“You come down.” It’s so dangerous.

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“No, come here!” Xiao Luo thought to himself. He has been a cat for a while anyway, his body is flexible, so how could he fall casually? Besides, at this distance, even if he falls, it’s not a big deal.


“This tree is very old. If you damage it, you won’t be able to pay for it.” The shit shoveler said with a serious face.


Xiao Luo was speechless for a moment, and the rationality that had been dissipated by joy just now quickly returned: Don’t talk about whether it is expensive or not. Whether it can be paid for or not, this is public property, if he sits on his butt and ruins it, it will be troublesome!


Get down now!


The young man hurriedly climbed down. Seeing this, Ling Su smiled calmly, stepped forward, waited under the banyan tree, caught him in advance, and hugged him.


“Why are you here?” At this time, shouldn’t you just sleep late in bed?


“I miss you. I came here to see you.”


Of course, Xiao Luo would not say, I was so moved by your affectionate confession at four o’clock this morning, and I just had the opportunity to come to see you openly. How can such a good godsend opportunity be wasted?


Although, he was actually a little embarrassed in his heart to consume “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan’s cultivation in this way.


“Have you had breakfast?” Ling Su hugged the young man’s waist with one hand and gently wiped the sweat from the other’s forehead with the other hand. It didn’t stop him from being full of joy.


“I ate a little bit, but I’m not full.” “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan was too stingy, and he only let him taste a little of everything and drove him away.


But he can’t eat so many things by himself, right?


“What do you want to eat, I’ll go back and make it for you.” Ling Su put him down on the ground and said with a familiar attitude.


Go back? That must not work.


Xiao Luo quickly shook his head: “It’s too troublesome to do it now. Why don’t we go to the cafeteria to eat?” This place is only 20 minutes away from the cafeteria, if the time is arranged properly, it may be in time.


“The cafeteria?” Ling Su hesitated, “There are too many people over there.”


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He remembered that Xiao Luo was not a student of W University, plus the young man’s outstanding appearance, he was more noticeable. If the two of them sit together in the cafeteria, they will definitely be surrounded by people, and Xiao Luo’s identity may be involved…


Xiao Luo immediately realized that although he was admitted to W University, his body should still lie in the hospital. Although the shit-shovelling officer is low-key enough, he is the focus of attention wherever they go. If they appear together, they may cause trouble.


“You wait here, and I’ll be back soon.” Ling Su suggested.


“Don’t go. Stay with me for a while, okay?” Xiao Luo hastily held him back. It will take at least half an hour to go back and forth, and there won’t be much time left!


“Okay.” Ling Su nodded slightly, with various doting expressions.


Xiao Luo joyfully stretched out his hand to hold the opponent’s hand, and looked back at the big banyan tree: “Shall we go under the tree?”


”Yeah.” Ling Su looked around. Because it was relatively early, no one would pass by now, so he nodded, “But you are not allowed to climb trees.”


“No.” Xiao Luo quickly assured him that he is a person with public morality. If it wasn’t because he was too happy before, he wouldn’t have done such a thing.


They finally sat down under the banyan tree, side by side, close together.


“How have you been recently?” Ling Su pretended not to notice the identity of the other party, like two friends who hadn’t seen each other for a long time reunited and sat down, starting from the simplest topic to talk about.


Xiao Luo secretly smiled, and silently praised his shit-shovelling officer from the bottom of his heart: You are so witty, no one else can be better.


“It’s pretty good. I eat and drink enough every day.”


“But I’m not well.”


“Ah…” Xiao Luo was startled.


Ling Su turned his head and looked at the young man quietly: “But it’s much better now.”


Xiao Luo stared at him blushing. Recalling the situation in the previous dream, he couldn’t help but feel itchy. He leaned forward in front of Ling Su, and asked in a low voice: “Ling Xiaosu, can I kiss you?”


”You said that last time. Before I could answer, you played tricks on me.” Ling Su said with a straight face, deliberately acting indifferent.

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Xiao Luo is a little embarrassed, it seems that his skin is not thick enough, but he can continue to work hard!


“Well, so you won’t object this time, right?” The boy was slightly taken aback. His smile crept up from the corner of his eyes, and he rushed over quickly, kissed his shit-shovelling officer, touched him lightly, and then moved away a little. “It’s a bit cold.”


“Huh?” Ling Su responded in puzzlement.


“It’s okay, it will heat up soon.” The next second, the boy threw himself on him, wrapped his hands around his neck, and kissed him passionately.


Ling Su’s heart throbbed for a while, and he stretched out his arms to hug the boy’s back and kissed him back tacitly.


