My Sh*t Shovel Officer is Cute

Chapter 70.2: 70.2

Chapter 70… Is it Marriage?

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[Part (2/2)]

“Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan laughed loudly: “Pang, are you so impatient? You’re only two months old, and you already want to find a wife?”





Ling Su silently squinted his eyes with an exaggerated expression and stretched out his hand to the little orange cat: “Xiao Pang, come back, don’t make trouble. If you draw blood from your fingertips, it will hurt.”





“Meow?” Blood from fingertips?





Xiao Luo looked down at his claws, wouldn’t it be enough to prick them with a needle? However, whether the pads of the cat’s claws can recover as fast as human fingers, he is really not sure about this.





“Little orange cat, what are you messing with?” Well, even King spoke up.





Xiao Luo had no choice but to jump back on Ling Su’s lap unwillingly. In fact, whether he tried it or not had little effect on him. Anyway, he had already made up his mind to be with Ling Su in his life. The arrival of other cats and dogs won’t even affect half of him.





On the contrary, it was “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan who wanted to know his significant other so desperately, and always felt that something was wrong.





Does the old demon also have a day of spring heart?





“Lend me this stone for a while, and then I’ll return it to you.” “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan didn’t intend to try it directly in front of so many people, so he scooped the stone into his hand, “Master Taoist, you don’t mind, right?”





The brazenness was properly performed to the fullest.





Taoist Qingfeng: “…” It was the first time he saw someone who played cards so unreasonably, oh no, it was a demon.





And it’s a big demon similar to the big lazy cat, so powerful that people can’t refuse.





“I will keep an eye on him and not let him steal your things.” King interjected in a calm tone.





Taoist Qingfeng immediately felt relieved: “Yes.” Xiao Luo watched silently, deeply moved in his heart: My master is so powerful, even the hard-to-find Taoist Qingfeng listened to him!





Leaving the marriage stone behind, Taoist Qingfeng left immediately, as if running away, and left in a hurry. Xiao Luo felt all kinds of pity, thought deeply, and realized: Taoist must have noticed “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan’s Demon spirit!





Facing two big demon, the poor demon catcher can only let the demons slaughter him. If he doesn’t seize the opportunity to escape, why should he continue to stay and be slaughtered?





Come to think of it, that’s really the case.





“Ling Xiaosu, do you want to try the legendary marriage stone?” “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan shook the stone in his hand, his expression was rather embarrassed, “With a drop of blood, you can find your destiny in this life.”


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“Meow!” Your tone sounds like a kraft paper advertisement on a telephone pole, unreliable.





“No need, I’ll take Xiao Pang home first, he hasn’t had breakfast yet.” Ling Su shook his head slightly, it’s not that he doesn’t believe in the marriage stone. It’s just that he has already found someone he wants to be with for the rest of his life.





Huh? Xiao Luo looked at Shit Shovel Officer in surprise. He thought Ling Su would want to try it.





“By the way, make a serving for me too.” Ling Xuan said with a smile.





“You are so old, do you still need milk powder?” Ling Su asked in pretended surprise while holding the little orange cat.





“Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan was stunned. Before he could say anything, he heard the other party continue to say: “In these days, if a man can’t cook, he won’t be able to marry a wife. You are not too young, you should practice your cooking skills.”





“Hey! I can find someone who can cook!”





Xiao Luo stuck out his tongue and meowed, the irony couldn’t be more obvious: Finding a girl who is prettier than you and can cook is really not easy. Just the first reason can wipe out more than 90% of people.





Even though he has turned two months old and there is no need to continue to drink milk powder, after returning home, Ling Su still made a bottle of milk powder for the little orange cat.





“Xiao Pang, you’re wronged again. I’ll improve your food tonight.” The shit shoveler said softly.





Xiao Luo rushed forward coquettishly and hugged Ling Su’s arm: “Meow!” I’m not wronged, as long as it is done by you, I like it, ouch!





Being a fanatic cat, that’s all.





Half an hour later, the little orange cat sat contentedly holding the baby bottle in front of the computer desk, turned around to see the charming appearance of his shit shoveler concentrating on his work, and chatted with the little pets in King’s harem group who kept chatting online.





Macaw-Coco: That old Li is cooking for me clumsily, so disgusting. [Picture][Picture]





Chinchilla-San Hui: I hate you! You even secretly took pictures to show off!





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: I think it’s blunt, that’s what I’m talking about.





Macaw- Coco: Little orange cat! Have you discussed my suggestion with King?





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Xiao Luo scratched his chin, oops, I forgot.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: I’ll ask later.





Macaw-Coco: Don’t forget about it, little orange cat!





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: I will try my best.





The project is too big, he thinks he needs a few helpers, but—





King has too many things to do. It is obviously not suitable to go to him, is there another candidate? The little guys in the harem group can’t be counted on. The only special person he knows is “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan. Luo Baibai is more reliable than finding this “Xiaojiejie”.





Macaw-Coco: Fighting landlords, does anyone want to play?





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Raise my hand!





Macaw-Coco: You go and play alone!





