032…Sneak Into Your Dreamland

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 Huh? Xiao Luo was at a loss: Why did the shit shovel officer’s smile suddenly become so meaningful and dangerous?


 “Sit and move on your own .” Ling Su was kind enough to explain the phrase, “Is that right?”


 “Yes, you are great. God.” Xiao Luo hummed and increasingly felt this was a little too reckless. Before exchanging [Sneak into Your Dreamland], he should first ask the king’s harem. Has there been any strong man who has eaten “meat”?


 As it was now, without even preparing a strategy, running to claim his shit shovel officer was simply an act of courting death! It was just that he was obsessed for a while and love was misleading!


 “Try it?” Ling Su patted the boy’s head and said with a smile.


 “Try what?” Xiao Luo returned from the wandering world, but he didn’t react.


 “Since you are my fiancé, aren’t you obliged to help me retrieve my memory?”


 “Huh?” Then pinch?


 Xiao Luo stood on the spot. His feet were still a little weak. He stared blankly at his shit shovel officer, who suddenly started to undress in broad daylight…


 Several complicated thoughts were intertwined in his mind: Are you going to be a hooligan? What to do? I’m not ready yet! We are not drunk, and I didn’t buy lubricant!


 “This, this is not good.” Xiao Luo said weakly after struggling in his heart for a long time. What should he do? It’s not great, but he seemed to be looking forward to it!


 Ling Su swiftly stripped himself off!


 Xiao Luo was so frightened that he almost jumped: He really took off! Really off!


 “Your expression is obviously looking forward to it, my sweetheart.”


 “…” Please stop calling that embarrassing name. Thank you!


 Xiao Luo’s eyes flickered down from Ling Su’s face. His mouth was dry for a while. He had no idea whether it was because of excitement or nervousness. He fell forward with hands and feet!

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 “Be careful.”


 “I-I’m fine!” He didn’t fall to the ground, but he “threw his arms” into Ling Su’s arms. Xiao Luo wanted to cry but had no tears. His guts which had blown up like an inflated balloon had been pricked by a needle. His breathing was uneven, and he was cowardly.


 “What did you say about your fiancé before? Were you lying to me?” The voice was still so low and sweet that it made one’s bones tingle, but there was an undisguised danger in his tone.


 Xiao Luo hurriedly shook his head, and without waiting for Ling Su to remind him, he took off his clothes and kept hinting in his heart: “Don’t be a coward!” This is in a dream, and the shit shovel officer can’t do anything!


 Can’t really do anything?


 Facts have proved: He was in charge of his dreams.


 “It’s so good, my baby. Relax, sit up, don’t be nervous. Don’t worry, I won’t eat you again. Come on, push harder. It’s really comfortable.”


 “…” Ling Su, your uncle!

Xiao Luo was sitting on the waist of the shit shovel officer with a very complicated mood, dutifully playing the role of a massage therapist. He thought – stripped off, and then he should do some things between boyfriends?


 As a result, Ling Su lay down quite consciously, with his back to him.


 Let him mistakenly think that this guy really believed in his evil and decided to contribute his own chrysanthemum.


 Then, things took a sharp turn.


 It became that he was made to massage the shit shovel officer.


 Such a nonsensical turn of God’s logic, we must complain!


 “Baby, why don’t you say anything?”


 “…” Please don’t stop me. I want to murder the shit shovel now! Damn, you’re actually playing with people like this!


 “Meow~ woo!” A cat meow that was so loud that it almost broke through the sky fell from the sky.


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 Xiao Luo was suddenly startled. Where did this cat come from?


 Oh, this is the dream of his family’s shit shovel officer with brain disease, so any outrageous things were possible.


 Just like this big fat cat that fell from the sky and weighed more than 30 pounds!


 Looking at the shiny orange fur, the chubby head, the thick short limbs, the kiwi-shaped body, Emma, ​​this cat is really fat. Xiao Luo groaned and gloated a little because the fat cat rushed towards Ling Su as soon as he appeared, and he jumped away alertly!


 Seeing the big orange cat rushing towards Ling Su viciously, its big face suddenly changed after arriving at the destination, and the fat cat hugged the shit shovel officer and kept meowing.


 Tsk tsk, what a fat cat. Xiao Luo sighed with emotion. Is he able to compete with an adult husky?


 “Xiao Pang, are you hungry? Have you eaten?” Ling Su, who was deliberately tossing him with all kinds of tricks a second ago, changed his face in a blink of an eye. His tone was as gentle as the spring breeze in March, and his smile seemed to be dripping water.


 WTF! Xiao Luo widened his eyes in shock: This guy is Xiao Pang!? What about him? What is he!


