Chapter 109 “One Shot Kill A Prince!”

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Inside the palace, such a big event naturally attracted the attention of the royal members inside the various halls.

Of the which, the Third Prince had to be the most annoyed.

“Third Prince, it’s not good!”

A royal guard hurried forward with fear apparent on his face. “Someone has assaulted the royal court, and no one can stop him!”

Frowning in disbelief, “Who is it to have such boldness?”


The guard carefully glanced at Lin Yue’er to the side and whispered, “It’s Chu Yun!”

Chu Yun?

Suddenly, the faces in the room gave weird looks to the consort because they all knew Lin Yue’er was the guy’s ex from the Blue Star.

“It’s him….” the Third Prince’s eyes narrowed into a snakish manner.

He quickly guessed the reason why Chu Yun had come.

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Unlike the others who didn’t know better, he had sent Old Yue to apprehend Chu Yun. This attack must be a retaliation for that.

Sneeringly, “I didn’t expect Old Yue and his companions to fail at the hands of that guy. Yue’er, it seems you and Old Yue underestimated his strength the last time you met.”

Lin Yue’er’s eyes were showing complicated emotions for the words of her ex continued to echo in those ears. Turns out Chu Yun’s not being arrogant and that he did have the power to kill Old Yue.

Regardless though, the consort wouldn’t believe a single man could subvert the entire royal house.

The Third Prince waved his hand disapprovingly, “If the royal guards can’t stop him then send those ‘guests’ I recruited to deal with him. It’s a good way to show my ability before my father the king.”

The subordinate gave a strange look and hesitated to reply: “Your Highness, all of the ‘guests’ you brought have all been… killed.”

“What?!” The Third Prince thought he had misheard and yelled.

The guard continued, “Not only yours, but the ‘guests’ from the other princes are also dead. This includes General Tiger and Grey Bear, all of whom were killed by the intruder.”

“Impossible! There wasn’t any noise outside, how did they all die?” The Third Prince shook his head continuously due to the shock.

The ones he recruited are all powerful enough to open their own sect or become dukes. He could accept their demise, but how could they all die without any noise? It just doesn’t make sense!

They were all killed in a second, of course there was no noise of their fighting…. The guard said inwardly and didn’t dare to say it aloud.

Leading his entourage outside, the Third Prince immediately became grim and gloomy over the floating figure above their heads. It’s equivalent to stepping on the royal family’s dignity!

In addition to him, the other royal clan members also came out one after another, looking at Chu Yun with traces of fierceness in their eyes.

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“All soldiers obey, slay this intruder this instant!”

The Crown Prince roared loudly, presiding over the overall situation by issuing out the order in loud crisp words.

However, as soon as his voice fell down, Chu Yun glanced at him.


Without a chance to react, the Crown Prince’s figure vaporized into a mist of blood, dissipating between heaven and earth in the next.


Everyone gasped in unison as their limbs went cold.

No one knew how Chu Yun had struck, only that the Grand Prince had exploded.

At this moment, no one dared to say a word more, for fear that the next explosion would be themselves.

“How could it be, how could he be so strong?!”

The Third Princes’ body started to tremble uncontrollably due to fear. As a member of the royal family, it’s expected that the princes would scheme against one another for the throne. But this, it’s beyond scheming and competition, this was butchering.

Lin Yue’er, on the other hand, was feeling immense regret in her heart. How could she not? Before, she felt complacent and proud to be able to get into a prince’s bed, but now it turns out her ex was even more competent than her new guy!

But then upon further thinking, her inner turmoil subsided….

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The Third Prince has the entire royal family as his backing. What does Chu Yun have?

No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than the royal family?

Lin Yue’er didn’t believe it, nor could she accept it.


Suddenly, heaven and earth fell into a swirl with Chu Yun as its center!

Before anyone knew it, two individuals had inexplicably appeared opposite of the intruder, the first being a middle-aged man donning a golden robe of a dragon, the second an old senior with a goat’s beard.

At the same time, teams of people and horses poured in from all directions, fully armed and fully ready to fight.


In a blink of an eye, the entire palace was surrounded by these tremors on foot, followed closely by a thousand cultivators swooping up into the air at eye-level with Chu Yun. They’re fully locked and ready to attack in case the guy does anything.

“He’s here, the king came in person!”

“His Majesty and State Teacher are both Celestial Monarchs, they shouldn’t be any weaker than Chu Yun!”

“The Forbidden Guards are also activated! The entire army is here!”

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“It’s the Dragon Guards! All twelve hundred Dragon Guards are out here!”

“This is insane! Chu Yun actually had the Northern Capital mobilize entirely for him. They say its only ever happened when the country is at the brink of collapse!”

“Chu Yun should be done for this time, right?”


The hearts of the onlookers were beating wildly for they never thought a single man could rouse such a big commotion. It’s something most would never get to see in their lifetime.

“So what if he’s strong. Daring to come make trouble at the capital is still going to get him killed.”

Seeing that Chu Yun had been surrounded and himself safe, the Third Prince became relieved and got the courage to utter some harsh words.

Merely a Blue Star insect, how dare he get more attention than a prince like myself?

No matter though. Now that Father himself is here to deal with him, the guy is as good as dead.

Speaking of which, I really want to thank him for getting rid of my older brother the Crown prince. The biggest hurdle to the throne is now gone for me!

However, the king did not directly attack and instead spoke in a calm relaxed voice: “Chu Yun, your strength is not weak. As long as you are willing to surrender with the Central Continent, I can assure you that our realm will shield your people from the other three realms. I will also guarantee your life!”

This sentence made everyone’s go wild inside.

As expected, the royal families aren’t truly in line together. They may preach about working together to subjugate the Central Continent, but each of them only wants it for themselves. Not to mention there are secrets to be had in that plot of land. If the Northern Continent could take it all for themselves then why not? A total win!

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