My Star Teacher

Chapter 149: 149

Although the composition of Noctiluca is still a little strange, but the music is still no problem, a little bit wrong, after checking it again, it has been revised.

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Liu ChiYan took the score and began to hum.

It has to be said that Liu ChiYan has a solid foundation in music. When he hums with a score for the first time, he has a good model. In fact, this is the basic skill of musicians. Many musicians with solid foundation can learn a song as long as they have a score and are familiar with it a few times. Of course, to learn is to learn, but to sing well, it is not so easy to sing accurately. Practice is always essential.

One day's practice time is not long, but it is not short, enough to learn and sing a song with a model.

Liu ChiYan is very satisfied with the song of night light. After several times of humming, he takes night light to the singing room to practice. In fact, night light has nothing to do with the past, but he doesn't feel bored. When Liu ChiYan practices, he doesn't disturb him. He leans on the sofa and listens with his eyes narrowed. It has to be said that Liu ChiYan's singing voice is really good, and night light enjoys listening to it.

The time of the day passed quickly. On this day, liuchiyan and luminous didn't go out and walk much. Luminous felt bored in the afternoon and went out to hang around for a while. It was a bit fresh at the beginning. After all, the new environment was boring. It was boring to hang out alone. It was better to go back and practice songs with his wife.

Jiang Jie is the busiest of the three. She is Liu ChiYan's assistant, but she is only hanging on the sofa as an assistant. She doesn't care about anything. Of course, it's because he doesn't understand these messy things, so he's busy meeting with the program group and arranging things for the next few days this evening Live.

Jiang Xin has always been Liu ChiYan's assistant. After Liu ChiYan opened his own studio, although Jiang Xin became a manager, she occasionally played the role of assistant. Jiang Xin is busy, but she doesn't complain about it. She's always clear about these things, so she specially brought her here to take care of all these things. However, because of the fact that the night light arched Liu ChiYan, a cabbage plant, Jiang Xin still complained about the night light, "what do you say you can do? Are you an assistant or am I an assistant? You're the only one who has three people. Yan'er is busy practicing songs. I'll run around and you'll fall down on the sofa and become a master. "

Luminous some embarrassed, "that... Ginger elder sister, then you see I can help you do something, you order."

Jiang Xinbai glanced at him, "the program is about to start. You just say that you don't need to do anything. You'd better continue to be a master."

Glow in the dark: ---

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with a bunch of friends in front of you, is it for us?

In the evening.

It's the highlight of all the attention.

Liu ChiYan was called to make up early.

Liu ChiYan is painted with smoke makeup. His style is exaggerated and his clothes are strange, especially the long plumes on his head and a pair of translucent wings on his back.

In fact, I can't figure it out. It's just singing a song? Why do singers always dress up in all sorts of strange ways? Isn't it enough to stand in the spotlight of the stage?

The TV signal in the rest room was also connected, showing the scene of the studio hall.

The studio hall with thousands of people is full of people.

It starts at forty in the evening.

The performance of the strongest voice officially began.

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The strongest sound is live broadcast, with countless audiences all over the country watching in front of the TV.

Two hosts, a man and a woman, came to the stage from both sides, their faces brimming with smiles. The camera gave them a close-up and put their figures on the huge screen behind them.

Both of them are well-known hosts. One is Yishan, the first sister of Zhejiang satellite TV, and the other is Ren Keling, the most popular pillar of Hunan Satellite TV.

For the exclusive program broadcast by Zhejiang satellite TV, the host of Hunan Satellite TV appeared. Luminous was still puzzled, "isn't Ren Keling from Hunan Satellite TV? Why did he become the host? "

Liu Chi smoke is not surprised by this. He explained, "the organizers are not Zhejiang TV, but Zhejiang TV cooperation is broadcast alone. Whoever hosts has the final say. The director is not surprised." it is because she is hosting the team that it is possible that the organizers and Zhejiang TV partners have brought her together.

The night light suddenly nods.

On the stage, Ren Keling and Ethan are already reading the opening advertisement.

This time the most powerful voice's naming business is the world famous cosmetics brand LANYA.

When the strongest sound was broadcasted in China, the audience rating was extremely high, so many brands were bidding for titles and advertising sponsorship. The specific naming fee and advertising fee of luminous were unknown, but it must be sky high. The results of luminous's journey to the West storytelling program increased to 20 million, but it is estimated that 20 million is not a fraction of others, And you know, his program is going to be on air for more than three months, and the strongest sound is only a few days.

"Love beauty, love yourself, this program is broadcast by LANYA. Thank you for your support..."A series of advertising words, luminous in addition to the previous few also did not hear clearly read what.

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After reading the advertisement, I finally got to the point.

"Before the program starts, let's first introduce the judges and teachers of this program."

Ren Keling: "the first is our country famous old artist, senior composer, singer Zong Zhengguang teacher!"

Mr. Zong Zhengguang, a white haired but red faced teacher, stood up and waved to the audience.

There was a great cheer in the audience.

Yi Shan: "the second one is the God of Chinese songs, and also our last strongest music champion, Mr. Huang Bin!"

Huang Bin also stood up and waved to the audience.

The audience screamed and cheered, and many people called Huang Bin's name.

"Huang Bin! Huang Bin! Huang Bin Huang Bin's popularity is really high in China, and his qualifications in the singing world are also very old.

Ren Keling: "the third is the famous musician Sui Si, who is full of peaches and plums all over the world."

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Sui Si also got up and bowed to the audience, and the audience was shocked again.

Yi Shan: "the fourth one is teacher Yu Fengnan who has won the Golden Melody Award many times and has broken through Grammy!"

Before Yu Fengnan got up, some female voices on the scene began to scream.

Ren Keling: "the fifth and our last judge teacher, is the vice chairman of China Musicians Association, and is also the chunyumin teacher of senior songwriters!"

Chunyumin got up to greet the audience, and the audience applauded warmly, but without the previous scream and cry, few of them actually knew him.

Ethan: "Colin, the judges of our program are so strong that they are all the leading figures in the music industry. I'm really worried about the singers in this program because they can't hold it."

Ren Keling: "Ethan, you are right in front of this. Our jury line-up is really strong, but I don't agree with the last sentence. Our jury line-up is strong, but our players can't be underestimated. They are also the people who stand at the top of the music world."

Ethan: "Colin, you're right. They are all at the top of the music world, so this competition can be described as a contest between the strong and the strong. I don't know what kind of spark can be produced. I really want to watch them in a hurry."

Ren Keling: "I know you are worried. I believe the audience friends present and the audience friends in front of the TV are also curious about who the contestants are. I don't care. Next, let's welcome our first contestant to the stage."

"The first player is...

the first player is..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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