Chapter 85 “And You Say You’re Not Cultivating?” (Part 1)

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Main scene.

Everyone looked at Wu Zicheng in horror and did not dare to act rashly in fear of something far worse.

Guo Mingda’s limbs were cold and weak as he forced out his words: “Wu Zicheng, you are crazy. Stop this, it is still not too late to turn back!”

“Oooohh, sorry, I’m not Wu Zicheng.” Carmen grinned as he raised his hand and forcedly tore off that face mask to reveal the original contour underneath. “I’ll formally introduce myself now. I am Carmen Rochede, a member of the three houses.” His tone may sound elegant, but it was no different from the grim reaper’s voice.

“Face swap? You are the Thousand-Faced Ghost from the Dark Spy!” Li Tianlong gritted his teeth and glared at Carmen with seething anger.

Carmen toyed with the gun in his hand and grinned some more: “Yes, it is rare for someone to remember my codename. But if I recall right, this is the first time I’ve shown my face in public. SURPRISE!”

Not only were the government agents seething with anger, but the viewers were also heaving heavily at the name.

“The Thousand Faced Ghost, it’s that legendary spy!”

“This animal! He’s the one who assassinated thirteen of our country’s best talent and stole numerous secret documents!”

“Dammit, can’t anyone do something to stop him? He’s going to kill Song at this rate!”

“Aaaah, I’m so mad I’m going to slaughter this criminal!!!”

“Jarvis didn’t come underground so what can we do? I’m going to die from frustration!!!”


The citizens of Dahan were no strangers to Carmen’s codename. In fact, he’s a nightmarish existence that had more than once screwed over the country in some way or form: business espionage, theft, murder. These were merely some of the things he’s done in the shadows.

In the National Security Bureau.

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“Poof!” The Grand Elder directly threw up red from his blood pressure rising so fast.

“Thousand Face Ghost, it’s him, it’s him again!!!” The Grand Elder shot a death glare at Carmen, his aged body trembling all over due to how difficult it was for him to restrain that desire to strangle the foe.

In the past, the Thousand Faced Ghost would jump out and commit terrible things to harm the country whenever they’re at the cusp of making a qualitative leap.

The most major incident would have to be when Dahan developed the latest communication network technology, which was big enough to stir up Internet reform across the globe. But then, at the last moment of imminent success, the blueprint fell into the hands of Carmen, who went by the codename Thousand Faced Ghost and ruined everything.

The Grand Elder, “Is this person my Dahan’s nemesis?”


“Bang, bang, bang!”

Suddenly, Carmen fired another shot at Li Tianlong, Long Jiu, and Fang Guofeng, causing the three of them to grunt at the pain in their arms. They no longer had any chance of drawing their firearms to retaliate anymore.

Sneering in his face, “Don’t try anything in front of me. I could see your hands moving for the guns the second you tried.”

Then, step by step, he made his way towards Song.

“Let me see what is so special about a woman who can win Chu Yun’s fancy.”

Chu Yun was undoubtedly the most brilliant man of this era. Therefore, being able to flirt with such a man’s wife gave Carmen a sick sense of achievement like no other.

With the heavy pants of a pig, Carmen stretched out his hand to touch the singer’s face, which caused countless viewers to see red as the blood vessels in their heads popped off.

“Stop! You are not allowed to hurt the Mistress!” Without indication, Spring got in front and blocked the filthy pig’s attempt with her figure.

Unfazed and unangered, the scum grew even more excited, “As expected of the legendary beauties from history. I declare you my woman from this point forward!”

Recklessly stepping forward without a care in the world, Carmen tries to pull the fairy into his arms for a deep French kiss as an appetizer.

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This naturally disgusted Spring, who knew all too well the filthy thoughts running through the heads of these men due to her own beauty.

“Scram!” She didn’t hesitate and kicked out.


Careless and unready for this, Carmen directly flew into the air like a kite with a broken string. He eventually crashed back down and made a deafening boom dozens of meters away.

This spectacular scene stunned just about everyone watching due to how stark of a contrasting reality this was from their perception of the fairy.

A delicate and beautiful girl, obviously harmless to both humans and animals, just sent a spy with a gun spinning across the air….

