Chapter 115 “New Arrivals!”

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Three days, a time that’s not short or long.

However, these three days were more than enough to have triggered the entire five continents into an uproar.

Unlike in the past, many ancestral-level entities emerged in significant strides. Whether it be the powerful sects, royal families, or even the Emperor Clans, all of them could feel the landslide tsunami brewing underneath.

“I heard that in the Land of the West Sea, Heavenly Hand Ling Lang has been sighted. He’s heading northwest to where the Dragon Emperor Clan is located!”

“Not only Ling Lang, someone heard the roar of a dragon in the Hengduan Mountains. They say the ancestral dragon of the Dragon Emperor Clan is awakening and causing the whole mountain range to shake!”

“The Dragon Emperor Clan is secretly inviting all of the strong ones to their side. They are clearly set on fighting Chu Yun to the end.”

“That’s obvious you idiot. Chu Yun killed the Dragon Son and two emperor class guardians. There’s no way they would let things slide.”

“What of the Dragon Emperor Clan? Chu Yun challenged the four continents at once. He’s going to suffer for his audacity!”

“That’s right, even the descendants of the Ancient Desolate Race are coming out. They say if Chu Yun doesn’t retract his words, they would personally come over to suppress him!”

“Nothing but a Blue Star insect’s ignorant proclamation. If I had the strength, I wouldn’t put up with it either!”

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“It’s no longer just the Dragon Emperor Clan’s business but a battle of dignity for all the other powers!”

“Chu Yun is too arrogant, and the people of the Blue Stars just don’t know when to quit. They will soon understand how high the sky is.”


Three days transpired in a fleeting moment.

On this day, the sky was gray as if to signal the ending of an era.

Chu Yun, as usual, sat in the middle of the gated community with his eyes closed for rest. He’s calm and collected without a hint of panic.

This was his plan, to solve the problem all at once. If the powers from across the world gather together, he could simply clean them out all at once. What’s more, if he made a huge commotion with his movements, it would undoubtedly attract Space God Nightmare’s attention. As of right now, he’s still not fully healed yet so he still needs a little bit of time.

This undoubtedly surprised those who came to witness the grand finale. They expected the guy to be tense and nervous, yet it’s the total opposite. For a while, discussions of doubt and speculation ran rampant.

But soon, their attention got drawn toward the brilliant light in the distance.

It’s a vast silvery-white ark boat slowly approaching from the horizon. To the audience watching this from afar, it’s similar to a second sun due to the immense radiance it gives off. A true vehicle of those at the peak of this world.

As the ark approached, everyone could see two golden inscriptions engraved on the side— God’s Landing!

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“Hiss—it’s the Divine Lin Sect of the Southern Continent. I never thought they would be the first to arrive!”

“This is one of the sacred and holy grounds of this world. No wonder they can afford to drive such a beast here!”

“Their ancestral founder is known as a madman of his generation. He used dragon bones and other divine beasts to create that flying arc. The power the arc ship can produce is equal to a Celestial Emperor!”

“The holy land never came out for ten thousand years, and now they’re coming out for Chu Yun!”


The crowd was in an uproar, staring expectantly at the ark, only to find that it had only stopped silently in the air without further movement. This left them a little disappointed.

In a few moments, a matchless aura suddenly descended, followed closely by the figures of three surreal and divine entities that radiated the light of the divine. To the uninitiated, they’re truly gods because they materialized out of thin air. No one could tell how they arrived at the site.

The well-informed exclaims, “The three Wise Man of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion?!”

Another holy ground!

The crowd only felt a layer of goosebumps all over their bodies, and they could not begin to describe their mood at the second group’s arrival.

“The Wise Man of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion sits on equal footing to the Divine Lin Sect, why are they both here?”

“Chu Yun provoked the four continents, it’s obviously because of that guy!”

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“Loos, Chu Yun is still acting so carefree against this lineup. His state of mind is truly remarkable.”

“More like he’s scared silly.”


After the three Wise Man of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion arrived, they did not pay any heed to Chu Yun and instead turned their attention to the flying arc boat. This raised a lot of questions in the audience’s heads.

Inside the arc.

A middle-aged man dressed in a luxurious robe was pouring himself a drink at the table when he spoke in a teasing voice: “Isn’t the Heavenly Dao Pavilion always boasting that it can see through heaven’s will? Why are you guys interested in this matter?”

One of the three Wise Man replies calmly, “Didn’t Lord Liu Zonggui also personally come to the scene? Do I need to say more on the reasons?”

Another one adds, “Chu Yun is a person who holds a great secret related to the heavens. Only by handing him over to us will the truth be revealed. I hope you won’t interfere!”

The Divine Lin Sect Leader laughed coldly, “Hahaha, do you Heavenly Dao Pavilion treat everyone as fools? The sudden fusion of the five worlds is still a mystery, do you expect my side just to leave this matter alone when the key is clearly this Chu Yun? Don’t get delusional because the Heavenly Dao Pavilion will never be able to stomach the outcome.”

The last Wise Man rebukes, “Lord Liu, seeking enlightenment from the heavens is our specialty. I can assure you whatever we gain will be shared with you.”

“Hmm, are you treating me as a child? It is useless to talk about this matter so let’s rely on everyone’s ability to do the talking!”

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All three Wise Man frowned at that. Nevertheless, they had enough sense not to argue the matter because they promptly picked up another energy signature.

Subsequently, an authoritative voice resounded through the sky, “Chu Yun belongs to my Traceless Palace. You lot are free to divide up the Central Continent, but he’s mine!”

Subsequently, the crowd saw a golden palace flying over from a distance. It’s more dazzling than the flying arc and equally as divine. The difference though was that the structure oozed the dominance of a ruler that had spilled enough blood to paint it red!

Countless people shivered at the new arrival, for it’s the third and final holy ground!

In light of the new powerhouse, none of the other forces waiting on the side wanted to leave. They’re all of the opinions that Chu Yun’s a thing in their pocket.


“Chu Yun killed my clan’s Dragon Son, destroyed my guardians. This vendetta will not end until he dies!!!”

The dragon’s roar was so mighty that it caused numerous cracks along the ground with the water churning into tidal waves.

Immediately, everyone turned to face the source of this voice where they saw the massive dragon leading the pack.

As expected, the ancestral dragon is here!

Translator Note: new book Deep Sea Embers now up patreon users. The first chapter is done and will begin public release on Friday

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