My Star Teacher

Chapter 176: 176

In fact, night light underestimates the influence of the strongest sound. It's not only the contestants who hold the strongest sound, but also the composers and composers of the classic songs that appear with the strongest sound. They are well-known by the audience. Night light's performance in this session of the strongest sound is so brilliant that it's impossible for the audience not to know. First Liu ChiYan praised him in public, and then he gave it to Liu Chi Yan wrote one song after another, each of which is a top-quality song. In addition, several judges, teachers and Ren Keling mentioned Noctiluca many times in many issues. Naturally, Noctiluca has a deep impression on the public.

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It has to be said that no matter who is the winner of the strongest music competition, Han Yurou or Liu ChiYan is better at it. But luminous has become the winner of the strongest music competition. The singers who might have been popular in the strongest music competition will be eclipsed in the glow of luminous. For example, Han Yurou's amazing songs, if they were chosen by him in the past A few songs, song lyrics should also be known by the audience, but this session of the strongest, almost no audience to pay attention to them. All eyes are focused on the luminous body.

"At last I see you." Ren Keling said with a smile, "night light, you wrote one song after another to goddess Liu, but we were all amazed. I found that you once said you were talented in front of reporters on the Internet. I felt that young people are really angry now. Now I am convinced that you really deserve the name of a talented person."

Luminous repeatedly waved his hand, "don't dare, don't dare."

Ethan: "luminous, in front of so many audiences today, is there anything I want to say to you?"

After thinking about it, he didn't know what to say. He took a look at Liu ChiYan and said, "thank you for your love of the song I wrote and your support for Liu ChiYan. In the future, we will continue to work hard to bring you more and better songs. Please vote for Liu ChiYan!"

Well, it's very official. It's a very dramatic canvassing.

Ren Keling: "well, it's worthy of being an employee under Liu ChiYan's hand. Come up and canvass for Goddess Liu." Ren Keling said with a smile, "goddess Liu, such a good employee, you have to increase your salary when you go back, or you may be dug up by others."

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The audience laughed.

Liuchi smile, "salary? It doesn't exist. " Liu ChiYan also made a joke.

Liu Tianwang, who is sitting in the election of the chief executive, interjected, "no salary? How is that possible? Chi Yan, are you afraid that I'm going to dig a corner? "

Liu ChiYan: "I really didn't give him a salary. If you want to dig a corner, you can dig it."

Liu ChiYan said that, but Liu Tianwang didn't believe it, "come on, you're just joking, so confident, I'm afraid I can't dig this man."

Luminous: "Liu always really didn't give me a salary."

Everyone was stunned.

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Ren Keling: "is it true or not? What good did goddess Liu promise you to work under her hands? "

Liu ChiYan: "I didn't pay him. I gave him shares directly." No, both of them are married. Liu ChiYan's estate is the common property of both husband and wife. One person holds half of the shares. This was said when they got married, but Liu ChiYan is in charge of the family's financial power.

Liu Tianwang: "Oh, I said how confident you are and how big you are. Chi Yan, how many shares did you give to luminous?"

Liu ChiYan chuckled: "this is inconvenient to disclose." If you give half of the shares, no one will believe you. Would you like to ask an employee to give half of the shares? It's either a trick or a brain problem.

The time of the program is limited, so we can't say more about these digressions. Ren Keling controls the rhythm of the program and digs away from the topic. "The glow of the night can be regarded as fragrant steamed bun, and Liu Tianwang is also moved. But you'd better talk about it later. The time of the program is limited. Next, let's let several judges continue to comment on Liu ChiYan's song."

Next, several judges who have not yet spoken, Zong Zhengguang, Yu Fengnan and Chun Yumin, all commented on Liu ChiYan's song one after another.

There is no doubt that this song "when you are old" won the unanimous praise of the judges.

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Good comments belong to good comments, but there are still different voices in the judges.

Chunyu min raised an objection: "first of all, I have to admit that Liu ChiYan's song is a good song, but I have something to say about this game. Our game is about fairness and justice. However, in my opinion, this game is not so fair."

What do you mean when everyone is stunned? unfair? Why is it unfair?

Chunyumin continued: "the song Liu ChiYan sang this time was adapted from a poem by night light, so before singing, he used poems to set off the atmosphere and artistic conception of the song. Besides, there was a special background made by the program team, and there was a narration by night light himself. These factors undoubtedly made Liu ChiYan's song a bonus, but it was just this time The unfairness of the game is unfair to Han Yurou. "

When chunyumin said this, many audiences fell into deep meditation. It seems that what he said is reasonable. Liu ChiYan sings this song, which is the background and the night light reading poetry. There are quite a lot of patterns, but Han Yurou has nothing. It's really unfair.The other judges also thought a little.

It's not good to see this situation. It won't be on it at the end.

Luminous was worried, and he was also acute. Regardless of whether he was on the stage, he opened his mouth and explained, "voice over is also normal. This is originally a part of this song. Many songs have voice over at the beginning or in the middle, which is unfair?"

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Chunyumin looked at him and said, "the voice over and the chorus are normal. That's for sure. It's fair to say that if the poets are members of the band, but you are an employee of Liu ChiYan. If you go on stage to read poems in person, it's equivalent to helping her. That's unfair."

Luminous helpless, what logic ah? Others can read it, but he can't? Isn't it all the same?

Many audiences listen to chunyumin's words, but they also feel reasonable in their hearts. Isn't it equivalent to helping Liu ChiYan to read poems at night? The strongest tone is a single player competition. What's the matter with someone helping? It's just a poem, but it's not fair.

Chunyumin brings a wave of rhythm.

Luminous explained: "Mr. Chun, it's like this. Although I'm on the stage, it's not my own request. I'm on the stage as required by the program team. If I feel that Liu ChiYan's game is unfair because I'm on the stage, why should the program team invite me on the stage? Since the program team invites me on the stage, can it be said that my playing will not affect the fairness of the game Sex. "

Chunyu min was stunned, "did the program group invite you on the stage? This....

obviously, he must have thought it was specially arranged by Liu ChiYan and luminous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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