Chapter 12 “This is my Papa Chu”

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Don’t need money?!

Everyone thought they had heard it wrong and skipped breathing for a second.

Guo Mingda and the others were even more shocked as their faces flushed red from excitement.

Don’t want money, is it to donate?


As expected of Mrs. Song, her kindness is at a new level!

However, Song’s following words directly shattered their dreams.

“I just want my husband!”


Everyone became stunned.

Next came Song’s solemn and stern announcement: “Whoever can find my husband, whether it be the wine or art pieces here, I will give it all to them!”

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This was no less than a volcanic eruption as soon as this announcement came out. It directly poked a hole in the sky!

Meanwhile on the side, the three other girls literally facepalmed their heads over their friend’s decision.

As expected, Song is going to lose her head if she doesn’t get her husband back.


“I never thought the day would come where wealth is so close to my hands!”

“I never thought the day would come where I would be so eager to see Thief Chu Yun!”

“Upstairs, please keep your mouth clean, do not insult my father!”

“I never made this public, but Chu Yun is in fact my long-lost biological father. Please tell him to come see his precious son as soon as possible.”

“Dad, where are you, your son here wishes to see you!”


In an instant, Chu Yun’s name changed from Thief Chu Yun to Papa Chu.

Unlike most viewers who merely moved their lips and keyboards strokes, the big cultural bosses on the other hand had already made their move in reality.

The exhibition halls in various provinces and cities began to directly contact their local officials and government bodies, demanding they unite to locate Chu Yun at all costs.

Of course, Old Wang and the other bosses locked outside Song’s home also made their move by mobilizing their employees and contacts. These businessmen are wise and savvy people. Now instead of tossing out hundreds of millions from their own pocket, they could have it all for nothing. There’s no way they wouldn’t grasp onto this opportunity!

As for the business sector who specialized in finances, that industry had gone loonies as well. Some CEOs immediately called for a companywide meeting to discuss their options in case of forceful takeovers and advances against their competitors. Regardless of their precautions, they only know one thing: a birth of a new business tycoon would soon be upon them.

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Then finally came the underworld. Street thugs, mafia bosses, yakuza ring leaders, things are moving in rapid strides as the knives and guns are unlocked. They all want a piece of the pie and it doesn’t matter to these crooks what it took to achieve it. They all know, once they get their hands on the man named Chu Yun, wealth and power are theirs to control!


National Security Bureau.

Li Tianlong’s head was ringing with a buzz due to how much pressure had built up in his veins.

He didn’t expect this announcement to come out from the lady’s mouth, nor did he expect an investigation to turn into a national crisis!

“What has she done? The entire country, no, the entire world will be up in arms for this treasure trove!” The security director gasps heavily due to the direness of what’s fallen on his lap.

That’s a multi-billion-dollar temptation!

Let’s not mention others of nefarious backgrounds, even he as the security directory was tempted to resign and go find Chu Yun right now….

It’s then someone gulped nervously and said what everyone in the conference room was thinking: “Director, are we going to look for the guy as well?”

“Look, of course we’re going to look! Don’t forget, finding Chu Yun is our mission to begin with!” Li Tianlong did not hesitate to make a stance, “Xiaolong, immediately contact the local management offices of all the provinces. Have them allocate more manpower to our department. I don’t care how they do it, but we will find the guy first! There will be a bonus for everyone involved!”

“Okay.” Xiaolong immediately took the order and ran out with a happy grin.

“Director, I think Song’s behavior has another meaning.” The short-haired and capable female assistant says.

“Go ahead, I’m listening.”

“In addition to allowing more people to find Chu Yun, the most important thing is to protect Chu Yun’s safety! If he really was kidnapped or trapped somewhere, the other party in control of him would surely keep him safe at all costs for the reward!”

The short-haired and capable woman’s eyes could not help but show a trace of appreciation and admiration towards the singer’s forethought.

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Being able to throw out so much money for her husband’s well-being was not someone could do so casually. At the very least, she herself couldn’t without batting an eyelash.


Chu Yun’s home.

“Miss Song, you’ve placed a lot of pressure on us from the National Security Bureau.” Chief Fang Guofeng makes a bittersweet smile at the lady.

Song quickly apologized by lowering her head into a bow, “I’m sorry Chief Fang, I only want to find my husband as soon as possible. May I know if your team found anything yet?”

Fang Guofeng shook his head.

He searched every part of the villa but found nothing unusual, much less a secret handle or lock.

Song bit her lip and couldn’t hide the hint of disappointment flickering in her eyes.

“However, we haven’t searched this study yet so don’t be so sad. Since your husband uses this room a lot, we might be able to find a clue since it has the highest probability of him keeping something here.”

Fang Guofeng’s words immediately rekindled Song’s hope.

“I’m sorry to trouble everyone, but please go out for now while these detectives examine the room.” The singer turned to the experts still working around the room.

“This…” Guo Mingda and the others were all frozen on the spot, their eyes longing to stay with these precious art pieces.

Not missing the reluctant faces of these experts, Song’s voice softens to compensate for their time: “You can all take these artworks out to the living room and continue.”

“Thank you so much Miss Song!” Guo Mingda and the others were overjoyed and immediately thanked her.

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Meanwhile in the chatroom of the livestream, a heated discussion ensues at the picture.

“These are what you call real experts! They can bow their heads for research!”

“Mrs. Song too, now that’s what you call high class!”

“My Daddy Chu is a real legend. May I ask if any of you’ve seen my Daddy Chu?”

“No wonder the queen invited Fang Guofeng over, it turns out he was looking for my Papa Chu from the beginning.”

“Do you think Daddy Chu hid because he was exposed?”

“Why would he hide? He did not break the law so at most they would check his ID. Besides, as long as he donates all these things, the treatment he will get would be amazing… only a fool would hide!”

“What else are they looking for? Could it be that my Papa Chu left something behind?”

“It should be gone by now if there was. I say, the detectives sure are free, they’re still looking for a hidden door or closet.”

“I agree with upstairs, what else can Papa Chu possibly leave behind? It can’t be more art pieces, right?”


“Dunt Dunt Dunt!” A distinctly hollow knocking sound interrupted the heated discussion then and made everyone freeze. The viewers thought they had misheard it or having a hallucination for a while.

Song on the other hand had covered her mouth in surprise and delight. As to the three friends, they too were gobsmacked at the luck and gawking their open mouths in a sluggish manner of not comprehending.

Brother-in-law, how many surprises have you hidden?!

Fang Guofeng who tapped the bookcase with his fingers then also appeared stunned. He didn’t expect to actually to find a hidden compartment with that knock!

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