Xiao Luo is silent, being disgusted so bluntly, it’s really… hey! After thinking for a while, he simply switched the window and ran to look for King, and King’s portrait happened to be lit up.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: My lord, Coco said that he wanted you to add a LOL port in the system, please look into this matter…





My lord: Do it when you have time. If you want to do this, you don’t have to do the rest of the mini-games. But your most important task right now is cultivation.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: King, I have been spending as much time as possible staring at Ling Su 24 hours a day. This practice, I feel that it is a little…slow.





King: Touch the dog’s head.jpg





Xiao Luo stared at the picture with complicated emotions, feeling that this topic would continue to reach a dead end, so he quickly changed the subject.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: King, has “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan found his destined person?





King: In the early stages of practice, you can achieve the desired goal by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and sitting in meditation, but now the environment is no longer what it used to be, unless I take you to Kunlun Mountain to practice, but I guess you are not willing to leave Ling Su. You have survived the initial stage, you can ask Ling Xuan for a book of exercises.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: What exercise?



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He thought that King and “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan were incompatible, so they would fight when they met. Now it seems that this is not the case, at least it is not as simple as what he sees on the surface.





King: Double cultivation of exercises.





Puff! Xiao Luo spat out the mouthful of milk in his mouth.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Really?





King: I don’t know if it’s true or not, maybe he’s bragging.





This is all right?





Xiao Luo chatted with the master for a while, until finally saying goodbye, he realized belatedly: he was forcibly distracted from the topic by the master again! Although, he wasn’t that curious about who “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan was destined to be with.





“This stone is not very effective.” “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan stuffed the marriage stone into his pocket, with an aggrieved expression on his face.





“Since it doesn’t work, then return it to Qingfeng quickly.” King didn’t bother to study it carefully, so he packed up his things and prepared to go to the infirmary to stay.





“I’ll play with it for two more days.” “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan rolled his eyes, “Xiaobai, why don’t you try?” King gave him a sideways glance, “Not interested.”





“I don’t believe that you’re not at all curious about who your destined person is!”





“Didn’t you say it didn’t work? Since it didn’t work, why should I try?” King gave the other party a contemptuous look, and left with his phone in his pocket.





“Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan stood there with an aggrieved face: “Will you believe me if I tell you the truth?”





Fortunately, there are still people who are curious, even if it is a cat.





Ling Xuan lay down on the sofa, playing with the stone while chatting with Xiao Luo.





Ling Xuan: I tried.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: What happened?





Ling Xuan: All kinds of unbelievable things happened. They were so bright that they blinded my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes 1 So bright that it blinds my titanium alloy dog eyes : (亮瞎我的钛合金狗眼 [liàng xiā wǒ de tài hé jīn gǒu yǎn]) . This expression describes something that’s extremely mind-blowing, mind-boggling, or shocking. !

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Looking at this, Xiao Luo couldn’t help thinking: In fact, if your predestined person sees you like this, he will probably feel that he is blind.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: I heard that you have a book of dual cultivation skills, can you lend me a copy?





Ling Xuan: Yes, but you can’t use it now, at least wait until your gaze proficiency reaches full level.





Xiao Luo was startled, as expected of a great demon who has lived for countless years! This “Xiaojiejie” actually knows exactly what skills the system has given him after the system levelled up! He looks back at his proficiency: 18/100, again because he’s been practicing everyday.





There is still a long time before the full level.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Brother Ling Xuan, who is the big bug?





Ling Xuan: Xiao Pang, every time you try to dig something out of my mouth, your mouth becomes so sweet.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Xiaojiejie, you are really astute!





Ling Xuan: But I can’t tell you.





Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: That’s it, then bye!





Xiao Luo decisively turned off the dialogue box. Although the other party sometimes felt very unreliable, after careful consideration, what Ling Xuan said was ultimately traceable.





He probably understood the difference between being unable to say and not wanting to say.





“Woo…” the little orange cat lay down on the keyboard, looking at his account balance, the popularity value is enough to exchange for [Sneak into your dreams] twice, currently the source of inner alchemy is sufficient, he can temporarily ignore the exchange needed to practice alchemy. Then tonight, the shit shovel officer must be overthrown!





“Xiao Pang, what are you doing?” Ling Su turned his head and saw the little orange cat rolling on the keyboard, looking quite excited.










Xiao Luo pretended to be stupid, stood up smugly, and responded innocently. Seeing this, the shit shovel officer smiled, he lowered his head and went to work again. Using Lianliankan as a cover, he was ready to secretly check the information on the Internet.





# On the wedding night, what should I prepare for the first time? #

Editor: Jieamnin

T/N: Thank you for reading (~˘▾˘)~


Let me know if you find any mistakes and I’ll correct it. You can also ‘buy me a coffee’ if you like it…..

1 So bright that it blinds my titanium alloy dog eyes : (亮瞎我的钛合金狗眼 [liàng xiā wǒ de tài hé jīn gǒu yǎn]) . This expression describes something that’s extremely mind-blowing, mind-boggling, or shocking.

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