Moments later, a grenade popped off again in the chatroom.

“WTF! Spring just went Super Saiyan mode like in Dragonball!!!”

“Violence, so exciting!!!”

“Her kick went straight to my heart, oh my god!”

“Raw, too raw! This is better than watching wrestling! Where in the world can you find such a sassy girl!!!”

“Kung Fu, this is Kung Fu my fellow nerds! Wahahaha~”

“Kung Fu my ass, this is Thai kickboxing!”

“Don’t get too happy folks. Carmen still has his gun!”

“I don’t know! If Spring can send him flying with a single kick, I bet she can do it again by wrestling the gun from his hands!”

“I fear Spring doesn’t even know what a gun is. Aigh, the pain of lacking knowledge about the modern world.”

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“Hurry, Carmen is getting up, get his gun!!!”


Sure enough, the crowd didn’t get to stay happy for long before the threat loomed over them again.

Li Tianlong hurriedly shouted, “Watch out Ms. Spring, he has a gun in his hand. It’s very dangerous!”

“So what if you can do kung fu? It will only make our game more enjoyable later! Beauty, times have changed. Now it’s all about guns!” Carmen pointed the gun at Spring with a perverse grin at what he intended to do in private. His bottom hurts a ton, but compared to the desire to draw his naked weapon and thrust it into the fairy, that’s a price he’s more than willing to endure.

“Gun?” Spring raised an eyebrow at this gesture. Though unsure of what the scum intends to do, she didn’t wait and grasped the air with her outstretched hand. Next thing everyone knew, the gun that was in Carmen’s possession suddenly flew out and went into the fairy’s finger.

Carmen: “…”

Li Tianlong: “…”

The five elders: “…”

The three houses: “…”

Everyone: “…”


Time seems to stand still for everyone. It’s like a veil of mystique and illusion had just covered their world.

Moments later.

“Witchcraft, you know witchcraft!!!” Carmen screamed in disbelief, his eyes ready to pop out from the shock.

“SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! What’s the situation?!”

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“To be honest, although I prayed that they would be okay, I still never would’ve expected it to be in such an outrageous fashion.”

“Forgive me for my incompetence, but I can’t explain how Spring grabbed the gun from that distance using science.”

“Who gives a crap? Just know it’s a done deal!”

“There are surprises everywhere in life, and there is always light within the darkness. Look at Carmen’s dumb face. He’s so scared that he’s paralyzed on the spot!!!”


The excitement shot through the roof for the viewers, especially those in Dahan. They’re all exclaiming in glee and joy like someone just burst the bubble by twisting it until the pressure blew.

At the same time, the military soldiers had already arrived at the vicinity of the scene – a record for anyone trying since the average person usually takes an hour. Yet, the soldiers only took thirteen!

“Three of you follow me. The rest wait in ambush for possible new enemies. Do not doze off. I want this mission done spotlessly! If I find anyone making a mistake then you’re dead meat!” The captain ordered in a low roar while making a grim and heavy face. Sweat dripped down the gun hilt because of how much stress was running through the captain’s skin.

All of the hope of his people, the country, has been entrusted to his leadership on this rescue mission. One false move, and that’s it, no second chances, not against someone like the Thousand Faced Ghost. The spy was known to be ruthless, killing his target with cruel precision. However, what they came upon after getting close enough left him and his three men dumbfounded.

The Thousand Faced Ghost… fell???

“What are you all dazing around for? Take him away!” Li Tianlong ignored the injuries on his body and loudly roared out his command.

“Yes Sir!” The captain immediately saluted and led his men for Carmen.

Carmen wanted to struggle but was promptly subdued with a smash to the head with the gun’s hilt. He fell to the ground like the dead dog that he would be soon enough.

The other soldier was even more ruthless. Raising a hand, the subordinate came down with a combo slap on the face.

“Pak, pak, pak!” Carmen’s face bulged up from the bruises and his teeth soon fell out from the impact.

Understanding they’re overdoing it, the captain made sure to take the time to face the camera: “Dear viewers, do not misunderstand Dahan’s military. We are not being abusive; we’re only preventing him from swallowing any poison that might be inside his teeth. This is to prevent him from committing suicide or biting his tongue.”

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