My Star Teacher

Chapter 113: 113

In a wave of publicity offensive, the Nightlight storytelling program finally has some improvement.

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Of course, the biggest credit for this is Liu ChiYan, who has a huge number of fans. In the instant, there are a lot of fans supporting him.

Noctilucent see some eye heat, and then began to instigate Liu ChiYan to write that article to the micro blog, but Liu ChiYan how also refused to agree, firmly said, "I'm the queen, I want to maintain their own image!"

Of course, luminous can only give up, on the contrary, he sent the article he wrote to his micro blog.

He doesn't have many microblog fans, but there are still some. Once this microblog is published, his microblog is hot again.

Xiaochunqing: "I'm so shy. How can I send this kind of thing? I don't want to see it! But I can't control myself

Foot pinching man: "lying trough, so heavy mouth? It's heavier than the skin of my buttoned feet. "

Truth Emperor: "visual inspection is a fraud."

1234: "all these things? Although it feels like a scam, I just can't help but point it out. "

"I've seen it. It's a journey to the West. Yes, it's a trick. "

Some baby: "rely on, cheat."


this afternoon, luminous received a call from her mother.

"Busy, son?"

"Mom, I'm not busy. What's the matter? You said

"Son, are you free tonight? If you have time, take Liu ChiYan home for a meal. Oh, and the little girl. "

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"What? Why not? "

"No, no, of course, it's just... My dad?"

, "your father is almost gone. I has the final say. You married all the girls. We can't neglect the others. Listen to the mother, bring them to dinner tonight. That's the deal. There's a guest in the shop. Stop talking. Hang up! "

Noctiluca hung up the phone and looked at Liu ChiYan with a bitter smile. Liu ChiYan was also looking at him, "aunt's phone?"

Luminous nodded, "my mother said let me take you home for dinner tonight."

Liuchiyan was obviously shocked, the pen in his hand "Bata" fell on the table, "this... I... that..." liuchiyan hesitated and could not speak.

Luminous: "if you are embarrassed, it will be a while."

Liu ChiYan shook his head, "I don't mean that. I'll go. Of course I will. Why do I have to spend some time

Do you want to go to my parents' house? Liu ChiYan is a little excited.

Luminous said with a smile: "OK! Take Yiyi with me after work that night. "

Liu ChiYan said, "come on, let's go shopping! And some gifts. "

As soon as Yiyi heard that she was going to go shopping, she quickly put away her toys.

Luminous: "you don't need to buy any gifts. This time at home, you don't need to buy any clothes. Just wear this one."

Liu ChiYan shook his head decisively, "no, I have to buy it. It's my first time to go... No, it's my first time to go to your house. Of course, I have to be more formal. I have to buy gifts! I have to leave a good impression on my uncles and aunts, and I have to buy clothes! "

Luminous smile, also according to her, Liu ChiYan is very happy, just don't worry that this is in the company, pull luminous and Yiyi to go out.

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All the staff were surprised to see Liu ChiYan leading the way, pulling the night light and Yiyi in one hand, and quickly walked out of the studio.

"Just now... I don't think it's just my eyes, is it?"

"What's the situation?"

"It's just a hand. It's nothing..."

"relatives, relatives, they're just relatives."

When I got to the parking lot and drove, the night light said weakly, "just now, it seems that... They were quite surprised."

Liu ChiYan now has no mind to manage these, urged, "no matter how you like to think, let's go shopping, drive fast."

Downtown shopping mall.

Noctiluca once again saw the madness of liuchiyan.

"How is this jade given to my uncle? It's very good. "

"More than one million. If you want to scare my father, you can buy it."

"Oh, I'll take it."

"Buy a fart! Put it down


"this coat must be very nice for auntie."

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"Yes, mink. Summer is coming. It must be cool when it comes out."

Liu ChiYan blushed with a big mask and put down his clothes.

"Then this, buy this!"

"It's too expensive."

"And this one?"

"It's gorgeous."

"This, this, this is also very good."

"Don't touch anything more than ten thousand!""What do you want to buy?"

Luminous this also can't, that also can't, Liu ChiYan chose a long time or empty handed, some anxious.

Luminous: "to buy some fruit, I really feel sorry. Just buy some supplements."

Liu ChiYan shook his head: "no, it's too insincere. You can't be so casual. Think about it quickly."

In the end, he chose a health cup of more than 2000 yuan for his father and a foot therapy instrument of more than 3000 yuan for his mother.

Dad likes to drink tea. It's just right to buy a health cup to make tea. Mom doesn't know what to buy for her. When she strolls around, she sees a foot massage instrument and thinks it's good, so she buys it. After working all day, it should be good to have a foot massage instrument to press her foot.

After the payment, Liu ChiYan asked in a low voice, "it's too cheap, isn't it so insincere? Do you want us to choose others?"

Luminous: "cheap what ah, add up to small 6000, I have half a year's living expenses, OK, don't think about it, buy expensive our parents certainly can't want, this still can't tell them the price, otherwise designated don't charge."

Liu ChiYan doesn't speak any more. What luminous said about our parents makes her face a little red.

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Originally, Liu ChiYan wanted to buy clothes, but after a tour, he found that the clothes in the shopping mall were not as good as those in his family. With the persistence of luminous, he had to give up the idea of buying clothes.

Not back to the studio, night light and liuchiyan and Yiyi went straight home.

Although he didn't buy any clothes, Liu ChiYan refused to wear them to meet his parents. He said he wanted to be more serious.

"Night light:" solemn what, you a solemn don't frighten my parents instead, casually wear a, eat a meal

Liu ChiYan ignored him, turned and went into the bedroom, opened the coat cabinet, and tried on the clothes one by one.

"This one can't do it. It's too fancy. It should be more simple."

"The dress doesn't work. It's too solemn. It's not good."

"This... Is a little plain."

"Not even this one."

"This one? No, no, No

Liu ChiYan tried the clothes in the wardrobe one by one, but he couldn't choose the right one.

"It's so hard..." Liu ChiYan was very tangled, "luminous, you come to help me choose, I don't know which one to wear."

Luminous in the living room should be a, and then get up to the bedroom.

Push open the door, night light nose a burst of fever, almost did not resist, reached out to touch, fortunately, no bleeding.

The scene in the room is too beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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