Chapter 30 “Chu Yun’s Love Letter”

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That many treasures can only extend the supply time for five years?!

The gods of the world?!

Have bones to eat?!

They’re treating us like dogs!!!

Such lofty words, such naked contemptuous gestures, had caused everyone’s mentality to explode instantly. The viewers are fuming with steam blowing out of the head.

“Scram, hurry up and scram! Don’t think about it, you’re thinking garbage!”

“Mad dogs like to bark wildly, and the three scum houses are only full of dogs!”

“Oh I’m so angry, give me a knife, where’s the knife! I’m going to slaughter the people of the three houses!”

“Knife, knife them up! All three houses must die!!!”

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“Is black oil that amazing? You dogs think you can do whatever you want just because of the oil?”

Damei Dynasty Chao Giltshaw: “Hahaha, you lot don’t even understand the horror of the three great houses. Black oil is the driving force of the whole world. Once drained from your country, not only will transportation come to a crawl, your entire economy will become stagnant. You can’t even protect yourself anymore because your military is screwed! It will take half a year, no…. not even a month before your entire nation collapses and fall into chaos! You still dare clamor around about not needing oil?!”

Daban Dynasty Taijiro Omoto: “I’m seeing a bunch of ignorant garbage spouting nonsense. You people are so done for. Go ahead and talk crap now. In a month or so and you will all be begging on your knees for forgiveness.”

One by one, the other dynasties jumped out to ridicule the viewers.

Originally they were all envious to the core of seeing the Dahan Dynasty coming down with windfall after windfall, but now, they’re inwardly gloating at not being targeted by three great houses. Pity though, those treasures would never see the light of day again….

“Foreign dogs scram!!!”

“What bullshit three great houses? Who do you think we are?!”

“Black oil, huh? Big deal if I don’t drive. You can stuff that oil up your ass!”

“I bought a new car recently, but I’ll smash it before driving it!”

“Yes, it’s not a big deal to walk or ride a bike, it’s greener too!”

“Look carefully you dogs, don’t underestimate the determination of our people!”

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“Hahaha, keep yelling, come on, I’ll sit back and watch the joke play out!”


“Bastards, this bunch of bastards! How dare they connive after Brother-in-law’s things!”

“Aaaah, I’m so mad, the three great houses are so disgusting!”

Music and Coco were both turning red in their pretty faces and wanted to bite the nearest thing to vent that anger.

The act of banning the troublemaking accounts never ceased, but the numbers were simply too large to account for manually.

Using this opening, Detective Fang Guofeng eventually came over to Song’s side and spoke heavily: “Miss Song, on behalf of the National Security Bureau, I am formally informing you that everything here belongs to you and Mr. Chu Yun. The government has no intention or power to dispose of anything in the home. You do not have to worry about what those foreign accounts are saying!”

His words here were meant to appease Song and Chu Yun, but at the same time to appease the citizens of this country.

Although Chu Yun remains missing to this day, but the strength and wealth he showed thus far without ever appearing in public was enough to prove the family behind him had the ability to contend with the three great houses.

Secondly, there’s no way the government would lose face before the citizens in such a big fashion. That’s too shameful and not permissible.

When Fusky saw this reply from the government official, he immediately got cold and dark in the face. “Hoho, so that’s how you peasants like to play it? Fine, we will see how long that childish behavior can last! Call my private jet over. I’m going back to the estate to discuss things with the rest of the family!”

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At the scene, Song remained the calmest one of them all. Although she was also angry at the outrageous demand, but what she wanted remains to be her husband’s whereabouts.

As long as she could find her husband, whether it be the golden house or night pearls, she didn’t care about losing them. It’s just money in her eye, but there’s only one Chu Yun in this world!

Facing the chief detective to respond, “Chief Fang, are there any hidden great clans in our country? Is my husband part of one?”

Fang Guofeng makes a bittersweet smile because he expected this question sooner or later: “There are indeed some clans that are abstained from the political struggles of our country, but in comparison to the three great clans, they’re nowhere at the same level. But don’t worry, our agency has already elevated your husband’s safety to the highest level. The government will do everything to locate him and bring him back safely!”

“Thank you,” Song sincerely thanked the man but sounded uneasy still, “but tell me the truth, did my husband get kidnapped by the three great houses?”

“The odds are almost zero. If those people really did get their hands on Mr. Chu Yun, they wouldn’t be using this approach to make demands.”

“Also, the photo we saw of Mr. Chu Yun frowning in that café before has been analyzed by the professionals already. Our conclusion is that he’s struggling to resolve a problem he encountered. It should not have anything to do with his own safety, and more likely a dilemma about something else entirely.”

Chief Fang Guofeng’s words naturally relieved the singer’s woes.

“Chief, major discovery!” The sudden outcry from one of the detective’s assistants caught everyone’s attention. It’s filled with so much excitement that everyone’s heart was jumping wildly inside.

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This was Chu Yun’s secret cave that used diamonds as twinkling stars, night pearls for illumination, and a thousand-year-old tree as scent candle. However, there’s also the stone table and stools placed beside the tree and pond. Although it’s not eye-catching, the concept was artistic and fitting of the paradise.

Now, as it so happens, the assistant’s discovery was inside the said table.

Why? Because no one thought the table would actually have drawers! And inside right now was a piece of note that had been scribbled with words!

It doesn’t take a genius to know who wrote this.

Compared to other things here though, the value of this piece of paper could only go up and not lower. It’s dazzling to the point of blinding.

Song cusped her mouth with excitement and hurried over. She’s already tearing up because she knew what this meant and it’s exactly what she wanted.

Over in the National Security Bureau, the Second Elder had stood with an anxious face due to the content of that paper. He still couldn’t read it due to the angle, but he knows it’s definitely a message left behind by Chu Yun.

Song shakily picked up the note and began reading: “Wife, Happy Valentine’s Day, are you shocked by my gift? Hahaha, you don’t have to though, later on you will know these are nothing but garbage. I’ll come clean, your hubby here is a man that stands at the pinnacle of this world. As long as you wish it, I will grant it. Don’t believe me? Take a look at your phone notes…”

The letter terminated here with an abrupt scratch, and then all of the above sentences were crossed out by lines.

When writing this letter, Chu Yun’s mentality appeared troubled so the handwriting showed it by how deep and weirdly scrawled out it was.

“Shit! Why did he have to pull this on Valentine’s Day? How am I supposed to compete with him? My girlfriend will demand something stupidly crazy! Brothers, we’re in trouble, big trouble!!!!!”

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