My Star Teacher

Chapter 141: 141

Noctiluca has the skill of sounds of nature. Although there is no accompaniment, it also has a lingering charm when singing. The main reason is that he is also immersed in strong emotion now, and the emotion burst out in the song quickly infects all people.

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At first, the big guy just listened to him singing quietly.

His every sentence, every paragraph, is like telling the story of clove.

By the time of the second stanza, the sentimental women in the crowd could not help sobbing with their mouths covered, and then the men, with tears in their eyes, looked sad.

In the depth of love, let's not think it's just exaggerating. Teacher Dingxiang has been in this mountain village for seven years. After seven years of living together day and night, she is such a good person. Everyone in the village likes her and treats her like a relative. The villagers are very sad that such a good girl has disappeared. People are all fleshy. Dingxiang is here The mountain village has devoted its whole life to the children. How can the villagers not return their affection to her?

The voice of the night light is very infectious. Every word and sentence in the song hits everyone's heart directly, making them think of teacher clove, and their heart is filled with sadness.

It's a song.

The night light bowed to the tombstone again, "this song, written for you, is called lilac flower. I will let Liu ChiYan sing it and let her sing it to everyone. Do you like this song? "

Just like clove in front of luminous, luminous actually said a question.

The timid woman writer shivered again.

He... Luminous... He won't see anything.

The wind is blowing again.

The soft wind brings the fragrance of flowers, refreshing.

Everyone's sad mood seems to be calmed by the breeze.

At the end of clove teacher's worship, luminous with the villagers back.

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Zhao Lei didn't leave.

Luminous also took time to chat with this strong man.

"I'm not going. I have to be here with her."

"Leave? Where to leave? She's here. I'm not going

"I'm willing to teach the children and accompany her here."

"The children have to be taught. It was her, now it's me."

"Worth it? unworthy? What's the point of thinking so much. "

"Someone has to do it."

"It's just idealism."

When I left Dutang village, my heart was heavy.

Although he has been in the dream world for many years, it is only a dream after all. It will be unreal and difficult to integrate with himself. In reality, he is still very young and has little experience.

That day, he sincerely admired the two people in his heart.

One is the teacher who only saw the black-and-white photos, and the other is the strong man with stubble, Mr. Zhao Lei.

They are very ordinary, insignificant in the crowd, they are just ordinary people, but their personality can be indomitable, can be so great.

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It's hard to walk on the mountain road. It's almost dark when we get out of the mountain.

It took the bus nearly two hours to get to the city. It was almost eight o'clock when the night light came home from the Provincial Writers' Association.

"Come back." Liu ChiYan came up.

"Well." The night light answered.

"I'm hungry. I've left some food for you, but it's a little cold. I'll heat it up for you."

"No, just eat like this. Now it's comfortable to eat something cold."

"All right." Liu ChiYan didn't insist. He went to help luminous prepare the dishes and chopsticks.

Noctiluca had no appetite. He took a few mouthfuls of rice and said, "Yiyi, did you sleep? I didn't see her

Liu ChiYan held his head and looked at the night light to eat, "no, it's in my parents."

Luminous: "ah? How to go to my parents. "

Liu ChiYan said with a smile: "Dad heard that you can't pick up Yiyi today. He went to pick up Yiyi early in the afternoon. He will live with his parents tonight and send him to school early tomorrow morning."

Luminous nodded, "Yiyi can't get used to it. He's alone with his parents."

Liu ChiYan: "used to, how not used to, just on the phone still happy, in parents' home than in our this she is also happy."

Luminous smile, also, he is not very good at teasing children, and he and Yiyi often rob things together, either for snacks or for games, but in her parents, she can be free, and her parents treat her as their granddaughter.

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After dinner, night light and Liu ChiYan nest on the sofa together, watch TV for a while, take a bath and go back to the room to sleep.

After lying on the bed for a while, Liu ChiYan nestled in his arm and said softly, "did you sleep?"

A few seconds later, the light came back and said, "No

"What are you thinking about?"


"You don't seem very happy today. What happened?"

The night light was silent for a while, didn't answer, but asked, "Liu Er, do you have a dream?"Liu ChiYan is stunned, "how to ask this." Liuchi smoke pause, "my dream is to live a lifetime with you."

Luminous smile, "I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about what you want to do, the pursuit of the ideal goal."

Liu ChiYan thought, "I've been successful enough, and I don't seem to pursue much."

Luminous murmured, "I don't seem to have any dreams. In fact, I haven't had any dreams since I was a child. I'm not ambitious, but I didn't have any ideals."

Liu ChiYan caught the key words in his words, "originally? And now? "

The night light hugged Liu ChiYan in his arms. "I don't have it now, but... I seem to know the way I will go in the future."

Liu ChiYan: "what do you want to do in the future?"

Luminous silence for a few seconds, "I ah, I may be a teacher in the future."

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"Puff." Liu ChiYan couldn't help laughing, "you're still a teacher, and you don't have a straight line all day."

Luminous a embarrassed, "how can I not be a teacher, I have been a teacher."

Liu ChiYan cut one by one and ignored him. She didn't believe that luminous would become a teacher.

Luminous: "how to tell you the truth? You still don't believe it. I'm serious."

Liu ChiYan saw that he was serious and puzzled. He turned to face the night light and looked into his eyes, as if what he said was true...

Liu ChiYan was puzzled, "do you really want to be a teacher in the future?"

Luminous thought, nodded gently, "maybe."

Liu ChiYan was silent. After a long time, he said, "the teacher is also very good, teaching and educating people. It's a noble career. It's just a little less income. It doesn't matter. I have money. I'll support you in the future."

Luminous joy, in her face a kiss, "said as if not a teacher, you do not have to raise the same, you do not give me a salary, now I did not see a cent ah, not all your living expenses."

Liu ChiYan is very cute to spit out a small tongue, "yes, I support you, no matter what you do, I support you."

"Night light hey hey a smile," if can rise a little living expenses what of good

"Good idea." Liu ChiYan refused without thinking about it. "In other words, why do you suddenly want to be a teacher?"

The night light was silent for a moment.

"It's not sudden, but I didn't want to control it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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