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Chapter 75 King’s Driving Skills


When Xiao Luo woke up, it was already half past five in the evening. Seeing that his shit shovel officer was still sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, he couldn’t help but feel anxious: This [sleep until dawn] effect is so good. Ling Su won’t really sleep until tomorrow morning, right?


“Beep, beep, beep—”


Ling Xuan: Xiao Pang, where are you going to eat at night?


It’s the same wherever he went. Anyway, he can only watch. Xiao Luo sighed silently.


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: I used [Sleep Until Dawn] on Ling Su before, but he hasn’t woken up yet. Is something going to happen?



Xiao Luo ran to the pillow and licked the man’s face. Ling Xiaosu looked like Sleeping Beauty, which was really worrying.


Ling Xuan didn’t reply and ran over directly. The ability to walk through the wall and enter the house at this moment was so convenient and practical. If it weren’t for the wrong timing, Xiao Luo would have wanted to ask him to teach him.


“How many hours?”


“Meow…” More than three hours.



“Then it’s still early to wake up. I think we should pour some boiling water on him, and he’ll wake up instantly!” Ling Xuan said mischievously, rubbing his hands together.


Xiao Luo stared at the other party dissatisfied. At this glance, he was dumbfounded: “Meow?” Where is your hair?


The climate in Sanya is humid and hot. “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan has changed into a T-shirt, beach shorts and flip-flops. His long, smooth and iconic curly hair was cut off with a knife and trimmed into short, fluffy and elegant hair. At first glance, Xiao Luo almost didn’t recognize it.


“No, it’s too hot.” Ling Xuan laughed in embarrassment. He wasn’t going to tell the little orange cat that he got struck by lightning for defying the heavens and decided to cut off his fried hair.


“Meow…” I thought you said it casually before.



Xiao Luo was a little regretful. His hair was as good as silk and satin. And looking at it this way, he was embarrassed to call the other person Xiaojiejie now. But with a different hair style, the Xiaojiejie instantly turned into a little brother. The effect was almost on par with plastic surgery.


“I’ll call your master over. Most of the things in QQ Mall are produced by the demon world. He knows the efficacy of those strange and weird things.” Ling Xuan probably felt a little uncomfortable because of the regretful expression of the little orange cat. He just made an excuse and left.

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Xiao Luo was startled, and then he immediately realized: In other words, in a sense, the QQ Mall is actually similar to a plane store?


King arrived at the scene two minutes later. Without saying a word, he took a glass of water and poured it on Ling Su’s face!


“Meow!” King, how can you be so rude!



“To wake him up.” King calmly put down the glass and threw a towel to Ling Su, “I’m going to have dinner.”


Xiao Luo was speechless: Why are these big demons so obsessed with human food!


Ling Su was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes to the little orange cat lying on him, and his memory gradually came back: He seemed to be very sleepy just now, and then fell asleep?


“Meow~” Ling Xiaosu, quickly wipe the water from your face.


Xiao Luo held up the towel and felt a little guilty. Although King was not as unreliable as “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan and did not throw boiling water, his shoveler had suffered “abuse” after all. On one side was his master and on the other side was his man. Hey, it’s so difficult to be caught in the middle!



“Senior Xiao Ye, where are you going to eat?” Ling Su picked up the towel to wipe his face without changing his expression, and stroked the cat as a comfort.


Xiao Luo took the opportunity to rub himself in the palm of the shovel officer’s hand, and used the opportunity to brush up his charm points.


“Go to the first market.” King said while scrolling through his mobile phone. “There is an acquaintance over there. We can ask him to take us to buy seafood and process it.”


Acquaintance? Xiao Luo’s first reaction was… demon.


“I’ll arrange for someone to take us there.” Ling Su changed his clothes and said calmly.


Xiao Luo quickly lowered his head and pretended to be stupid. King’s driving skills were really impressive!


“No, I have a car.” King seemed not to notice the profound meaning of Ling Su’s words. He stuffed his phone into his pocket and smiled slightly, “I just checked the route map. I shouldn’t get lost.”


Xiao Luo: Haha.


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When he walked to the parking lot, Xiao Luo was surprised when he saw the sports car turned into an off-road vehicle: This “Transformer” is so powerful! It was a pity – the driver was King, whether it was powerful or not, there was not much difference.


Ling Su calmly got into the back seat with the little orange cat in his arms and fastened his seat belt immediately. Xiao Luo secretly glanced at the “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan who was also serious in the passenger seat and felt happy in her heart: It turned out he was not the only one who was frightened by King’s driving skills.


King put the reverse gear on and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Xiao Luo’s heart was stuck in his throat. He could vaguely smell the burnt smell caused by the tires rubbing against the ground. In the blink of an eye, the off-road vehicle completed a 180-degree retreat. Then he made a 90-degree turn and quickly rushed out of the parking lot and onto the road!


Xiao Luo lowered his head and licked his paws, fearing that his master would be angry if he went too far.


Glancing back at his owner, who remained calm as if everything was expected, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration!


The roads in Sanya are relatively narrow and cannot be compared with those in Z City. King obviously did not realize this. He maintained a speed of more than 100 kmph all the way, overtaking cars one after another. After about half an hour, the off-road vehicle returned to the exit of the hotel. .


Xiao Luo: …


King looked out the window calmly and said, “Ling Xuan, please turn on the navigation.”


