Chapter 25 “Number One Girl Wooing Weapon”

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Fang Guofeng became amazed by the flower corridor like everyone else that’s present

If the gold house was the ultimate shock brought on by wealth, then this sea of flowers was the ultimate visual shock.

But, as a detective, he knows that he shouldn’t be making any judgment just yet.

After all…… It’s just a corridor, it doesn’t make it more special than an exquisite garden.

So, the people who are in a hurry to make up their minds are no more than idiots in the chief detective’s mind.


Under the leadership of Song’s figure, the gathered group stepped onto this tree root corridor.

Originally they thought the ground would be a little shaky since it was some sort of root system construct, but it’s surprisingly stable and flat.

Step by step, the crowd moved forward until they came to an end. Unlike before, where its only greenery and roots, there’s a set of stone chairs and a table. Heck, there’s even a small clear pool of water to the side!

It’s like a small hideaway within a tree trunk that fairies used to hide inside a forest. The atmosphere was simply magical, which could easily be felt by the watching viewers.

Just as everyone was intoxicated and couldn’t look away, Spirit suddenly exclaimed and knocked them back from the trance.

“Above, look up!” Because of the shock, her voice was visibly trembling.

This instantly made all of the participant’s tingle on their foreheads upon looking up. It’s too much for their souls.

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It’s the sky! The overhead is an entire sky!

Stars dotted the black brilliance, eye-catching and enchanting!

Of course, the ceiling wasn’t really a sky like you see above ground, rather it’s an imitation created thanks to the gemstones embedded along the surface.

Red, blue, green, purple…

Gemstones of various colors are set above the heads of those present, emitting a dazzling twinkling visual experience that’s hard to come by even with computer generation.

“Big… Such a big gemstone.” Spirit popped her mouth into a big ‘O’ shape.

“These gems are so mesmerizing…. I bet they’re at least a hundred carats each!” Music said and staggered backward due to overly bending her head.

What’s the concept of a hundred-carat diamond?

From a quantity standpoint, there are only around ten of that size publicly known in the world, and each are sky-high in price!

Gold Mine Zhou also came today for the underground trip. When he saw the diamonds embedded on the ceiling, his hair instantly popped and became a lion’s mane. “In addition to the size of a diamond, the most important is its quality. I don’t have a scope to inspect those above our heads, but the purity can’t be low based on how reflective the lights are. This is too surreal, I’m willing to state my reputation on these gemstones being superior to the top ten gemstones known to the world thus far!”

Old Zhou made up his mind and didn’t want to go against his own gut feeling. That’s what his experience told him, and it’s crazy enough to set off a storm in the world.

On an unnamed island, Fusky had become extremely dark and gloomy in the face from watching the live broadcast.


Because he’s currently wearing the world’s supposedly seventh ranked diamond around his wrist right now, worth a hundred million!

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But in comparison to the diamonds shown on the stream, the light and twinkle from his own, it’s disgustingly poor.

It’s not even in the same league!

He removed the diamonds from his hand, then threw them into the sea,

“I now declare those diamonds mine!” He ripped the diamond necklace from his wrist and threw it into the sea.


As for the live broadcast room, it was an instant uproar.

“I just knew it, I knew Chu Daddy wouldn’t let us down!”

“As far as I know, the world’s top ten most expensive diamonds are all owned by other countries, hahaha!”

“Some of the top ten diamonds are defined as priceless because they have a special historical meaning behind them, but even then the price won’t exceed two billion dollars at the highest!”

“I just counted, Chu Daddy has thirty-six here, at least worth five billion!”

“Five billion? How come I got this feeling its chump change?”


Originally, this should’ve been quite the sensation, but it suddenly felt boring after the price got calculated.

Five billion?

That’s not even a fraction of the gold house.

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Diamonds and flowers, it seems that Chu Daddy’s main focus this time is indeed love, and not money.

Fusky sneered arrogantly, “HAHA, he dare to call those things rich’s end? What a load of crap!!”

On sight.

Gold Mine Zhou didn’t lose focus on the gems like some of the other attendees; instead, he looked up with confusion in the eye until tears started rolling down that cheek.

“Old Zhou, even if you see so many diamonds, you don’t have to cry, do you?” Wang Teng couldn’t help but roll his eyes and pat the old gold merchant on the back.

In order to avoid being unprepared, Song had allowed not only the art experts in, but also the business tycoons that’s been standing outside her home. It’s the whole gang, not a single straggler left behind.

“No, it’s not the diamonds that are making me cry. Who do you think I am?!” Zhou growls in rebuke at being looked down upon. Then shaking all over from excitement, he explains, “Look around the diamonds, do you see any light source?”

Around the diamonds?

Light source?

Everyone instantly focused their attention over.

Yeah, there are no electric lights here so where did the light come from?

Those diamonds themselves don’t glow, and how do they reflect light?

Wang Teng looked up with that question in mind and wondered, and then it hit him so hard that he started to shiver.

“Can’t be, it can’t be!”

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“Tha-That is the Night’s Pearl?!”

Around the starry sky of gemstones were nine goose-egged-sized round balls encircling the ceiling. They’re all milky white and hidden inside the tree barks so it’s hard to notice at first, but once looked close enough, one could tell they’re the light source in this place.

“Night… Night Pearl?!” Spirit cusped her mouth and gawked at the pearls, her eyes shining with intense joy.

The Pearl of the Night, which only exists in the legend of old, was something often referred to in many historical texts. However, such items were never proven factual in modern times and would often be referred to as myths of yore.

“Night Pearl, is it the same Night Pearl in my head?!”

“Ughhhh, I always thought that stuff is the same as Dragon Balls, they are fictional stories.”

“Wow, I don’t even know what to say anymore. This isn’t just incredible, it’s illogical, downright unrealistic!”

“Hahaha, I must be dreaming still. This must be all a dream. Mama, hurry and come slap me awake like you usually do in the morning, it’s time for me to wake up.”

“Nine Night Pearls, I don’t even want to know the price value of those nine balls. Is anyone feeling numb inside at this point? I want to throw up….”


In the villa next door.

“My god, who is Chu Yun? How can he get his hands on the real Night Pearl?!” Old Wang stared at the screen until his blood veins were popping in those eyeballs.

If compared, whether it be the gold or diamonds, the Night Pearls are at the next level. It’s a straight stomp!

Imagine this. A gentleman taking their female partner to a high-class banquet and offering her the legendary pearl that glows in the dark, who wouldn’t be amazed on sight? The lady would steal the show!

The number one girl wooing weapon!

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