Chapter 71 ” Particle Destruction Beam”

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A seemingly endless barrage of missiles shot out of the metal lizards again, this time from even more rocket holes that opened from the arms and tail.

Jarvis immediately took evasive maneuvers, winding up and down in multiple directions as the explosions hotly chased after his tail. However, those darn targeting systems were like bees attracted to honey. It’s damn near impossible to lose unless he countered by blowing those mini bombs up.

“Launch it all, keep firing! Knock that suit out!” Fusky roared to the crew, his voice growing higher pitched with each order.

This was a terrible situation to be in for Jarvis. Regardless of how sturdy the iron suit was, those missiles used by Fusky and his goons were bound to cause significant damage soon. If nothing changes, it would just be a matter of time before Jarvis gets cornered.

“Ruthless, it’s too cruel!”

“This kind of attack can reduce a town into rubble.”

“The three great houses are as rich and powerful as they say. They’re firing off those rockets like jelly beans!”

Countless viewers pinched their bodies over this life and death situation because they couldn’t do anything else.

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Finally, under the nervous eyes of all, Jarvis stopped. Not evading nor flying, he simply stopped and floated there.

He had been analyzing the combat capabilities of the twin Godzillas up until now. According to Jarvis’s assessment, the best course of action would be confrontation and not evasion.

“Boom!” The attacks pounded into the metal suit using this opening, causing the very air above the water to vaporize into steam. It’s as if a giant ball of red and mist had consumed the area.

“Hahaha, die, die you piece of shit!!!” Fusky’s snarling laugh grew fanatical.

It would be a lie to say the guy didn’t get frightened by Jarvis’s entry. Chu Yun’s name had reached his ears more than once. Going by that record, it’s not out of the question for a miracle to happen here. By then, what would he do? They had already brought out the two Destroyers in their possession. There’s nothing else left to mobilize!

Then there’s also the ego of this guy. He’s the heir to the Wittstein House like the two other guys here in their respective House. As the ruler of this world, it’s insulting to have an insect challenging their authority. As a result, the desire to crush this Iron Man had overshadowed any logical thinking. He’s already lost it!

Under the nervous gaze of watchers, the firework that came from the explosion gradually dissipated. However, instead of the scrap metal that should’ve been falling out of the sky, Jarvis in his Iron Man suit remained untouched with that round energy shield. It’s a scene straight out of the movies. The superhero overcomes the villain’s attack and comes out unscathed.

“How is this possible? It even has an energy shield. What the hell is this thing?!” Fusky’s eyes widened in horror, his gaping mouth stammering incoherently.

However shocked the viewers were of the ships being sunk before was however shocked the guy was right now. Then before Fusky’s fried brain could process this information, Jarvis had already retracted the shield around itself and opened up a tiny missile hole from its shoulder. The target was one of the metal lizards as it shot out!


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The armor-piercing weapon went straight through the metal plating, blowing a hole right through the supposed indestructible Godzilla.

It…. broke through the armor!

The armor that couldn’t be scratched under the full might of Dahan’s fleet got destroyed by a single tiny missile from Iron Man?!

Countless viewers stared in awe at the sudden turn in the tide. Their hearts are thumping wildly with excitement, ready to jump out if not for the fact that it would kill the owner.

“OH FUCK, this is too insane, holy cow!!!”

“Now that’s what you call power!”

“I’m starting to find this amusing. It’s so hilarious seeing how the three houses keep eating their own words because of Chu Yun’s things. Is this what you call the role reversal?”

“That’s right, our Dahan Dynasty isn’t a country the three scum houses can provoke! We have Chu Yun you bastards!”

“I’m crying nonstop! How can my country be so fortunate to have someone like Chu Yun? Thank you gods for giving my people someone so great!!!”

“Hahaha, hahahahaha…”

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The citizens of Dahan cheered across the nation. Some ran out to the street and screamed joyfully, while some celebrated before the TV screen with their families. But, regardless of how they showed their emotions, one thing’s certain, they’re all grateful to one man – that being Chu Yun.

Of course, there are also people from other nations. Regardless of their stance on this matter, there’s one common idea running through their heads – don’t mess with Dahan!

Can’t afford to do this! Let the three houses deal with this mess. We’re out!

Meanwhile inside Destroyer I, Fusky and his fellow brothers were at a loss on what to do next. Fear had finally settled into their heads, and that unknown emotion sent them into a panic.

At the end of the day, their own strength could effectively be considered zero. The only reason they could be so cocky on this battlefield came solely on the two Mechagodzillas under their possession, and right now, one of them just got damaged by Iron Man!

The other side is cheating! How are we supposed to play anymore?

Benzhu openly screamed in horror, “It’s over, we’re done for! I don’t want to die. I have endless wealth. I can enjoy the world at will. I can’t die like this!”

Carl also panicked, “I don’t want to die. My identity cannot be compared to those lowly peasants. How can I die in this backwater?!”

“None of us will die so quit yelling! I’ll contact our family right now. Don’t forget, we’re the world’s ruler, our families will definitely be able to save us!” Fusky roared urgently, not only to stop the other two, but himself as well.

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Just then, another shockwave rocks the Mechagodzilla again. Another hole had been blown through the armor plating, and this caused the wine and food to all spill from the tremor. There’s not an ounce of calm left inside the robot, a stark contrast to the earlier picture broadcasted through the camera.

Blood running into his eyes, Benzhu shrieked, “What method? Hurry and use it! We won’t survive at this rate!!!”

Carl’s body started trembling as he clasped his head, “I’m going to die, I’m really going to die! I shouldn’t have come! I don’t want to end it like this!!”

“Don’t panic, we still have a chance!” Fusky hung up the phone, a hint of gloom flashing in his eyes. Then turning to the commander with a tough voice: “Robert, activate Destroyer II’s Particle Destruction Beam, aim…. at Dahan’s warships!”

Robert was slightly taken aback by the order, but it didn’t take more than a second for him to understand the goal of what the young man intended.

The Particle Destruction Beam was an absolute weapon of mass destruction on par with a nuclear warhead, so not even the three great houses dared to use it easily because the cost was astronomical. But aiming it at the tiny Iron Man was out of the question. Jarvis would be too nimble and fast to land a hit. In contrast, those big hulking naval warships were easy picking. Use bait to force the enemy into the net. That’s how the three houses do things!

“Yun Yun Yun!”

Destroyer II, which had been primarily unmoving until now, began to mobilize.

Its body slowly pulls upright. Its mouth opens ajar to reveal the sci-fi-like beam weapon from its throat.

The humming light was azure blue, covering the entire jaw of this metal beast. The radiating energy alone could light up the entire sky if fully charged. Compared to “Angel,” this weapon was more destructive regarding raw power. A terror-inducing sight.

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