 “Meow~” The big fat cat was still coquettishly holding the shit shovel officer.


 Ling Su seemed to fully understand what it was saying and nodded solemnly: “Xiao Pang, there will be no Ma Ma. You will always be my sweetheart! No outsiders will come to compete with you. The…”


 Shit! Xiao Luo suddenly didn’t know whether to scold himself or go up and beat Ling Su. 


 Unfortunately, before he decided what to do, he was sent out by force, and darkness descended and disappeared. After the dizziness passed, Xiao Luo struggled to open his eyes. He found that he had changed back to a little orange cat, lying on the edge of Ling Su’s pillow.


 The time limit for the directional transformation card has long since expired. Hee happened to be stuck in a time-lag relationship, so he was able to maintain his human form for so long in Ling Su’s dream.


 “Meow…” Xiao Luo stretched his back and opened the QQ system in a complex mood – that couldn’t be described with words – to check the account balance.


 Popularity value +11, charm value -25000, love value +7403.


 Huh? Xiao Luo rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He read that right. His charm value has risen by 60,000 points! Because he clearly remembered that his charm value was minus 85,000 before.


 After the last system update, you can query the specific balance change list.


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 Xiao Luo nervously opened the list and looked at it. He was embarrassed: [1] Kiss 10 times + 20,000 charm points; [2] Use the dream function to interact with the owner (B-level standard) + 40,000 charm points.


 B – level standard? What did it mean? 40,000 was given all at once! And when he thought about it carefully, he didn’t seem to have done anything… right?


 When Ling Su was awake, he kissed twice, almost making him misunderstand that he would do something shameful. Then suddenly, it turned into him giving the other party a massage. Massage? Did that count as interaction?


 And the orange cat that fell from the sky like a nightmare at the end, he couldn’t help sweating coldly when he recalled it, especially the last words Ling Su said!


 Suddenly, a thought flashed in Xiao Luo’s mind: the tears you shed today are the water that entered your brain yesterday!


 Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Hey, King! I did something stupid!


 King: Touch the dog’s head.jpg


 Orange cat – Xiao Luo: King, I accidentally dug a hole for myself…


 King: It’s okay to go around.


 Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Cry Out Loud.jpg, why is there no amnesic potion in the mall?


 If there was, he would just give Ling Su a bottle and let him forget about it.


 King: Little Orange Cat, it’s four o’clock in the morning. You can either do your homework or go to bed obediently.


 Xiao Luo was stunned, homework or something, he still owes fifteen small game programs to finish! This, this—


 Was it too late to pretend not to be here now?


 Orange Cat – Xiao Luo: Your Majesty, I have something to ask.


 Play dead? It was too late, but it was still not too late to change the subject.


 King: Say.


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 Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: I will return to my body in the future. Will the original soul of this little orange cat come back?


 King: No.


 Orange Cat – Xiao Luo: Huh? Why… 


 King: There is no original soul. Before you had an accident, Qingfeng asked me for help. I found this body for you. Simply put, the actual little orange cat had already been reincarnated before you possessed it.


 Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Well, that means that after I go back, this cat will also… die?


 King: A body without a soul will naturally only return to dust.


 After Xiao Luo replied with a worried voice, he said good night to the king, laid on his back and closed his eyes.


 That was to say, if he chose to return to his original body, Ling Su would lose his beloved cat. Suddenly, he was a little overwhelmed.


 Looking at Ling Su’s reaction, it was clear that he was more gentle and kind when treating a cat than when treating a person.


 “Xiao Pang.” The shit shovel officer’s voice suddenly said in a hoarse and low voice.


 “Meow?” Xiao Luo originally wanted to pretend to be asleep. Still, he thought that the cat’s eyes in the dark were so dazzling. He couldn’t fake it at all, so he had to answer.


 It wasn’t dawn yet, and logically speaking, the effect of [Sleep until dawn] would be significant, so Ling Su shouldn’t have woken up at this time.


 “I had a dream,” said the shit shoveler.


 Xiao Luo said: I know! I know what you’re dreaming about! In the dream, you are so wicked! Really bad.


 “Maybe, I have to help you find Ma Ma.” Ling Su said hesitantly. His tone sounded particularly heavy.


 Seeing the same person in his dreams, two nights in a row. The last time he woke up, he didn’t have much of an impression. He initially slept very deeply this time but suddenly woke up and unexpectedly remembered those eyes. The black and white almond eyes, showing a bit of innocence and cunningness.


 In the dark, he had a hunch: this person might be very important to him, but he had promised Xiao Pang before… So, the little orange cat still needs to approve this matter.


 “Meow?” Xiao Luo heard this, his heart beating faster: Shit shovel officer, what do you mean? 

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