Chapter 43… Turn into an intern?

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  King said that when the time is right, the skills will be unlocked.


  So is it the right time now? Xiao Luo rubbed his chin, then looked at other skills. They were still in the grey-sealed state. Would he just sit in front of the computer and play games, waiting for the countdown to disappear?




  His gaze turned to the desktop wallpaper that was especially replaced by the photo of the little orange cat that was taken by Ling Su.


  A shit-shovelling officer who can set photos of his pet as the desktop wallpaper is simply…cute.


  Xiao Luo couldn’t help grinning, stretched out his finger, and touched Ling Su’s left hand in the photo. His heart was bubbling with joy: My boyfriend is handsome, gentle, considerate and promising, he couldn’t be better! As a result of admiring too much, Xiao Luo was accidentally sucked in.


  When he opened his eyes in a panic, he found that he was sitting at the desk in the cubicle.


  Where is this?


  Did he cross over?


  Nonsense! Xiao Luo quickly glanced around a few times, and finally focused on the computer display in front of him. He  reached out to touch it, but there was no reaction at all!


  This place looks familiar.


  ”Hey, are you a new intern ?” A thick and hearty voice sounded.


  Xiao Luo bit the bullet, turned around and looked at the other person: about 1.8 meters tall, with good features, wearing black trousers and a white shirt, and looked familiar. This young man seems to have played with him not long ago, leading him to win a game of League of Legends!


  But at that time, he was a little orange cat, and he was exposed to League of Legends for the first time.


  Oh hello, what a fate, isn’t this Ling Su’s online game studio called Xingchen.

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  ”Hey little guy, are you an adult yet?”


  ”…I am an adult.” Xiao Luo opened his eyes and talked nonsense. Anyway, the other party should not ask him to take out his ID card to check. He is now covered in a T-shirt and jeans which shows that he’s now a pauper who doesn’t even have a penny.


  ”What’s your name?” The other party asked again.


  Xiao Luo opened his almond eyes innocently and was hesitant whether to say his name casually when he saw another “acquaintance” approaching.


  ”Xiaoxiao, don’t tease the new kid.” Yang Liu said jokingly, walked over to take a look, and was stunned, “When did we start recruiting children here?” “You have to ask your brother about this.”


   Yangliu and Yangbai are brothers. One is the design director of Xingchen, and the other is the art director, but Yang Bai often likes to go to the personnel department to help out, which is not really helpful.


  ”Little friend, what’s your name? How old are you this year? What are you good at? Come on, tell brother, so that brother can arrange a job for you…” Yang Liu saw Xiao Luo’s appearance, and knew that his brother must have recruited him. That’s right, that kid likes this kind of good-looking kids. He said that the entire R&D team is full of hard and big guys, which are unsightly. Handsome guys need to come in to refresh his eyes.


  ”My name is Xiao Luo. I’m eighteen years old. I’ve learned a bit about 3D modeling and interface programming.” Xiao Luo didn’t talk too much. He used his real name to avoid the embarrassment of being called by a strange name and reacting too slowly. 


  ”Well, Xiaoxiao is the oldest 3D modeler here, you should follow him first. But our rule is that all newcomers, no matter whether they are recruited or brought in by someone, must be interviewed by the boss to be hired. So whether you can stay or not depends on what the boss says.” Yang Liu said with a smile, looking quite talkative.


  ”Okay, thank you Director.” Xiao Luo glanced at the work card hanging on the other party’s chest, and tried to play the role of a good baby. When he thought of meeting Ling Su with this appearance later, his heart skipped two beats . 


  ”Little guy, come with me.” Xiaoxiao patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder in a friendly manner, and led him to the desk by the window, “This is your temporary office. Make sure that you can stay after the interview with the boss. Then this place will officially be yours. Now, let me test your ability…”


  Xiao Luo was pressed against the table and began to accept the test.


  ”This photo is our boss’s favorite Xiao Pang. You use the photo as a prototype to build a 3D model.” 




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  Xiao Luo glanced at the photo: This little orange cat sleeping on his back must be candidly filmed by Ling Su. He still showed it off everywhere. Hey, it’s really helpless. Xiaoxiao stood behind Xiao Luo, watched the other party operate, and the expression on his face became a little bit serious: He is so proficient with the English version of 3DMAX, he is definitely not an ordinary novice! 


  When Ling Su arrived at Xingchen Studio, he was stopped by Yang Liu mysteriously: “Ling Su, I have something to discuss with you.” 




  ”Yang Bai recruited an intern. It’s just that he is a little young, when you interview later, can you… be gentler?” “


  ”Be gentler?” Ling Su looked at Yang Liu amusedly, “Why don’t you show me?”