Two sparrows landed on the top of the banyan tree, and after flying around happily, they began to gossip quietly.


[A’Gua, look at the people below who are doing shameful things. 】


【A’Sha, you are so ignorant. Humans nowadays like to kiss under the big banyan tree! 】


【A’Gua, but I remember seeing one male and one female. 】


【Look, ouch, it’s actually two males! This, this kiss is quite intense! ]


[A’Gua, why don’t we try it too? 】


【Let’s go! 】


Xiao Luo laughed out loud and leaned on Ling Su’s body weakly. Even in the human form, he still understood the conversation between the two sparrows. Presumably, these two should be small pets in King’s harem group.


Because there is a language barrier between him and other ordinary pets.


“What are you laughing at?” Ling Su pinched the soft flesh around the boy’s waist.


Xiao Luo begged for mercy instantly: “Itchy, don’t touch it!”


“So ticklish?” Ling Su didn’t believe it and squeezed again.

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Xiao Luo shrunk into a ball with a smile and kept pushing into the other party’s arms. Ling Su looked at the boy’s soft hair, and was slightly dazed: It was exactly the same as when Xiao Pang was acting like a baby.


“Xiao Luo.”


“Well, what’s the matter, Ling Xiaosu?”




Ling Su hesitated to speak; he wanted to ask too many things, and he didn’t know where to start. Some words, he couldn’t even ask.


Xiao Luo raised his head and silently looked at his shit-shovelling officer, feeling distressed in his heart. He straightened up, hugged the other’s cheek, and their noses touched: “Wait for a while. One day, I will stand upright by your side. When that time comes, you will be mine, and your heart will only be mine. You are not allowed to look at others, you can only look at me…” “Why are you so overbearing?Huh?”


“Because you are Ling Xiaosu.” Because you are my shit-shovelling officer and I am your master, of course, you can only belong to me! Of course, I will only belong to you alone.


Xiao Luo thought happily and let out a burst of giggling.


Ling Su patted the boy’s head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry and stuck to him to kiss that sweet-talking mouth again…


Time passed quickly. Xiao Luo estimated the time, although he was very reluctant, there was nothing he could do. He rubbed his belly and looked up at Ling Su: “I’m a little hungry.” “What do you want to eat?” Ling Su asked gently.


“Egg custard, salmon.” Xiao Luo ordered two ingredients that the cafeteria didn’t have. But there were ingredients in the apartment’s refrigerator.


Ling Su smiled and patted the boy’s butt: “I can satisfy you, but you have to let me stand up first.”


Xiao Luo nodded again and again, and after standing still, he leaned against the big banyan tree and said, “Ling Xiaosu, go quickly. ”


Ling Su hesitated for a while, and didn’t ask nonsense such as “Do you want to come together” or “Will you wait here for me?”. He knew quite well that when he comes back, the boy would definitely not wait here for him.


“Good boy.” The shit shovel officer reached out and rubbed the boy’s head lovingly.


Xiao Luo waved to him with a smile, and watched the other person’s figure gradually disappear, then came back to his senses, and shouted: “Miss Ling Xuan, come out.” “If I don’t come here earlier, would you just forget the time?” Ling Xuan walked out slowly from the corner with a helpless look on his face, “It’s too much to let me eat dog food early in the morning.”


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“Have you finished your breakfast yet? “Xiao Luo changed the subject with a smile.


Ling Xuan’s expression changed. He didn’t answer, and said directly: “I’ll take you back, my little ancestor!” With the help of “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan, Xiao Luo was able to lie back under the covers before his shit-shovelling officer came back. He took the time to write a few lines of code.


“Beep beep——” The system’s new message notification sounded.


Xiao Luo switched windows to look and was amazed that it was actually sent by King on his initiative.


King: Did you go out to roam just now?


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: It’s not roaming, it’s a date!


King: Don’t be so capricious next time, especially during this period, it’s not safe.


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Hmm, I know, I won’t dare next time! By the way, King, I want to ask something.


King: Touch the dog’s head.jpg


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: If I get a wishing card, will any of my wishes be granted?


King: The existence of the system is also restricted by rules. It cannot be just any wish. You must pay for what you get. This is a process of equivalent exchange.


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: That is to say, if I make a wish to let a certain big monster burp directly, there is no way to achieve it. But if it belongs to the category of equivalent exchange, for example, I want to make the staring proficiency level full, can I try?


Xiao Luo’s thoughts turned so fast that King couldn’t help but want to beat him up.


King: You can try it.


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Thank you, King, Bye!


It means he can try it, which means there is hope!


The little orange cat immediately climbed out of bed full of fighting spirit and ran to the cat toilet with smugness and arrogance!

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