My Star Teacher

Chapter 195: 195


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Noctiluca continued to shoot the unfinished story of journey to the west, and the strongest sound was delayed for a long time. Fortunately, the original film was enough. Although there were many things to worry about in the past two days, the work still had to be done.

everyone was familiar with the recording of the program, and it was quite smooth. But just after recording one issue, when recording the second issue, Yu Xuejia ran in a panic coming.

"Night consultant." Regardless of the program being recorded, Yu Xuejia yelled directly, "something's wrong."

"What's the matter? It's on the air

Yu Xuejia said busily, "night consultant, go and have a look. There are many people around."

Luminous full of doubts, nodded, "first pause recording, I'll see what happened."

Luminous accompanied Xuejia downstairs, and some employees followed.

When I got to the first floor, before I went out, I saw that there were three people in mourning outside the door, and several people with long poles carrying banners behind.

Death pays for death!

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A few people surrounded by a circle of onlookers, the studio door five or six property security guard, for fear that they mess.

At this time, we have to talk about it. Sometimes, some small favors don't seem to have any effect on weekdays, but sometimes they can play a very important role at the critical time. Because of the recording of programs, the studio has basically become a tea room for property security and some staff. In our spare time, we all like to listen to two passages of luminous and have some tea , have some snacks. Because of the favor, the security guards of the property also remember that it's good to have fun. As soon as they hear that someone is making trouble, they immediately go out to maintain order. They can't manage this, but they can try their best to ensure that they don't make trouble. If you change to the security guards in other places, it's too late for the security guards of the property to avoid this kind of door-to-door mourning. Where will they manage it? At most, they can call the police for you.

Being kind to others is rewarding.

Seeing the scene outside the door, the night light suddenly realized that it was the family of boss givenni who came to the door.

Standing for a few seconds, luminous frowned and thought, then stepped out.

Gashan grabbed him and said, "don't go!"

The night light sighed, "I can't escape." With that, the night light broke away from gashan and continued to go out. The staff of the studio also followed him out.

As soon as luminous came out, someone recognized him.

"That's him, luminous!" Someone shouts, pointing to the light of the night.

Three dressed in white Xiaoyi six angry eyes locked the night light.

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There are three people, two women and one man. The man is about thirty years old. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is a little fat. He is a little older. He is about fifty years old. He also has a woman who is about thirty years old. If you're right, the older woman and man should be the wife and son of the owner of Giverny's shop. The other woman doesn't know whether it's a daughter or daughter-in-law.

"Death pays for death!"

"You pay for my husband's life!"

"You can't die easily if you get a thousand knives!"


the three of Dai Xiao and several people holding the banners who came with them began to scold one after another, and their words were fierce. I'm afraid these people would have rushed up if they hadn't been stopped by the security guards.

Night light stood in front of the door, looking at several filial families, and many onlookers, silent.

The angry family members were still shouting and scolding. Most of the onlookers didn't know about it, but they also heard some information from the speech clips of the family members, which was roughly like that the light of night killed their family members.

The masses didn't know why, but they were excited.

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"Really? Are you forcing me to death? "

"I'm afraid it's true in this situation. I don't dare to talk without seeing that person."

"Then call the police. What's the use of blocking the door like this? He really forced him to death. If you call the police and arrest him, it's over."

"Who knows, maybe they are rich and powerful."

There was some talk in the crowd.

The older woman stares at the night light, her eyes are like knives. It's all because of him. If it wasn't for him, the shop wouldn't be investigated, and there won't be a lawsuit behind it. Her husband won't jump into the river because he can't afford to pay. It's all because of him!

The old woman yelled angrily at the night light, "you brute, you have to die. You have to pay back the life of our old Huang! You killed him, you killed him With that, the woman came crying.

Lao Huang, it should be said that he is the owner of Giverny shop.

Luminous frowned and finally said, "I'm luminous. I'm sorry about Mr. Huang, but Mr. Huang jumped into the river because...

before luminous finished speaking, the man in Xiaoyi immediately roared," it's you! You forced my father to death, but for you, our store would not be checked! My dad can't jump in the river! It's all because of you. You pay for my father's life! "

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Luminous did not explain, jifani's boss Huang jumped into the river, although it had nothing to do with him directly, but it was a human life after all! Night light has always felt bad, like a thorn stuck in his heart. He also has a strong sense of regret and guilt. Sometimes night light will think that if he had endured that tone, turned around and left with Yiyi, and didn't defend his rights after the event, whether this incident could be avoided, and whether a life could be saved.Yeguang felt guilty and couldn't answer back to boss Huang's family. He just tried to explain, but he was immediately rebuffed by boss Huang's son.

I can't explain it, and I can't explain it. In fact, all members of the family know how much it has to do with luminous. They also know that since they believe that luminous killed boss Huang and came to the door, it's useless for luminous to tell the truth.

The onlookers are pointing and commenting. Some people who see some information from the Internet are telling the people around them the whole story they know.

Boss Huang's son has been scolding night light. The more he scolds, the more excited he gets. At last, he strides through the defense line pulled up by several security guards and gives a fierce fist to night light.

In fact, luminous saw boss Huang's son suddenly burst out. He could have escaped, but he didn't. He was so stupid that he got it. Maybe luminous thought that getting beaten would make him feel better.

The punch hit the cheekbone of luminous, which was very painful. Boss Huang's son hit luminous well, and then punched and kicked him, which made luminous almost fall to the ground. Then boss Huang's son was pulled back by the security guard. Most of the security guards in the property had better physical fitness than ordinary people, and they were also diligent in exercise. The two of them were good friends The security guard stopped boss Huang's son, and he couldn't break through. He couldn't catch the light of night, but he was still shouting and abusing.

"You brute, you have to die. You are a murderer. After you die, you will go to hell! You pay for my father's life

Noctilucent silent, received a punch, but, in addition to the pain on the face, the heart did not seem to feel better. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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