Chapter 52 “Disappeared Off The Face Of This World”

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In order to witness the effect of super life element taking place in person, Song and her three friends naturally came to the hospital together.

When they entered the ward, everyone immediately stood up to welcome them with that respectful smile.

Old Wang also got up from the bed and sincerely gave his gratitude with a formal bow, “Thank you Mrs. Song, I owe you a life!”

He originally wanted to send money but found the idea silly and a slight against the singer if he really did do that. Someone that owned world class treasures wouldn’t need his pennies. If he did try to force it that would only tarnish the kindness.

“There’s no need to be so formal,” Song replied with a warm smile of her own, “I’m only glad my husband’s medicine is able to help you.”

“Mrs. Song, this medicine is not only useful, it is simply a miracle drug! It will save countless human lives once put into production!” Ye Zhongtian excitedly cried this out. In his view, this fluid was the miracle drug that he wanted to create but couldn’t.

At this time, Second Elder had also walked in to join the group, “Mrs. Song, how much do you intend to charge for the patent on the super life element?”

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They all took it for granted thus far and never thought about the patent fee. However, the Second Elder wasn’t so blind and wanted to get this matter out of the way. If a misunderstanding happens in the future then it would be terrible for both the government and Song.

The patent fee for medical drugs are known to be high in this world due to the expense of research. This was especially true for cancer treatments. It’s one of the most expensive in Dahan, requiring over two million dollars per shot on average!

The lively broadcast room had gone silent by then as well. They’re also want to know the answer, some anxious and worried for the astronomical pricing, the other half giddy for the drama that might unfold.

“Such magical medicine must be a million at the bare minimum!” Ye Zhongtian expressed his opinion with that unquestionable voice. Even so, the old medical researcher still found the price too low for the value this drug provided.

Song appeared stunned for a moment over that price. The lady hadn’t considered the so-called patent fees so this number caught her off guard.

She pondered for a moment, “If the price is too high, then the people who really need it won’t be able to afford it, and my husband probably never thought about charging royalties for it either.”

The statement left those watching with no room for retort.

This drug would have long been taken out for mass production if Chu Yun had wanted to make money. Besides, what does it matter when the guy already had the oil field and gold mountain? A little more money means nothing in the face of those treasures.

Song finally made the decision, “If not, let’s forget the patent fee?”

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This sentence sent countless viewers into internal shock.

“Song is merciful, Chu God is merciful!”

“My brothers and sisters, how much is this ‘forget” worth?”

“From a conservative estimate, a trillion!”

“The patent fee of this medicine alone would be enough to make her descendant live a luxury life for generations to come!”

“I don’t have any talent so I’ll kneel in thanks to Chu Yun right now!”


The Second Elder smiled sadly, “Mrs. Song, I know you’re saying that out of kindness, but our country can’t in good conscious accept this offer. Fifty thousand, atleast take that amount as the patent fee per shot. Our government will cover this amount on the national insurance program!”

After a pause, he added, “Of course, this is only for the Dahan people, if the foreign dynasties want… No, we will only open the drug to Dakore Dynasty for the time being. They’ve shown their colors to us already, we have no reason to repay ill intent with kindness.”

“All hail Second Elder!”

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“Whoops, I’m getting goosebumps again. I can say I have no regrets this life in being a Dahan citizen!”

“Our Dahan is singlehandedly sanctioning them all, hahaha, talk about being a boss!”

“Before they sanctioned us, and now we’re returning the favor!”

Damei’s Director Jill: “Do you still have any humanity left? This miracle drug must be shared unconditionally, otherwise we will sanction your country in full!”

Daban’s Taiji: “Based on what can you not open it to us, we’re protesting!”


Dahan naturally ignored their whining cries.

In the following days, the country that was on the verge of medical collapse had entered a golden age of development. Whether it be resources or money, they had an abundance of it, which roused quite the ire from the neighboring countries who could only grind their teeth in jealousy.

As for Song and her friends, they continued to search for clues about Chu Yun’s whereabout in the villa.

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The security bureau even sneaked into the bottom of the underground river and mapped the entire underwater tunnel. In the end, they found nothing. No secret door again, and no secret compartment.

For a while, everyone thought Chu Yun was gone for good. There’s no rumors of the guy, nor news of his existence. Its as if the guy just disappeared from the face of the planet. This alarmed Song a lot, and by a lot, it means to the extreme insanity level.

It must be said, this was a fair reaction for the singer. Before the search encompassed only a small group of individuals in power, but now it’s the whole world! From child to parents, everyone was under the same belief they would recognize Chu Yun at first glance due to his superior air and temperament. There’s no way nothing was coming up after so long!

What’s more, things were evolving. Satellites, cameras, constant missing news reports of Chu Yun, technology were being abused to the extreme. It has gotten so bad in fact that the three great houses had sent their private military fleet to scour the more obscure islands that no one knew about. Simply said, it didn’t matter if you’re friend or foe, you’re not getting away from them unless you had godly means.

But again, nothing was found…..

These kinds of signs left everyone feeling uneasy inside, pointing to one outcome that no one wanted to confront.

“Husband, where are you?” Song curled herself up in bed and started to weep. She’s already thinking the worst but didn’t want to admit it. “It’s been month after month, Hubby, it’s time to come home, whoohoo….”

Her three friends silently watched this with dreadful looks on their faces. They wanted to cry in Song’s stead but knew it would be pointless.

However, unbeknownst to them all, the tears that trickled down the lady’s cheek had fallen onto the necklace and got absorbed. This activated something inside the purple gemstone, creating a faint glow that flickered on and off….

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