Chapter 47… Counterattack

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  Opening his eyes, Xiao Luo touched the cold sweat on his forehead. The pain that caused his internal organs to shift and made him unable to breathe was so real that he couldn’t ignore it. He quickly glanced at the countdown to his transformation, 1 minute and 20 seconds left. The foresight skill in the skill bar is re-sealed, and another skill countdown appears.


  [01] Stealth (120 seconds duration, 360 seconds cooldown);


  [02] Thunder Strike (accumulated with anger value, causing direct physical damage to the enemy); the first one is Ye Wei’s ultimate skill, the second one is Xiong Da’s. The other skills of Ye Wei and Xiong Da’s were not activated.


  Xiao Luo made a decisive decision. He immediately accumulated five minutes of time limit for transformation, got out from under the desk, took advantage of Ling Su’s lack of response, rushed up and hugged the Shit Shovel Officer, secretly kissed him, and then ran out quickly.


  ”Xiao Luo, where are you going?” Ling Su was confused. When he came back to his senses, the boy had already closed the door, and he threw one word at him: pee.


  Sure enough, he was still a child.


  As soon as Xiao Luo closed the office door, he immediately activated his stealth skills. Two seconds later, Ding Shengyue appeared, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, carrying a briefcase in his hand, with the appearance of an elite.


  Are you sure you need to spend 10,000 popularity points to exchange for an A-level enchantment?




  The A-level enchantment is equivalent to the enchantment set by the big demon, which can temporarily cover the perception of the outside world. But because it is a plug-in provided by the system, the time limit is only two minutes!


  ”There is a demonic aura.” After Ding Shengyue was enveloped by the enchantment, he immediately came to a conclusion. At the same time he was secretly startled: This enchantment is not like one that an ordinary little monster can set up. Could it be that the master sent other monsters to chase and kill that human?


  ”Bang!” The furious Thunder Strike hit Ding Shengyue making him hit the edge of the barrier. His chest sunken directly.


  Xiao Luo didn’t expect Xiong Da’s skills to be so powerful. Obviously, this effect is very different from when he played tricks on Wei Yuan before, the key is the anger value.


  Thinking of the scene he had foreseen, the last scene where his shit-shoveling officer was forcibly pulled out by a monster, bleeding all over the place, his anger was full again!


  Because it was in an invisible state, and Ding Shengyue was trapped by an enchantment, Xiao Luo had the upper hand, and the effect of Thunder Strike was exerted to the limit. After twenty-four consecutive strikes, the monster finally could no longer maintain its human form, revealing its original face.


  This is a monster that can only be described as ugly and terrifying. It has a scarlet bloody mouth, sharp white fangs, and the dark fur that slides down like water exudes an uncomfortable sticky feeling. Its limbs were strong. Although it’s still hard to describe the opponent’s figure, he is ready to attack at any time, and there is a terrible roar from his throat.


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  Xiao Luo glanced nervously at the countdown to invisibility, there were 56 seconds left. If the monster could not be dealt with during this period, not only him, Ling Su would also suffer.


  After restoring the prototype, the monster became difficult to fight against, and the effect of Thunder Strike was greatly reduced. Xiao Luo was very anxious. At the moment when the invisibility effect disappeared, he kicked in the air, but was bitten by the monster on the thigh, and fell straight down. The pain made his tear flow down. 


  ”Oh, it’s actually a cat demon.” The other party sneered contemptuously. “Originally my target was only that human being. But since you want to interfere, I’ll eat you first!” It’s about to disappear, what to do!


  Seeing that there were only more than 10,000 popularity points left, he gritted his teeth and simply used up all of them. The flickering enchantment condensed again, and the monster stopped suspiciously: the enchantment was strengthened again. Are there other demons?


  There is a chance! Xiao Luo endured the pain, put his hands on the ground. With his injured leg close to the ground, he kicked the monster’s head hard and accurately with the other leg, cutting off a small half of that black head!




  Xiao Luo took advantage of the victory. Seeing that his anger value was full, he immediately rushed forward, chasing and hitting the opponent’s injured position!


  In his life, this was the first time he fought in hand-to-hand combat like a hooligan. The opponent was still a non-human creature with a terrifying appearance. Just thinking about it made his hair stand on end! But when he thought that if he were to fall down, his man would be in danger, all fears were thrown behind him.


  Boom! boom! boom! With the sound of punching and kicking, Xiao Luo was gradually covered in bruises. Seeing that the barrier was about to disappear in ten seconds, he was so anxious that he almost vomited blood!


  ”A cat demon dares to be so arrogant, I’ll eat you today!” The other party threatened fiercely, his bloody mouth turned into a black hole-like existence, and the terrible gravity forcefully pulled Xiao Luo over.


  Half of Xiao Luo’s body was swallowed. Amidst the despair, his eyes lit up, and he saw a faintly glowing bead flickering in the depths of the endless black hole. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he guessed: Could this be the inner alchemy of a monster? 


  Well, he may have watched too many TV shows.


  Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and miraculously got the bead in his hand.


  ”Ahh” before the monster died, it disappeared in the air in an instant, and all the props he used when he was disguised as a human disappeared.


  What is going on?


  Xiao Luo stood there in a daze. If it weren’t for the obvious bloody wound on his body, the fact that everything from the T-shirt to the jeans had become tattered reminded him that this was not a dream, and he would even doubt whether he had hallucinated.


