Chapter 79 “Bosses Begging”

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Li Tianlong and the others had already stepped through the gateway with a heavy, nervous air around them. What they saw was a vast, boundless meadow with grass, trees, and flowers. There shouldn’t be anything surprising about such a landscape, but its size was beyond amazing. They couldn’t see the end of the horizon!

Music’s eyes widened as she exclaimed, “This, here… It’s a huge underground world?!”

No wonder Brother-in-law hid this so deeply.

Even if they took dinosaurs out of the equation, this underground world alone would be enough to shock the world. However, it’s a real blockbuster movie once you factor in those dinosaurs standing there on the field with some grazing and roaring up into the sky. A true filming set.

Although the lizards weren’t moving, none of the people dared to be rash. Instead, they’re tiptoeing their feet to keep the noise to a minimum, afraid their presence would suddenly bring these creatures back to life.

Eventually, Fang Guofeng had come before an herbivorous dinosaur in a grazing posture. This one was much smaller than the other five adults nearby. Nevertheless, the size of that leg alone was thicker than the chief detective.

With a gulp, he gathered his courage and reached out to touch the skin. There was no response, which made him get bolder for the next step of the research.

Spirit’s face was full of nervousness, “How is it?”

Fang Guofeng replied with a heavy voice: “It’s not fake. It’s all real flesh and bone, but… their bodies are icy to the touch. I suspect they’re being kept in this state using a special freezing technique.”

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“My god, this is real!”

“This is big, real big! Who knows how vast this underground world is!”

“I never expected to witness a real dinosaur in my lifetime.”

“Talk about scary. What kind of world are we living in?”

“Chu God single-handedly subverted my worldview three times already.”

“Tyrannosaurus rex, stegosaurus, pterosaur… Anchor, please give us a close-up!”


Meanwhile, in the airspace between the capital and Song’s villa, Guo Mingda and Professor Gen was sitting inside a private jet speeding over to the site.

“Yes, that’s definitely a Tyrannosaurus rex, and that’s an ankylosaurus. It’s so beautiful, it’s spectacular, aaaah!”

“Does this anchor know how to film? She’s doing it all wrong, it’s all blurry! The toes, the toes, film the toes dammit!”

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“Don’t take the camera off that spot, I haven’t finished watching it yet!”

Professor Gen seemed to have found a new toy and couldn’t stop yelling at the phone screen.

“How long is it until we are at the gated community? Hurry up, hurry up!”

“If we go faster then we’re going to crash.” Guo Mingda couldn’t help but shake his head and tease: “And even if you get over there, it’s not certain they will let you into the building.”

“But didn’t you get to go inside before? You and the owner should know each other, can’t you get in a word for us and introduce me? Please, I will die if I don’t get to visit the sight!” Professor Gen ran up to his friend’s face and clung onto that arm like a pleading child who couldn’t get his toy.

Then again, could anyone blame this professor? It’s one thing if there are no real dinosaurs left, but he’s got the opportunity to see and touch the real deal right now! Though the ones are dead already and not alive, it’s still real! Forty years of study and effort, all for this one moment, who wouldn’t jump on this opportunity~?

“I’ve sent the application up there already and only need their approval.” Guo Mingda made a helpless gesture, “Of course, the final say remains with the singer. Unless she consents, no one can say otherwise.”

An hour later.

Guo Mingda and Professor Gen finally came before Chu Yun’s home, where they were promptly stunned by the number of visitors waiting outside. There are no less than twenty or so individuals, many being experts in their own right.

For a while, Guo Mingda wanted to laugh and shake his head. The scene was too familiar. In fact, it’s exactly like how he and the others were when the art pieces surfaced that day.

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“Squeak~” Coco opened the front door with a swing and came out to meet the group.

They all knew what the school idol was coming out for, and that made them all nervous like those having a job interview.

“Ms. Coco, I am the curator of the local museum and leading archeological expert of the province. Years ago, I had a hand excavating the biggest discovery of our country so I can assure you my presence will be a big boon to the venture. Please choose me!”

“Ms. Coco, I have only one wish in this life: to see dinosaurs with my own eyes. So please fulfill my wish!”

“Ms. Coco, I just discovered yesterday that I have late-stage cancer. My life is not long, so please let me inside for one last chance, wooohooo.”

“Miss Coco, I’m not good with words so I’ll kneel before you to show my sincerity. Please accept my worship!”


The poor school idol was dumbfounded, overwhelmed even.

Who could’ve ever imagined a group of old bags crying and pleading in front of a lass no older than their grandchildren? It’s unheard of!

Not to mention these aren’t your average, typical person people. They’re all leaders in their field; otherwise, the government would never allow them to come near the villa during this vital time. Also, since the last incident with spies and such, Song and her friends have decided only five are permitted to join them. Anymore would pose far more risks than the benefits gained.

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“Ms. Coco, do you remember me? I am Guo Mingda, I came before and helped identify the sandalwood.” It’s at this moment that Guo Mingda stepped forward and made his move.

Identifying the millennium sandalwood gave him a unique qualification, which these other folks did not have. And sure enough, Coco’s eyes instantly lit up at the reminder.

“You are one,” then she turned to look at Professor Gen, who was clearly part of the guy’s party, “you are two.”

Gen almost cried out on the spot and kneeled there.

What is happiness, this is happiness.

I’ve never been so nervous in my life, wooowooo…

Guo Mingda also appeared very excited in the way he’s shaking: “Thank you, thank you Ms. Coco.”

After a pause, he added: “Ms. Coco, you don’t have any pressure, these old things are full of bullshit. Cancer and stuff are all fake, you can go head and pick as you like. Don’t be fooled by them.”

The crowd: “…”

Are you even human to say that?!

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