Chapter 112 “He’s Back!”

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Meanwhile the world outside continued to spin with major events, Song was staring out the window from her room in a dazed fashion.

She’s been feeling distraught as of late.

In the past few months, the world has changed so much with no news yet of her husband’s return. No matter how strong willed her personality was, any woman would begin to doubt and lose their sense of direction.

Next to her, a kitten gently jumped up and fell into her lap, seemingly to comfort the singer with the cuddles.

Spirit and the other girls were also present in the rear. They’ve been equally worried about their dear friend’s mental health as of late because anyone could see its deteriorating at a fast pace.

That’s when it happened.


The kitten suddenly let out a sharp growl with its hair puffed up in an aggressive stance. It’s glaring out the window at whatever horror that’s about to come.

The reaction surprised everyone.

Long Jiu, the competent female agent, responded the quickest and sent out a warning to the outside: “Everyone, high alert!”

Everyone knows that this cat was in fact a supernatural creature with a strong sense of awareness.

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Seconds later.

The surrounding areas of the entire community were on red alert, with the entire country quickly being informed of the impending crisis.

Like this, in this tense atmosphere, everyone suddenly felt that suffocating pressure that came out of nowhere.

It’s like the air in the sky were being squeezed out of existence little by little, causing the mind and body to feel stiff and heavy.

“Sky… up in the sky!” Someone cried out with a trembling voice after staring upwards.

Looking up as indicated, they could all see the colossal hand slowly pressing downwards like it’s about to destroy the whole world!

And as it so happens, the villa was at the epicenter of this crisis.

“Look, what the hell is in the sky?!”

“It’s definitely the cultivators from the other four continents. What kind of power is this?!”

“Half the city is covered by this hand! How can a human being this powerful?!”

“Why hasn’t Chu Yun return yet? How are we supposed to fend off something like this?!”

“Don’t panic! Everyone join hands and fight, we will make it through somehow!”

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“It’s over, I don’t want to die…”


The whole city flew into chaos with many of the weak minded having a mental breakdown in front of this crisis.

Of course, not everyone was so weak with a lot of men and women firing off whatever ability or weapon they had on hand at the crushing hand coming down on their heads. Unfortunately, these struggles were futile with little to no effect.

“Boom Boom Boom!”

It’s then when things were at its direst, hundreds of figures suddenly soared into the sky from various locations, all of whom were at the Celestial Ranked or higher. They’re mustering their powers together to repel this giant hand with their own spells.

However, before their powers could converge into a single beam to blow a hole through this thing, the hand’s momentum suddenly surged and blew them all away like ants.

“Meow Meow Meow!”

With a cat cry after the human’s failure, the five kittens in the gated community came out together, followed next by the various youkais and monsters of lore hidden in the environment. Immediately, they soared together into the sky and created a unified front superior to the humans.

They are all Celestial Monarchs!

Chu Yun didn’t forsake us! He left behind even more trump cards to defend us! Thank goodness!

Just about anyone who could look upwards felt this incredible aura of these supernatural creatures, causing their eyes to twitch wildly from excitement and hope.

If compared to the four royal houses, this muster of Celestial Monarchs, and at this number, would make the Central Continent superior to the other four.

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It’s just that……

Could this power defend against that colossal hand?

Due to the direness of this situation, even the five elders had come out of the conference room to confront the danger.

“Open fire, shred that hand to pieces!!!” Li Tianlong roared from the side, clenching his fists until the nails were piecing into his flesh.

“Boom Boom Boom!”

Specially made bullets and missiles were going off like fireworks at the word, causing devastating damage to the air itself. Sadly, it had little to no effect on the hand itself though.

Finally, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, those special supernatural creatures collided with the giant hand.


The terrifying force exploded in the most ear deafening shockwave, rippling the very space of reality itself until cracks were formed.

Moments later.

The defenders came crashing back down like the previous force.


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This scene left countless people stunned and despairing.

“Celestial Emperor, it’s actually a Celestial Emperor attacking!”

“The heavens doesn’t want Dahan to live!”

Numerous people couldn’t understand why.

They naturally knew that there are existences capable of changing terrains and molding it to their will, but why would someone that symbolizes the highest combat strength in this world come in person?

“It’s okay everyone, we’ve tried our best. There’s nothing to regret….” The Grand Elder spoke with a serene expression in the face of certain death

Inside the gated community.

Song ran out of the room and held the kitties that had crashed to the ground in her arms. In the face of death, she only sighed inwardly: “So this is it, I couldn’t wait for your return in the end.”

Spirit and friends were also present beside the singer. Despite the pale complexion they had, none showed fear in their eyes.


The very reality seems to be compressed as the hand drew closer and closer, squeezing the life out of those beneath. Many were unwilling to accept this fate, but as they made their last stand in front of this end, a figure they least expected suddenly appeared in their sight.

As if teleporting, this man materialized out of thin air at the center of the hand. With a gentle whisk, the giant hand instantly collapsed apart and drifted backwards into outer space.

Just like in those old fairy tale movies, once the evil was repelled, the sun shines down on this peaceful world. It’s warm and bright, full of life and happiness.

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