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  The monster disappeared, and the white bead was the size of a night pearl, exuding a soft light, and it was quietly staying in his palm at this moment.


  The transformation countdown frame began to flash red, Xiao Luo reached out and clicked excitedly, and checked his skill bar, and sure enough——the portal has been unsealed! But the other skills are all in a sealed state.


  Could it be that he can only light up one skill at a time?


  There are still 2 minutes left in the countdown to the transformation, so he has to find a computer monitor to send himself back!


  Oh no, shouldn’t he say goodbye to Ling Su?


  Xiao Luo was hesitating, when the beads in his hand suddenly started to jump out uneasily. In a panic, he squeezed hard, and the beads shattered, turning into a bunch of dots of light that enveloped his whole body. The wounds on his body miraculously recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.


  [System prompt: The energy is sufficient, do you want to advance? 】


  What is this? Confused.jpg


  [Advanced by default, in progress…]


  Hey hey hey! How can there be such an operation!


  [System prompt: The portal will be sealed again in 20 seconds, please prepare for evacuation as soon as possible! ]


  Xiao Luo was speechless. It seemed that he had no time to say goodbye to Ling Su. He turned around and hurriedly looked for a computer. Finally, he found a computer that was in a remote location and no one noticed it. He stretched out his hand and stuck himself to the display screen. He then returned to Ling Su’s apartment.


  The tense nerves finally relaxed at this moment. Xiao Luo lay down on the spot, glanced at the countdown to transformation, and then clicked boredly, and found that the character information column was different.


  Character name: Xiao Luo


  Species: Unknown


  Gender: Male


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  Skills: Detection (passive skill, can detect the enemy’s weakness at the critical moment of life and death); Purification (self-contained skill, unknown stability, to be verified); Remarks: Sealing skill not displayed yet.


  Breed unknown? unknown! Xiao Luo was dumbfounded. When he read it before, he was obviously of unknown bloodline of British short hair cat! Could it be that in just a few minutes, the unknown blood in his body suddenly awakened?


  The addition of two new skills was originally a good thing, but when he saw the conditions for the activation of this passive skill, his whole heart was chilled. At the moment of life and death… Today’s thing of fighting monsters hand-to-hand, he didn’t want to go through it again at all!


  The second skill purification…


  Xiao Luo watched silently for five seconds, then sighed: He hates the unknown!


  After thinking about it, he finally turned my attention to the system’s friend list. King’s profile picture is indeed gray, so he can only leave a message first.


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Your Majesty, I am crying loudly.jpg, I fought hand to hand with a terrifying monster today, and was almost bitten to death. Please comfort me!


  It is only natural that King did not reply, but Xiao Luo’s enthusiasm was not dampened at all.


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Your Majesty, if you see my master, can you ask him how my body is doing now? There is also the admission notice from W University, did the old man help me with the formalities? Also, I happened to be teleported to Ling Su’s studio through the portal before, and I became an intern there. Did you help me? Now that I look like this, I can’t go to work. What should I do?


  King still didn’t reply and Xiao Luo continued to harass.


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Your Majesty, I still have a lot of things I can’t figure out. Can you leave me a mobile phone number so that I can find you anytime?


  After waiting for another ten seconds or so, the countdown to the transformation counted down to zero, and Xiao Luo transformed back into a little orange cat, lying lazily on the floor, and continued to send messages.


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: My lord, I don’t understand, why did that big monster target Ling Su? He is just a human being, will there still be many troubles like this in the future? I am just a little cat. I suddenly feel very tired, can you help me find a helper? ah! I remembered, I can ask Master for help, anyway, he is a demon catcher…


  King: ……………………


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: King! Finally, you have shown up!


  King: Do you know what your behaviour is called? sexual harassment.


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  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Your Majesty, you really know how to joke. If I want to sexually harass, I will only sexually harass my Xiao Su!


  King : Ling Su’s identity is a bit special. To demons and monsters, he is a great supplement.


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Isn’t that the same as monk meat?


  King: So you have to protect him well, understand, little orange cat?


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Yes sir.jpg


  King: Of course, if you find it troublesome, you can just leave. Anyway, whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with you. 


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: How can you say that! That is my person, of course I will protect it with all my heart!


  King: Touch the dog’s head.jpg, I’ve been investigating the whereabouts of that thing recently. If you encounter a difficult monster and you can’t solve it alone, just call Qingfeng. The number is 135****1591. 


  Orange Cat- Xiao Luo: Alright, thank you, Your Majesty!


  This number is a bit unfamiliar. Did Master change the number? Obviously his old man said that he doesn’t use a mobile phone, but in the end, hum!


  King: At the school, you are currently on leave. The memory generated during the portal will also be restored by the system, so don’t worry.


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: What are you talking about! Could it be that Ling Su will forget that I kissed him forcefully before? And that he promised to date me!


  King: …I don’t know.


  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Hammering the ground and crying loudly.jpg


  King: Petting the dog’s head.jpg, I will withdraw first.


  Xiao Luo wanted to cry but had no tears, what did the King mean when he said he didn’t know? Could it be that— the fact that he was cheekily molesting his Xiao Su doesn’t count?

Editor: Jieamnin

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