My Star Teacher

Chapter 143: 143

Recently, Liu ChiYan seems to be possessed by the most powerful sound.

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No way, the strongest sound is really important, if you can win, it is really a very high honor.

But Liu ChiYan couldn't see the light in the night.

It's all about what, all day long, food is not good, sleep is not good, go on like this, still don't wait for the strongest sound to start, you have to make a nervous decline.

On this day, the night light could not stand liuchiyan's high pressure.

"I said, what are you doing all day? Can you stop? I'm tired of watching you like this. "

Liu Chi did not lift his cigarette end, and his eyes were still staring at the manuscript paper on his hands. "We have to do more preparation."

Luminous: "what are you going to prepare? I'll help you write it then. If you see so many questions now, you'll be blind if you can't use them."

Liu ChiYan: "be prepared or not..."

"fart is prepared or not." Without waiting for Liu ChiYan to finish, the night light interrupts him, and goes to her desk very domineering, and "Hua la la la" closes up all the manuscripts with songs written on Liu ChiYan's desk.

Liu ChiYan: "what are you doing?"

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Luminous ignored him, folded all the manuscripts together, and quickly walked to the shredder.

"Don't you Liu ChiYan yelled.

"Brush." Luminous has put the paper into the shredder, "click click" a few times, a stack of paper was cut into pieces.

"Pa!" Liu ChiYan slapped the table angrily, "luminous, you bastard! What are you doing

Liu ChiYan is really angry. His voice is very loud. If the sound insulation effect of the office is not good, the employees outside can be recruited.

Night light face does not change color, "do what, I exterminate these things that harm you."

Liu ChiYan was very angry, "this is a song I've been singing for more than half a month! How can you be such a jerk after practicing for so long

Luminous: "Nah, anyway, it's gone now. Don't hum nervously all day."

Liu ChiYan: "what about the strongest tone?"

"Night light does not care," is not that there is me

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Liu ChiYan said: "you, you, you, how can you do that! Can you write music? What's the use of having you! Do you know what the title of the contest is! Are you sure you can write it? This is my hard work for more than half a month! Luminous, can you respect me for a moment? "

Liu ChiYan is obviously very angry. The night light has put all the songs she has collected these days into the shredder, which makes her painstaking efforts go to waste. The tears of grievance are coming out.

Noctilucent also angry, "song, song, song, do you have other things in addition to song these days? You haven't bathed Yiyi for two days. All day long, you've been nagging about your restlessness. Can you stop worrying about yourself, Liu ChiYan? "

Noctiluca this fierce, Liu ChiYan more aggrieved, inhale nose, hold back tears, Liu ChiYan airway, "don't you care!"

Night light, eyes cold.

Pacing toward liuchiyan, she stopped when she was less than ten centimeters away. Looking at liuchiyan, the voice of the night light was extremely calm, "you say it again."

Liu ChiYan's subconscious back pity for a while, the luminous stick so close, the whole body and momentum, some shock live Liu ChiYan.

Luminous: "you are my wife, I am your husband! I don't care, who can manage! I'll tell you, I'll take care of it! "

Luminous this time suddenly very overbearing, inexplicably has a kind of overbearing president's namely seeing feeling, but, Liu ChiYan is the boss, Hello!

Liu ChiYan just wanted to say something, and suddenly he was caught in his arms by the night light, and then he kissed her cherry mouth.

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The first two people's words and tone are a little heavy, but there is nothing that can't be solved by one ace. If one can't, then another ace.

The lip is divided.

The night light hugged Liu ChiYan and pasted it in her ear. She said softly, "I know you value the competition of the strongest tone very much. I know you want to make more preparations. I don't object to your efforts, but I hope you can control yourself a little. You're not working hard, you're tossing yourself. Your food is not good. You don't sleep well. You don't care, of course Yiyi, I can take it, it's no problem, but you, you toss yourself so much, I feel sad. You are my wife. I feel sorry for you. The strongest tone is very important, I know, but it's important, and it can bring you more honor. If you toss yourself like this, I'd rather you don't participate. It's no more important than you. Do you understand? "

After a pause in the night light, he continued: "I've said something about songs. Believe me, I can do it. In the future, no matter you want to sing, or want to shoot TV series, or want to do variety show, you will have me. If you want to sing, I'll write songs for you. If you want to shoot movies and TV, I'll write scripts for you. If you want to do variety show, I'll plan for you. I'll do all these! I'm your man. You have to believe that I can protect you from the wind and rain. From now on, you just need to believe me. I'm enough. Believe me, OKSome overbearing and some sweet love words soften Liu ChiYan. I have to say that women are emotional animals.

Liu ChiYan raised his hanging hand to hold the night light and said "um" softly.

It's sunny after rain.

Liu ChiYan leaned on the shoulder of luminous and muttered, "you just attacked me..."

luminous laughed awkwardly, "I'm not excited by my carelessness. Who told you to leave me alone."

Liu ChiYan played a small temper, "I don't care, anyway, you are murdering me."

Luminous: "then you say how to do."

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Liu ChiYan thought, "I want to drink the silk stockings milk tea from the house across the street from people's Square, jiaboba."

Luminous Er way, "people's Square, ah, far away."

Liu ChiYan tooted his little mouth, "no matter, I'll drink it."

"Yes, yes, I'll buy it for you." Noctiluca shaved Liu ChiYan's little nose. Liu ChiYan was the cutest. He almost wanted to kiss her again.

Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "go, I want to drink it now. Buy it for me with your own money."

Luminous ha ha smile, "OK, I'll go now." Said, luminous release liuchiyan, carrying the car keys to buy milk tea for liuchiyan.

Women are often very strange, like to put forward some strange requirements, for this family's milk tea, that family's soup bag, in fact, where are almost the same, but they just like to toss their men.

Men are also happy to be tossed by them. They usually do it just because they care about her. It's not because they are cheap or anything else.

And women such toss men, it may not be really because of the appetite, perhaps just because they like this kind of being spoiled, being cared about.

That's all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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