Chapter 32

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*Previous chapters are on Novelupdates*


I ran quickly without explaining anything, and she was confused but started to follow me anyway.The phone seemed to be ringing off the hook as I was running, but I was in no position to answer it. I didn’t have much time to overturn their expectations. When I arrived at the house, the situation was the same. Without being late, I pushed the bed aside and freed the passage to the basement, then waited for Hikami-san to come. After a while, she appeared, a little sweaty in the face.


“Why are you in such a hurry? What is this…”


Hikami-san looked at me and was about to say something, but when she spotted the stairs leading down to the basement, she fell silent for a moment and looked cautious. I moved my shoulders up and down a little and told her what the basement was.


“It’s an operating room.”


“Operating room?”


I began to explain as if I had already been down to the basement. I’ve seen it before thanks to [Load], so it’s not a false story. Then her expression suddenly darkened. Suddenly, her body began to shake and it didn’t seem like she was shaking due to fear. It must be for some other reason.


“Organ trafficking…”


She seemed to say it in a matter-of-fact tone, but her expression showed otherwise.




“It was an organ trafficking ring like this one that caused the death of my younger brother. The reason was that they needed the eyes of a young child. Those who do such things are unforgivable, no matter the request.”


She gripped her sword tightly, her hands trembling. Was there a reason for this? Did the memory of her dead brother cause her to fantasize about men younger than herself? I wondered if this woman was now seeing me as her own brother. Come to think of it, I think she said something like ‘brother’ when we kissed earlier.

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“Don’t worry. I’ll protect Hasegawa-san no matter what.”


As she said this, she suddenly hugged me. I felt as if she was confusing me with her dead brother. I wondered why it was her brother of all people. And then, as if she was talking with her own brother, she suddenly started to talk naturally. I shunned her for the time being. Then I changed the subject. No, it was also a point that really bothered me.


“So, did you get your revenge on them?”


“No. They just disappeared. Besides, I was inexperienced at the time. I was only a solver in name, and I wasn’t a full-fledged one yet…”


“Maybe this is the same group from before.”


“Yes, I’ve been following them while taking on other requests, but I never thought I’d uncover a lead in this case here.”


“However, the mastermind seems to be the politician you just killed, but depending on your point of view, your revenge has already succeeded, hasn’t it?”


“I wonder if that would happen. I was aware that he was a scum, but I didn’t realize how rotten he was inside. But there’s still an organization left to carry out the job, right? It’s still too early to say I’ ve succeeded in my revenge.”


Really? Is the mission this time to expose the existence of the organ trafficking organization and help Hikami-san get revenge? I began to feel more confident about the conditions of the mission. Under the circumstances, everything fits. If that was the case, I would have to be more proactive in helping her get revenge.


“I think we should pretend to go down to the basement for a moment. I have a feeling they’re hiding and watching us.”


Saying that, I pulled her hand and went down to the basement. But we didn’t go in completely, and stopped in the middle of the staircase. The plan was to give them the impression that we had gone down to the basement, and then go right back up and surprise them.


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“Why are you stopping on the stairs?”


“If they know we’ve gone down to the basement, they might do something. Let’s take them by surprise then.”


“Yeah? Does that mean they are observing us?”


“When I went to the stall a while ago, the lady who was supposed to have knocked me out and the stall itself had disappeared. Seeing that, it would be correct to assume that they have discovered our presence.”


“”That’s true. My brother, oh no, …. That’s why you’re so smart, Hasegawa-san.” (TL note:She called him ‘watashi no otouto’ whichs means my younger brother.)


Brother? Hmm. I think she sees it that way more because of the combined circumstances of the organ trafficking ring beginning to be exposed and the fact that her dead brother and I are the same age. Suddenly, it seemed as if a darker side of her came to the surface. She also started stroking my head as if I was her real brother. I didn’t feel bad, but this was different. She must have felt it too, because she suddenly brought her hand to her mouth. She looked surprised at herself.


“Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t think… I suddenly felt intimate. It’s just that my brother…So I….”


She looks confused.I shook my head.


“I don’t mind you talking to me casually, but please don’t confuse me with your brother.”


“Of course you are! Because you’re different. By the way, why don’t you treat me casually, Hasegawa-san?”


I was going to say that it was the same as her treating me like her younger brother, but I stopped.I don’t want to be seen like a younger brother, but I think it’s better than being ignored. It is not bad to approach it like this and  it was not bad to get along with such a beautiful woman. Because she’s a good woman, I am sure little by little, she could get out of the illusion of her younger brother.This mission does not mean that this will be our last meeting. I am sure we will meet again in future.


There was a game TIP once that said a woman with a high intimate level will be inherited in real life. This is a woman I will never get close to in real life. If that’s the case, I want to let this relationship continue slowly. But even if that’s the case, I need to talk about what I want to talk about.


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“That’s fine. My name is Ryo Hasegawa, not Hikami-san’s brother. I want to make it clear!”


“Oh, I’m sorry…”


She kept following my figure with her eyes even as she said that. I tried to get away from her gaze, and considering the fact that some time had passed, I ran up to the top of the stairs after giving Hikawa-san a glance.


Then I ran into the living room.


But the house was quiet. In order to set off a blaze like the one I had seen earlier, they would have had to prepare for it by spraying gasoline. However, there was no gasoline or even a person in sight.




Something was wrong. I rushed upstairs again. Because I had grabbed her wrist, Hikami-san was naturally pulled along with me. She was staring at me blankly, and I said to her.


“Do you notice anything unusual about this body?”


Before [loading], she had been suspicious of the body as soon as she saw it, saying there was something unusual about it. She said that there were clearly traces of something being scavenged by moving the corpse. This time, however, there was no such change in her expression as she stared at the corpse.


“No? Nothing seems to have changed. It’s still the same as when I cut its head off.”




It’s crazy. A lot of things have changed since before I [loaded]. I’ve never seen anything like this before. How could it be?


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Where did I go wrong? I obviously acted the same way I did before I [loaded]. I ran to the stall, then came back to the house and found the basement. The only thing I did differently was the order in which I went upstairs. Before loading, she found something strange about the corpse on the second floor, then came back to the first floor and found the basement.


Just because of that? No, that’s not it. That doesn’t explain why the people who should have come to light the fire didn’t, and the people who were supposed to be scavenging the corpses did something else. So what? What was I doing differently? Cold sweat kept pouring out of me.


Thinking back on my actions one by one, the last time I ran to the stall, saw that it had disappeared, and that’s when the phone rang. Then I picked up the phone. Wait a minute, could it be the phone?

I was so surprised that I took out my cell phone. Three missed calls. In addition to the incoming calls I hadn’t answered in front of the stall, the phone seemed to have been ringing continuously while I was running, and Kusora had called me a whopping three times.


If there’s one thing that’s changed, it’s this. In this world, I was not answering the phone of Kusora Yurea.


I had a bad feeling, so I ran out of the house.




In front of the gate stood Kukora. Her face was full of anger.


The familiar way of calling me “oji-chan” had changed to “oji-san”. And his tone was not as calm as it should have been.

(Tl note: It went from cute way (Chan) to formal way(San) )


“If I had at least slept well, I might have been inclined to forgive you. But you’re playing around here and you didn’t pick up the phone? I hate people who don’t know what they’re doing.”


This is different. I thought about using the Formless Sword, but I couldn’t find the answer to the game if I left this ridiculous woman so angry. This is already a dead end. There were numerous guards around me.


I sighed and quickly selected [Load].

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