  ”Ahem, I mean, this R&D team is full of talented people. Of course, it’s because of your good leadership, but we still lack a mascot, look at this—” Yang Liu was trying to use his eloquence to persuade Ling Su to go easy on the newcomer, but found that this had already walked forward quickly without changing his face, so he quickly chased after him.


  The two of them, one in front of the other, happened to see Xiao Luo, who was at the window, embracing the challenge without any distraction. Behind him, Xiaoxiao’s face was clearly written with satisfaction.


  ”It’s that little friend.” Yang Liu quietly reminded.


  Ling Su stepped forward suspiciously. After getting closer, he gradually saw the other person’s appearance clearly, and his mind suddenly went blank: This is… the person he dreamed about before?


  ”Boss.” Xiaoxiao just raised his head, and couldn’t help being shocked when he saw Ling Su’s expression: Boss doesn’t think Xiao Luo is underage and wants to drive him away, right? 


  ”…What’s the matter with him?” Ling Su came back to his senses, deliberately avoiding Xiao Luo, looking at Xiaoxiao, “Has he turned eighteen?” “He has.”


  Although he didn’t see his identity. However, age is not a problem, ability is the key!


  After Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he was afraid that the boss would have an opinion, so he quickly added: “Xiao Luo looks young, but his ability is not weak at all. Recently, I have been working overtime every day until I am exhausted. Can you give me an assistant, boss?” 


  Huh? It was the voice of his shit-shovelling officer!


  Ling Su’s voice is very recognizable. Just like the person himself, it belongs to the type that can be noticed at a glance from afar.

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  Xiao Luo raised his head quietly, and carefully glanced at his shit-shovelling officer, just in time to be caught by the other party’s gaze. He subconsciously tilted his head slightly and smiled at the other party.


  For a moment, Ling Su thought that he had seen Xiao Pang who always liked to show off his cuteness. But when he saw the boy’s big black and white eyes, the thought in his mind became more and more obvious: this little guy’s eyes are really similar!


  ”Come with me.” No matter how shocked he was, Ling Su was still very serious on the surface.


  Xiao Luo nodded ignorantly. When he was a little orange cat, the shit-shovelling officer never had a cruel and heartless face. This differential treatment is really… heartbreaking.


  Xiaoxiao: “Boss…”


  Yang Liu: “Ling Su?”


  After the two silently looked at each other, they had no choice but to watch the innocent and harmless boy like a little white rabbit leave behind the big devil.


  ”I always feel that the mascot of our R&D team is missing.”


  ”This little guy is actually very capable…”


  ”Xiaoxiao, you have a big heart.” You are not afraid that the newcomers will snatch your position?


  ”A very magnificent senior!”


  Xiao Luo silently followed behind Ling Su, raised his head several times to look at the back of the shit-shoveling officer. Although he was somewhat shocked by the attitude of the other party, he still couldn’t help being excited: this was his first time using his own face to communicate with the shit shoveller face to face in Ling Su’s awake state! Oh no, there is no communication between them yet. Sad, ah!


  Xiao Luo stopped suddenly, and was startled: his directional transformation card had only accumulated ten minutes before, but now-


  The time has already been exceeded?


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  He carefully turned to the location where there was a countdown reminder for transformation but found nothing.


  What is going on?


  Worst of all, the system seems to be gone too!


  ”What’s wrong?” Sensing that the person behind him suddenly stopped moving, Ling Su turned around, looked at the young man with an unpredictable expression, and couldn’t help asking himself: Could it be that I was acting too serious and frightened him?


  ”No, it’s nothing.” Xiao Luo shook his head quickly. Seeing Ling Su’s earnest expression, a thought suddenly popped up in his heart: Office romance or something, it sounds exciting, what should I do? 


       “Come in.” Ling Su pushed open the frosted glass door of the exclusive office, “Do you want tea or coffee?” 


  ”Just give me a glass of water.” Xiao Luo replied with a smile, sitting on the sofa, “If there is milk, that’s fine “


  ”No milk.” Ling Su replied coldly with a stern face on purpose and then poured him a glass of warm water. 


  ”Thank you.” Xiao Luo took the glass with both hands, while curiously looking at the shit-shovelling officer with a poker face. He was enjoying this new experience while thinking about how to leave later.


  Ling Su dialled a call to the Human Resources Department: “Send over the materials of this batch of interns.”


  When Xiao Luo heard this, the saliva he had just swallowed in his mouth almost spewed out. Won’t I be immediately revealed?


  Ling Su had already hung up the landline, walked to the sofa opposite the boy and sat down, looking straight at him: “Why did you come to Xingchen for an internship?” 


  Xiao Luo smiled silently: I didn’t come for an internship. I just happened to be staying in your apartment and the computer display screen sent me over here. In fact, I am your little orange cat! The truth is just so… absurd.


  But he couldn’t say it yet.

Editor: Jieamnin

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