Chapter 7

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Once again, a different message appeared.

[You have leveled up. You can improve your ability points. (10/10)]

Constitution: 55/999 +-
Charm: 12/999 +-

I was right on the mark!

The capture condition was neither to do it nor to go out with them. It was to disclose hidden mysteries. Whether that was about a murder or any kind of hidden corruption. If so, does this mean that capture information will only appear for women with mysteries? Of course, that’s nothing more than a hunch of mine. There can be a variety of capture conditions for different women. I’ll be able to find out once I try capturing others.

Either way, I can increase my ability points now. Honestly, I didn’t even need to ponder about it. Having a Charm of only 12, even approaching a woman is hard work.

This seems important, as long as the capture target is a woman.

[You have leveled up. You can improve your ability points. (0/10)]

Constitution: 55/999 +-
Charm: 22/999 +-

I spent all my points on Charm and exited ‘Status’.

Anyway, I obtained 5,000,000 ¥. However, the items cost so much that even 5,000,000 doesn’t feel like much. Even so, it’s true that I’m happy. In any case, it’s great to know that I’ll receive money after a capture.

Let’s check out how much time is remaining.

[Remaining Time: 8731 hours]
[Elapsed Time: 29 hours]
[Once the time remaining ends and capture isn’t completely cleared, your real body shall pass on.]

I still have time to spare. The capture was achieved, but I still don’t know what it means by complete clearance. I’ve thought about this a little before, but it seems like I need to satisfy a set number of captures, huh.

Not wanting to look at it anymore, I got out of the ‘Remaining Time’, followed by two messages appearing before me.

[TIP: After complete clearance, you may carry over your savings even after you return to reality.]

[Once you have decided on a target, it is impossible to abandon it midway.]

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Looks like not just my life but my money is also at the mercy of this game. However, I don’t think I’d take the bait and start lusting over earning money here. My life’s more important than money. I have no need to stay fixated on cash. That’s why the second TIP appealed more to me than the money one. It meant I wouldn’t be able to turn back once I’ve embarked on a mission.

When I touched it, the message just disappeared. And out came the opening screen. Just like that, I clicked on ‘Status’.

Hasegawa Ryou
Age: 25 years
Occupation: NEET
Level: 2
Constitution: 55
Charm: 22
Savings: 7,258,930 ¥
EXP: 35/204

My eyes stopped at my savings of 7,258,930 ¥. Compared to the initial amount, it had increased quite a bit.

Since I had leveled up, I brought my finger towards ‘Item Shop’ with expectations of new items.

[LV 2 Scouter: 150,000 ¥]
[Sleep Spray: 250,000 ¥]
[Master Key: 600,000 ¥]
[Camera: 100,000 ¥]
[Morph Potion: 1,000,000 ¥]
[Telescope: 700,000 ¥]
[Stopwatch: 30,000,000 ¥]
[Imported Car: 50,000,000 ¥]
[Domestic Car: 8,000,000 ¥]

The newly added items were ‘Morph Potion’, ‘Telescope’ and ‘Stopwatch’. Plus the Scouter became level LV 2, increasing its price by 50,000 ¥.

Besides the indispensable Scouter, I could only sigh at the amount the rest of them cost. I’d really like to see what use the ‘Domestic Car’ and ‘Imported Car’ have but right now, it’s impossible. ‘Domestic Car’ alone costs 8,000,000 ¥. I can’t buy it.

Furthermore, ‘Stopwatch’ costs 30,000,000 ¥… There should be a limit to how high one can go! Casting aside my untainted curiosity, I concentrated on the ‘Morph Potion’ and ‘Telescope’ which I could afford.

Both of them totalled to 1,700,000 ¥. Gotta buy them. You gotta buy what you gotta buy. Wouldn’t it be pointless if I end up dying because I was stingy with money?

Thus, my final shopping list was three items: ‘LV 2 Scouter’, ‘Morph Potion’ and ‘Telescope’.

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[Purchase LV 2 Scouter for 150,000 ¥?]

Of course, a click.

[Purchase Morph Potion for 1,000,000 ¥?]

A little high, but you get a click as well.

[Purchase Telescope for 700,000 ¥?]

Yes, yes, you get a click too.

This way, I ended my shopping. Now comes the utility investigation time. They can’t possibly be duds can they? My heart palpitating, I read through my ‘Owned Items’.

[Owned Items]
[LV 1 Scouter]
[LV 2 Scouter]
[Master Key]
[Sleep Spray]
[Morph Potion]

I clicked on each item sequentially, checking their details.

[LV 2 Scouter]
[Once equipped, will reveal the necessary capture information of the targeted woman being gazed upon.]

