My Star Teacher

Chapter 124: 124

With a group of employees, those who took the elevator took the elevator, and those who climbed the stairs climbed the stairs, they all killed Jiang Fengxian's office on the third floor.

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An employee knocked on the door. "Manager Jiang, open the door quickly. Liu and his night consultant are here."

Inside, Jiang Fengxian said, "don't cheat me. You've cheated me three times today. I won't tell you the ratings until Liu Zongye comes."

Luminous was also smiling face Ying Ying, suddenly a black line, how? Even Jiang Fengxian called him night disaster in private?

Many employees are holding their smiles, and Liu ChiYan is also smiling.

Luminous angry, "bang bang bang" patted the door a few times, "Lao Jiang, you give me out! What did you just call me? Let's make a theory! "

There was a choking sound.

Jiang Fengxian came out with an embarrassed smile and said, "well, general manager Liu, night consultant, here you are..."

the night light was straight and said, "Lao Jiang, will you be the night consultant now? What was it just called? "

Jiang Fengxian was embarrassed, and then explained, "night consultant, don't get me wrong. I just praised you. I praised you for your rare goods. You are very powerful!"

It's a rare commodity. It's very powerful.

This is the excuse that the staff who let slip in front of the reporter last time came up with. The staff of the studio knew that Jiang Fengxian had no idea, so they used this to explain it.

"Night light happy," Hey, can ah, this move all learned right

Jiang Fengxian smiles awkwardly.

Noctiluca and Jiang Fengxian did not entangle, "OK, hurry to say yesterday's program ratings, we are waiting."

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Jiang Feng nodded first, then said, "when I received the ratings, I was quite surprised. I confirmed with CCTV several times, and finally confirmed that the ratings they told me were correct."

"Manager Jiang, don't play the game, just talk about it."

"Come on, we've been waiting all morning."

"That is, if it hadn't been published on the Internet, I wouldn't wait for you."

Jiang Feng first glared at them, and then said, "according to the data given by CCTV, our program premiered yesterday with a rating of 0.98."

Everyone was stunned.

Luminous is also a Leng: "so little?"

He just asked, and the staff began to cheer.


"Yes, yes, ha ha."

"0.98, my journey to the West!"

"I said the program was OK!"

The night light was at a loss.

What kind of trouble is this? What are you happy about with 0.98 ratings?

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Luminous: "what are you doing? You are only 0.98. What are you happy about?"

Noctiluca is not very clear about the audience rating of TV programs. Hearing the figure of 0.98, it naturally thinks that it is very low.

But most of the staff in the studio are very clear about these, which is much clearer than the night light, 0.98. The ratings of storytelling programs are 0.98, which is unbelievable. Although they are in CCTV, you should know that many popular TV dramas in prime time do not have such achievements!

An employee immediately explained to luminous: "night consultant, you may not know that 0.98 is already a very high ratings, almost breaking 1. Nowadays, there are not many programs that can break 1, and you are still a storytelling program. It's really incredible to have this achievement! It was the first day yesterday. If it is two days later, it will not take off! "

Luminous some doubts, "0.98 is a good result?"

All the staff nodded their heads together.

"Really?" Luminous is still not sure.

Jiang Feng spoke first. Let me show you the ratings of all the variety shows yesterday.

Said, Jiang Fengxian back to the office to take out a printed A4 paper, "yesterday, the ratings of major TV stations are here, the first is HN satellite TV happy base, ratings 1.32, the second is JS satellite TV, ratings 1.24, the third comedy king, ratings 1.14, the fifth want to sing, ratings 1.02."

Read this, Jiang Feng first pause, "sixth, night light storytelling journey to the west, ratings 0.98."

Jiang Feng first looked at the night light, "there's no need to read on."

"Night light hey hey a smile," seem to... Is not bad ha. "

An employee said, "it's not only good. The first day's audience rating almost broke 1. It must be even higher tonight!"

"I think so, too. I'll bet 50 cents."

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"Our program is definitely going to be popular. It's just been on the air. Tut tut."

There was a lot of discussion among the staff.

As soon as the program was broadcasted, it won the sixth place in so many variety shows across the country. It's not a good result. At first, luminous didn't quite understand the ratings. But when he heard that the ratings of HN satellite TV's happy base camp ranked first at 1.32, he immediately understood that the score of journey to the West should be good.The show had a good start and the studio staff were happy.

"Night consultant, the program is on fire. You have to treat the guests to dinner."

Well, it's a treat again.

Noctiluca was also happy. He took a look at Liu ChiYan. Seeing that he didn't respond, he immediately said, "OK, OK, this is just the beginning. If the audience rating doesn't drop in two days, I'll treat you to dinner!"

The crowd cheered.

Luminous: "don't surround me. What should I do? I don't go to work today. After work, after work, go back."

Employees, "ah? go off work? No work today? "

"All of you have come. Now go back..."

"night consultant, why don't you work overtime today and record several programs."

Luminous repeatedly waved his hand "no record, no record, go back to rest, I have something to do today.". After work, after work, you all go back, don't want to rub overtime pay! If you don't leave, overtime is not paid. "

The crowd scattered laughing.

Yeguang and liuchiyan leave with Yiyi.

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An employee looked at the figure of the three people leaving and muttered, "don't say ha, I suddenly found that the night consultant, Mr. Liu and the little princess were walking together like this. It's really like a family of three."

"... don't talk nonsense! But, it's like... A little bit. "

"Don't tell me, do you feel that Mr. Liu is really different from night consultants? Sometimes I always feel that the company is dominated by night consultants, but it's not Mr. Liu's company."

"Do you think anything will happen to them?"

"Don't be afraid to talk. The night consultant is a relative of general manager Liu!"

"Relatives... Can't be busy?"

"Fart! You're in business. Your family is in business! Anyway, no one has anything to do with goddess Liu! "

"That is, the night disaster is not worthy of general manager Liu."

"The consultant... Seems to be quite good. He is young, promising, talented, and good-looking." It's Yu Xuejia from the front desk.

"Nonsense! No matter how talented you are, you don't deserve Mr. Liu. He's the queen of heaven. " Some employees retorted.

"Eh, Xuejia, why are you blushing...

" ah? Really? No, No

"You don't like the night disaster...

you don't like the night disaster..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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