Chapter 107 “Royal Capital!”

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Attack the Central Continent?

Chu Yun’s eyes beamed with murder.

He knows the so-called Central Continent was mainly comprised of the lands of the former Dahan Dynasty before the merger.

As to why he didn’t head straight over there, it had to do with his daughter Duo Duo and Dairen of course. On top of that, there’s also the insurance he placed with his wife, Song, so he’s not worried.

It’s the main reason the Dahan Dynasty could evolve into an entire continent of its own while the remaining Blue Star got conquered by their new rulers.

However, the people of the other worlds would obviously not allow this situation to continue. So now, even the royal families of the four other continents are joining forces to suppress this eyesore!

Fortunately…… He’s back!

When the three old men saw that Chu Yun did not speak, they thought that he was scared silly and grew cockier.

One of the old men sneered, “Chu Yun, before the consort threw you an olive branch. Since you didn’t catch it then you can only blame yourself. Get on your knees this instant, and perhaps His Highness the Third Prince will grant you leniency and spare your life!”

They want to see the desperate expression from Chu Yun, but instead of getting that, it’s another face of indifference accompanied by a flash of red. Next thing they knew, the three of them were each strapped to a cross with raging flames burning around themselves.

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“What’s going on? What is this place?!”


The three of them cried out miserably because the flames burned not only their flesh, but also their souls to cause endless pain that would never recede even in death.

“Why, how did this happen? You-You… what exactly are you?” Old Yun’s face became twisted as he screamed in disbelief.

No matter how stupid he was, he now understood Chu Yun was someone he couldn’t afford to mess with.

Just one look, that’s all it took to doom them!

Meanwhile, only a split second had transpired in the outside world where the three seniors went stiff and fell over.

“They… they’re dead?!”

Shen Qingxia’s eyes widened in shock, her face full of horror as that body involuntarily shivered.

She didn’t know what was happening at all, only that the three seniors were still shouting one moment, and the next they went silent and fell over dead.

All the while Chu Yun didn’t move at all.

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Can eyes kill people too?!

Shen Qingxia’s scalp was tingling, and she didn’t dare to think about it at all.

Unbeknownst to the Prime Mistress, Chu Yun had pulled the three of them into the spiritual world where time passed at a different. While only a second elapsed in the real world, a total of seventy-four days had transpired for the three seniors. Through this time, Chu Yun managed to extort all he wanted from their mouths.

After the great changes in the world, the anomalies of the Central Continent have, without question, attracted the attention of everyone. For example, the Blue Star was known to be weak and without cultivators, yet there’s a barrier protecting that squat of land. Then there’s also Iron Man, and some strange creatures acting as guardian beasts. Mixing all that with the legend of Chu Yun the savior, wild speculations are bound to arise.

To call the Central Continent a sacred land of the Blue Star was no understatement. The land of the dragons.

However, the truth was all of this could only be possible thanks to Chu Yun. It’s because of his existence that Dahan survived and was protected. Simply said, weakness limited their imagination….

This time, not only the Western Continent but the Northern, Eastern, and Southern Continent were all set to move against the Central Continent.

In addition, the fingerprints of the ruling Emperor had been found all over the place, pushing for the inquisition in secret. Also, rumor has it the young prince of the emperor intends to make Song and her friends into his personal concubines.

“Beauty brings disaster, the ancient saying doesn’t deceive. However, the disaster isn’t on me, but those who dare to have ideas about my woman. In that case, they can die for it!”

Chu Yun originally did not want to set off a bloody storm, but he’s underestimated the means by which the people of the other worlds would trample on the Blue Star. Since they took the initiative, it’s only right that they become nutrients for his recovery.

If I suck these royal families and the Celestial Emperor controlling them in secret, would it be enough to let me confront the space god?

Shen Qingxia didn’t know what Chu Yun was thinking but she didn’t need to, the killing intent oozing out of the man’s figure was enough to make her heart tremble. “Sir Chu Yun, what are you going to do?”

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“I will have to bother you to look after Duo Duo and Dairan for a while longer Prime Mistress. I will go out for a bit and return soon.”

That was enough to let the woman vaguely guess. Gulping: “Sir Chu Yun, you can rest assured my Snow Pavilion will do our best to look after them.”

Chu Yun nodded, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

Northern Continent’s Capital.

The city here was home to numerous large clans, each worthy of controlling a fiefdom in their own rights. As for the royal family, it’s currently led by a Celestial Monarch, stronger than a Celestial King but weaker than a Celestial Emperor.

Naturally, such an incredible stirring pot of power struggle would warrant some heavy restrictions. Like commoners not being allowed to block a nobles path, or the most well-known law of a no-fly-zone in the capital. However, just today, above the city’s most sacred palace, a figure appeared above in the sky and overlooked the royal family with contemptible eyes.

This was a brazen insult, a sin worthy of death!

Countless people stared up in awe and shock at the person, thinking it’s a dream or illusion.

“Who is he? Doesn’t he know there’s a no-fly zone above the city, especially the royal palace?”

“Crazy, the Northern Royal Family will never let him go for this!”

“Such a strong killing intent, is this person coming to get revenge for someone or something? It’s going to get messy if he is.”

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“He is so young, what can he do?”

“Huh? Why does this person give me a familiar feeling?”


The crowds of onlookers were quickly closing in at the tens of thousands. It’s unheard of for anyone to do something like this.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd’s exclaimed with their eyes shrinking: “He, he is Chu Yun!!!”

Because of the shock, his voice was shrill and hoarse. Nevertheless, it was more than enough to make waves in the crowd.

“Chu Yun? Is that Chu Yun of the Blue Star?! He’s back?!”

“A Blue Star man actually dared to step on the head of the royal family, he must want to die!”

“I remember he is considered a myth of the Blue Star. I didn’t expect him to be this crazy though.”

“A mere world of mortals, how great can this Chu Yun possibly be from such a place? I bet he can’t even survive three hits from our folks.”

“He’s already a dead man.”

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