The explanation didn’t really change compared to Scouter LV 1.

[Morph Potion][One drop]
[A drug that will morph you into whoever you want to look like.]
[You will only appear different to the capture target.]
[You will look like your original form in other people’s eyes.]


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[X-Ray telescope. However, it is impossible to see through thick barriers like walls.]
[Can be activated by blinking.]

I can’t think of a way to use these right away. Moreover, I don’t like the restriction that I can’t see through walls. But since they aren’t duds, I’ll figure something out as long as I keep them.

I wanted to exit the ‘Game Window’, but then I thought of checking the remaining uses for ‘Master Key’. I haven’t really used it much so I shouldn’t need to buy it again, but just to be sure, I should check it. I wanted to check just how the usage was calculated now that I had leveled up.

[Master Key]
[Has the ability to open absolutely any kind of door.]
[Can be used by touching the window after standing in front of the desired door.]
[Remaining Uses: 4 times]
[Item enhancement is possible since you have leveled up.]

The remaining uses were indeed 4. I’m quite disappointed. However, the additional message entered my eyes. Enhancement, you say? Curiosity made me click on the message, followed by another message appearing above it.

[Enhance this item? Enhancement Cost: 100,000 ¥]

The cost seemed reasonable. Then let’s try it out.

[Enhancement complete.]

Not even a second passed and a completion message popped up.

Curious about what part of it was enhanced, I called upon the details for ‘Master Key’.

[Master Key][Enhanced 1]
[Has the ability to open absolutely any kind of door.]
[Can be used by touching the window after standing in front of the desired door.]
[Usage Limit: 7 times]
-Repurchasing will not change this limit.
-Limit restoration is possible if repurchased after level up.

And I saw the usage limit had gone up. Since the very first time I bought it in Level 1, the limit was 6 times. Does this mean that the limit had increased to 7 after enhancement? Does this mean that even after I had used it twice in Level 1, it had now been restored as a service? Haha!

If that’s so, then it’s also possible that other items can be enhanced too! Since it said that enhancement was possible after leveling up, thinking that I could also enhance all the other items I bought back in Level 1, I checked the details for ‘Sleep Spray’ and ‘Camera’ too.

[Sleep Spray]
[Just as the name implies, a sleep spray. Boasts incredible performance.]

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[After touching the item window, simply staring at the target is sufficient.]
[Effect Duration: 1 hour]
[Range: 1 meters][1]
[Item enhancement is possible since you have leveled up.]

[X-Ray Camera. Able to take pictures of anything.]
[To use, placing the desired frame is your field of vision, and then blinking is sufficient.]
[Usage Limit: 1 times]

I don’t know if  the ‘Camera’ inherently cannot be enhanced, or if the feature will be unlocked once I’ve leveled up a bit more. Anyway, it was impossible to enhance it in current circumstances. However, it was possible to enhance ‘Sleep Spray’. Without any hesitation, I clicked on the message.

[Enhance Sleep Spray? Enhancement Cost: 100,000 ¥]

The enhancement cost seemed to be decided at 100,000 ¥. I’m unsure if that’s cheap or expensive. Anyways, I had the money to spare, so I clicked on the message, firmly.

[Enhancement complete.]

The same message as ‘Master Key’ appeared, and I immediately verified the details for it.

[Sleep Spray][Enhanced 1]
[Just as the name implies, a sleep spray. Boasts incredible performance.]
[After touching the item window, simply staring at the target is sufficient.]
[Effect Duration: 2 hours]
[Range: 2 meters]
+Enhanced Effect Duration: 1 hour -> 2 hours
+Enhanced Range: 1 meter -> 2 meters

Looking at it like this, the result was even more satisfactory than ‘Master Key’. The effect duration wasn’t anything special, but I really liked that fact that the range expanded. This also means that it’s safe to assume the range will further increase in the future. If so, then my self-defense has also become more durable. At 1 meters, it’s pretty much a distance where I can’t use it unless they’re right up on my face. I was honestly really worried about the distance when I faced off against the kitchen knife-equipped Sakurai pouncing at me. If it expands to about 5 meters, it’d be a distance I’d be able to use at ease. That’s why it’s still a long way to go.

For the time being, I’ve bought new items and also attained great weapons after enhancement. It’s about time I look for a new capture target. After all, time continued to flow even as I was busy with all of this.

Translator: AngryMidget

TL Note: I googled about the capitalization of currencies, and my ocd wasn’t letting me write “100,000 yen” after coming this far. So, hah! You’ll be seeing ¥ from now on!

[1]Raws actually said 2 meters here, but I bet it’s just the author’s typo. He was prolly thinking about the upgrade in the background. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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