly turned around and faced her back towards me. Is it even possible for someone to calmly kill someone yet be so afraid of mere mice? Even though she’s so strong, she’s unexpectedly shy. Well, that’s cute too. 

I don’t particularly think that’s a problem, by the way.
Although we were veered off the main issue for a while because of the mouse, when we got a grip again, the fact that the corpse had traces of being moved was a conclusion both of us arrived at. Meaning someone had entered this house. Either when we went to the food cart a while back, or when we went there to sate ourselves after the politician was killed. 

If so, does this mean that the cart murderer and the corpse in this house have some kind of connection? Or did I jump too far into a conclusion?Amidst the ever-growing number of questions, I told her as she looked around wondering if the mouse was still there somewhere. 

“Let’s go down to the first floor for the time being.” 


Perhaps being afraid of encountering the mouse again, she took the lead down the stairs. I also followed down to the first floor. The first floor should have already been examined, but this time I started to turn the whole house over and explore it more carefully. 

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