My Star Teacher

Chapter 107: 107

Liu Tianwang is also famous for his good temper in the circle. He's a good man. When he sees strange things, he feels them.

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"I don't seem to have a pen with me either."

The light of night immediately showed the expression of disappointment, "really didn't take it?"

Liu Tianwang definitely nodded, "no belt."

Luminous was very disappointed, but he didn't give up. He turned his eyes around, and then asked a familiar little fresh meat sitting in a seat beside Liu Tianwang, "this..." luminous couldn't name him, "do you have a pen?"

Small fresh meat a Leng, straightforward shake head, "did not take."

Luminous: "really not with you?"

Little fresh meat is not happy, "no is no, are you bored or not?" Ask someone to sign for me to borrow a pen? I won't lend you any!

Luminous hit a nail, but not angry, laughing and looking for other people, this person he knows, costume Prince Hu Chao, "teacher Hu Chao, do you have a pen? Can I borrow it? "

Hu Chao also turned over himself and shook his head. "I didn't bring it either."

Luminous looked disappointed, and then went to ask other people, but it seems that this pen is very difficult to find tonight. Luminous asked four or five stars in a row, but none of them had a pen on them. Luminous didn't give up. He planned to ask one by one, but he didn't believe it, so he couldn't find a pen! It's not easy to see Liu Tianwang. How can I do without signing his name!

The night light is so tossing, the stars are sitting to watch his excitement, but it gives more fun to the boring waiting before the opening. Liu ChiYan can't watch it any more, so he gets up and takes him back.

His wife all came out to catch him, and night light had no choice but to give up, but he wanted to sign Liu Tianwang's signature. He was dragged back by Liu ChiYan, and at the same time he cried, "Liu Tianwang, sign, sign, you promised to sign for me, I remember. Today I owe you, next time I remember!"

"Shut up and go back!" Liu ChiYan thinks he is a disgrace.

The light of night had no choice but to stop. He went back and sat down with Liu ChiYan. Then he turned back and looked in the direction of Liu Tianwang. He was still making a mouth. Everyone could see that what he said was a signature.

Helpless, Liu Tianwang nodded and laughed at him. Then he turned his head to one side. He didn't see the night light, and his eyes were clear!

There are stars whispering.

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"Liu ChiYan's new assistant is really interesting."

"It's funny. It's interesting."

"Liu ChiYan has disappeared for some time. When did he find such an assistant?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard of it. She's very low-key recently. I don't know why she suddenly moved to Nanchang some time ago."

"Ah? Nanchang? Isn't she Bj? What's the matter? Is there any inside information? "

"I don't know. If you don't tell me, I don't know about it."


soon, the party began.

The May Day Gala is really not very meaningful. It's just that night light thinks so. The host says the opening remarks, and then there are various kinds of programs. There are various types of programs, but after all, they can't do without rules and regulations. They praise the motherland, the people, and the glory of labor. They can't say it's bad. They can only say it's like this every year, and they're tired of watching it.

It's almost time for liuchiyan to come out. Some staff came to invite liuchiyan to prepare backstage.

Liu ChiYan and luminous signal for a moment, got up and followed the staff to the backstage, just took a step, Liu ChiYan stopped and turned around, "you stay honest, don't make trouble!"

Next to a few stars can not help but smile.

Luminous a black line, make trouble, what can make trouble? It's just a signature. As for...

after two programs, it's time for Liu ChiYan to appear.

Without dancing, the stage was dark. Suddenly, a beam of chasing light fell on Liu ChiYan who came out slowly.

Dressed in a blue dress, Liu ChiYan walks gracefully to the center of the stage. It's dark on all sides. There is only a bunch of chasing light with her as the center. The intense conflict between light and dark makes her look like a fairy from heaven. It's so beautiful that it's like the stage is for her. It's so strong that people tremble.

He had never seen Liu ChiYan's temperament, noble and holy. It turned out that this was the goddess Liu. Liu Tianhou, when she was at home, she was just Liu ChiYan. And now, she's the queen, the queen of the stage!

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Background music starts, and Liu ChiYan slowly opens his mouth.

"Where is the world full of flowers"

"if it really exists, then I will go"

as soon as liuchiyan opens his mouth, many people are surprised.

"It's like a new song, that tune."

"It should be a new song. I haven't heard it before. Liu ChiYan is singing in her voice. It's not like her style."

"But it sounds OK."

Night light is also a little surprised. Since he taught Liu ChiYan the song "chasing the dream of a child", night light has never heard Liu ChiYan sing this song again. The main reason is that he is too busy and has been busy doing the journey to the West.Liu ChiYan spent a lot of effort to find someone to accompany him or to play background music. He went to the singing room to practice when he was still free. Today, when he opened his mouth, the light of night was really startled.

It's great. It's really great.

Originally, when he taught Liu ChiYan, he thought that Liu ChiYan's voice and voice might not be suitable for this song. Although he sang well, he didn't feel so bad and couldn't highlight his sense of strength. But today, when Liu ChiYan opened his mouth, he didn't know how to describe his feelings except for sighing and admiring luminous.

Liu ChiYan continued to sing.

"Maybe my hand is stupid"

"but I am willing to keep exploring"

"give all my youth without regret"

the climax is coming.

"Run forward!"

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As soon as Liu ChiYan sang this sentence, the audience could not help exclaiming.

Night light, the corners of the mouth also evoke a smile.

"Facing coldness and ridicule"

"how can we feel the vastness of life without suffering"

"fate can't make us kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Even if the blood is in my arms"

"keep running!"

Liuchi smoke roared, tearing heart crack lung like broken sound.

"With the pride of a child"

"how can we feel the shine of life without suffering"

"it's better to indulge in burning than to linger"

"one day it will sprout again"

the whole audience was shocked, this is what goddess Liu sang?

Is it really sung by goddess Liu?

Can't it be your own eyes?

Is it really goddess Liu on the stage?

The style is totally different!

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It's not even credible to wipe your eyes.

Liu ChiYan continued to sing the second paragraph.

"Run forward!"


"keep running!"


"don't compromise until you get old!"

In the second paragraph, Liu ChiYan's singing is more heartrending and full of strength. The glow of the night is also very shocking. I can't imagine how his small body burst out so powerful.

After a song, Liu ChiYan stepped down.

The audience was quiet for five seconds, then burst into applause. Some of the whistles, screams and cheers that should not have appeared on the occasion of the May Day party came and went one after another. More fans of Liu ChiYan call her name.

"Liu ChiYan!"

"Liu ChiYan!"

"Liu ChiYan!"

"Goddess Liu, I love you!"

As if the party had become Liu ChiYan's solo concert.

Liu Tianwang is also silly to listen to, and said a word after a while.

"Liuchiyan still has this operation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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