Chapter 63 “A Hard Battle”

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Inside Song’s villa, the four ladies were shaking in anger over the comments circulating online.

“These internationally renowned doctors are so shameless, disgusting!” Spirit lashes out despite her mild nature character.

Coco sighed and followed, “The temptation of the super life element is likely too great of a temptation. They want to be memorialized in history, and this is their chance. On top of that, the wealth that comes with the patent will be limitless.”

Spirit grinds her teeth in frustration: “Even so, they can’t just go and slander Brother-in-law like this. Especially that whatever Archimy Taichun, how dare he run his mouth and say he’s his apprentice! I want to puke just reading that article.”

“They made statements at the same time so it’s obviously premeditated. The goal is to frame Brother-in-law and turn public opinion to their side. They know there’s no one to refute their claims!” Music slapped the pillow in her hand so hard that it actually caused those fingers to hurt.

Spirit leaned over to Song’s side and muttered, “Sister Song, why don’t you talk, we are all dying over here!”

Only now did the actress notice her friend’s behavior of searching related medical information on the laptop.

“It’s useless to be impatient since my husband isn’t around. Until he returns though, I will protect his reputation!” Biting down on her lip hard, Song was equally as enraged inside but knew it’s pointless to lash out from others vilifying her husband.

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Spirit asked curiously, “Sister Song, what are you reading anyways?”

“I need a little medical knowledge in case I need to fight back!”

With a cold look, the singer then logged into her official media account and made a direct statement so others wouldn’t question it from herself.

“My husband did not steal nor rob. Also, do not start randomly calling others your student, otherwise I will sue you people for slander based on the false articles. I also demand you, so-called experts, to come up with some tangible evidence before coming out like this. Anyone can spout nonsense and lies on the internet. You can say a fire burned down the building, you can say the research notes are destroyed, but your brains aren’t. How about the main principle behind the drug? What material you use? How about the extraction process? I’m sure you experts wouldn’t have forgotten that did you? Or is it that you people can’t explain because you were never involved?! On the contrary, if you can match the formula in my hands, I, as Chu Yun’s wife, will offer the super life element up with both hands. Otherwise, please shut up and apologize to my husband!”

Song’s a world-class singer so her fans stretched far and wide. As soon as her statement came forward, it immediately exploded and brought into question of the claims brought forward by the medical experts.

“Hahaha, that’s right, that’s how you defend a husband. Way to go Song!”

“I can’t say it any better than my favorite idol. Song is the best. Those people sure can talk when they have no ability!”

“I bet those rats are currently scurrying about trying to douse the flame on their ass. Who does that anyway? Are they that stupid to not know their lie can be easily debunked?”

“They can fart all they like, but I bet they don’t even know what the super life element even is!”


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“Well Said Sister Song!” Music shouted loudly with excitement and glee.

She and her and her other two friends also logged into their media accounts and issued similar statements to defend Chu Yun.


Dahan Medical Research Institute.

“This is against medical ethics, it is against medical ethics!!!” If looks could kill then Ye Zhongtian’s death glare would murder everything within his view. He’s outraged after reading those articles and never felt so ashamed in his life.

Coughing incessantly, “I regarded you bastards as competition before, but I never expected you all to be brazen fools!”

Those who study medicine treat their peers with respect because they all assume the other party wouldn’t stoop so low as to steal other people’s work. It’s unethical and immoral. More importantly, it’s a smear among those in their field!

In his rage, the old medical researcher immediately began to publish a statement condemning it online.

“You develop my ass! I have seen the formula personally and deemed it a medical miracle. The method used to refine and produce the serum is completely different from everything known in modern medicine. It’s not something the likes of you lot can come up with! Your rumoring and slandering are a stain in the medical field. We don’t need the likes you in our community!”


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Old Wang’s villa.

Old Wang once again invited his two friends over for some tea.

After pouring a cup for the two: “Old Horse, Old Pony, let’s not beat around the bush on this matter. Those experts are obviously lying and slandering Chu Yun in order to get their hands on the super life element. As some of the most successful businessmen in our country, we can’t just let this slide and do nothing!”

Old Horse grinned, “Old Wang, even if you don’t say it, I myself wouldn’t have sat idle either. You’re looking down at me thinking otherwise.”

Old Pony also chimes in, “Actually, I’ve already taken the liberty of having my tech people work on the data. They’ve found the random accounts posting are bots used to smear Chu Yun’s name. Someone is deliberately pushing this topic!”

Pony Horse, “Looks like everything has been preplanned so this matter is not so simple.”

Old Wang said, “No matter who is behind this, we only need to do our best. Isn’t it just throwing money out to incite public opinion? I’m going to take thirty million out to suppress the slandering!”

Old Pony and Old Horse stared at their friend, then grinned mischievously.

Old Horse immediately follows up, “Since that’s the case, I will also pay thirty million!”

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“If we’re fighting for the country’s prestige then I will also bring that amount!” Old Pony elegantly sipped the tea after throwing this down.

If outsiders were to hear the conversation between them, they would likely be shocked to the point of dropping their jaws.

Throwing out ninety million just to suppress some public opinion would definitely be a crazy idea. Perhaps never heard of in history.


National Security Bureau.

Li Tianlong slammed the table hard with his fist, “Bastards, these old guys really don’t want their reputation anymore. How can they fart out such nonsensical things!”

The Second Elder’s darkened as he spoke in a deep voice, “It’s not that simple Tianlong. They wouldn’t have dared to gamble their reputation unless someone backed them up. The fact that so many world-class experts came forward at once means someone premeditated this. It’s a scheme at taking the super life element from our hands!”

“You mean the three great houses again?”

“Hoho, that’s a given. If you had checked the background of these medical experts, you would notice they’re all supported by the three houses in the background!”

Li Tianlong gasped in frustration and anger, “They are too much! Again and again, those three clans have targeted our country, and now they’re stooping to such low tricks!”

“Calm down Tianlong. The reason they dare to do this is that they think we’re easy pushovers. If it was before then I admit, we didn’t have the means to challenge them. However, we’re not the only Dahan anymore! This time we are going to thoroughly beat them back so they won’t forget this lesson!” The Second Elder’s eyes narrowed in as he hardened his voice: “Li Tianlong, ready yourself. I have a strong feeling this is only the prelude, what’s worse is yet to come!”

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