“How about I drive?” “Xiaojiejie” Ling Xuan suggested with a smile.


King was strangely silent for a moment, then miraculously agreed.


Ling Xuan got into the driver’s seat, and twenty minutes later, the group arrived at the first market successfully.


Xiao Luo lay on his owner’s lap, pretending to be innocent while licking Ling Su’s hand. He had to hold back his laughter and not show any hint of schadenfreude, or else his master would feel embarrassed. As a dutiful apprentice, how could he think his master was silly? That would be absolutely wrong! But—


He still really wanted to laugh.


The little orange cat kept pushing its head into the middle of the shit shovel officer’s thighs. Ling Su couldn’t help but reach out and push the cat’s head: “Xiao Pang, pay attention to your appearance.”


Xiao Luo was speechless for a moment.


The First Market was crowded with people, especially after nightfall. At a glance, every place was full of people.


King dialled the number, and within three minutes, a little girl with a mushroom haircut ran over and hugged King’s waist: “King! What do you want to eat? I’ll treat you!”

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Ling Su glanced at the pink and tender little girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old, with fair and delicate skin and a very cute appearance, wearing a pink dress. She looked somewhat similar to Xiao Ye, but this… calling him “King” seemed a bit over the top.


“You don’t need to treat me, I’ve brought money.” King touched the little girl’s head, turned around and said to the little orange cat in Ling Su’s arms, “This is a child from my distant relative, named Xiong Heibai.”


Xiong Heibai? This name seemed a bit familiar. Xiao Luo looked at the little girl intently, and suddenly thought: wasn’t one of the authors of the “Universal Edition of Pet Linguistics” in Su the movie star’s hands named Xiong Heibai?


It was indeed a demon, and the demonic aura was very weak. If one didn’t check it carefully, they wouldn’t notice it at all.


“Hello.” Xiong Heibai smiled and waved, then took King’s arm affectionately and went to buy seafood.


Xiao Luo opened his eyes in shock: This demon was so powerful. She was not afraid of King at all and dared to be so coyly. However, he felt a tiny bit disappointed—after all, the boss was his master, and he couldn’t openly act cute! Oh well, at least he had Ling Xiao Su!


“Meow~” the little orange cat meowed triumphantly, urging the man to follow him quickly.


“Beep, beep, beep—”


Ling Xuan: Do you feel that you have fallen out of favour?


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Huh? What fall out of favour?


Ling Xuan: No need to be embarrassed, that panda demon has been good at acting cute since childhood. You can learn a thing or two.


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Xiong Heibai is actually a national treasure! Wow, I instantly find her so adorable!


Ling Xuan: He is a male, just pretending to be cute.


Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Brother Ling Xuan, do you all demons like cross dressing?


Ling Xuan: Who said “all”? It’s just a few, and they aren’t good examples.


Orange Cat – Xiao Luo: Ye Wei counts as one, Xiong Heibai counts as one, and you can barely be counted as one too.


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Ling Xuan: I was framed, and that was a long time ago, okay?


Orange Cat – Xiao Luo: Oh.


As someone who just cut off waist-length hair, doesn’t saying that make you feel a bit guilty?


Xiong Heihei, who was said to be an authentic Sanya veteran, helped pick out the seafood and negotiated the price. They finally went to a place called “Bear Wants Meat” for seafood preparation.


“Bear Wants Meat” is a restaurant opened by Xiong Heibai. The chefs and waiters in the store were all burly men with muscles. In Sanya, a place where locals generally looked smaller and more delicate, these muscular men were simply a peculiar sight. Just looking at the scene gave people a feeling that it was not easy to mess with. But the business in the store was quite good, mainly because the chef was good at cooking, the place was kept clean, and the boss was very cute.


Due to their acquaintance, Xiong Heibai specially had the chef prepare a separate meal for the little orange cat.


By the time it was eight o’clock, a table full of seafood dinner exuded an alluring aroma that made Xiao Luo’s mouth water.


Steamed shrimp with vermicelli, vermicelli scallops, stir-fried lobster, coconut rice, sea urchin steamed rice, steamed lobster, spicy fried mango snails, salt and pepper mantis shrimp, stir-fried four-angled beans, Wuzhishan wild vegetables, and finally a pot of seafood congee, all looked and smelled so delicious that Xiao Luo almost couldn’t resist turning back into his human form!


Fortunately, Xiong Heibai prepared an extra meal for the little orange cat. The raw materials were basically the same as those on the round table. The only difference was that the taste was extremely light.


Everyone was very satisfied with this dinner. Ling Su even shared his cooking experience with the chef, such as how to make food without salt taste better?


At 9:30 in the evening, the group of people was preparing to go back to the hotel. Before leaving, Xiong Heibai kept holding King’s arm and said coyly: “King, when will you come to see me next time?”


“Once we’ve had enough fun here, we’ll head back to Z City.” The boss tapped the fake loli on the head, “The zoo lost a panda, which is not a good thing.”


Xiong Heibai’s eyes were filled with tears.


Xiao Luo took the opportunity to glance at his shit shoveler. Fortunately, he was far away, so Ling Su probably didn’t hear them.

T/N: Thank you for reading (~˘▾˘)~


Let me know if you find any mistakes and I’ll correct it. You can also ‘buy me a coffee’ if you like it…..


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