My Star Teacher

Chapter 214: 214

On the other side.

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Jiang Xin calls Liu ChiYan in his office.

Liu ChiYan has been lying on the bed for a whole morning, but he still has some discomfort, but the pain is gone. He leans on the sofa to watch TV.

When the mobile phone rings, Liu ChiYan takes a look and Jiang Xin calls.

"Hello, sister Jiang, what's the matter?" Liu ChiYan's voice is very light. He sounds in a good mood.

Jiang Xin: "Chi Yan, where are you?"

Liu ChiYan: "at home, I feel a little uncomfortable today." Liu ChiYan said and blushed for a while.

Jiang Xin said, "something's wrong."

Liu ChiYan was stunned, "what's the matter?"

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Jiang Xin: "do you know what 2.5 air pollution Xiaoye wants to expose?"

Liu ChiYan: "ah? This matter, I know. Luminous told me that it's a good thing. I support him. Why does sister Jiang sound a little worried? "

Jiang Xin on the other end of the phone was stunned, "do you know? Do you still support him? "

Liu ChiYan said, "why not support it? That's a good thing. "

Jiang Xin was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and said, "a good thing is a good thing, but do you know the specific video content of Xiaoye? I'll tell you. "

Then, Jiang Xin told Jiang Xin what he learned from the population of gashan and xiahai.

After Jiang Xin explained, she sighed, "Chi Yan, go to persuade Xiao Ye. He can't make trouble about it. I also know that it's a good thing. If it's done well, it can be of great merit. However, the impact of this matter is too big. It's not the level that one should touch. If it's not done well, it's likely to bring disaster to the country and the people!"

Liuchiyan was also a little flustered. When luminous talked with him about PM2.5, he mainly talked about its harm and how it came. But liuchiyan didn't think about it in detail. He just thought that it was a good thing. People knew the seriousness of air pollution and could pay attention to and protect it, which could reduce a lot of harm. But now Jiang Xin gave her a detailed analysis and pointed out that it was serious Told Liu ChiYan, immediately let Liu ChiYan think very scared, "Jiang Jie, I know, I call him now."

Liu ChiYan hangs up Jiang Xin's phone, and immediately dials to luminous.

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He knew that Liu ChiYan would call him and was waiting with his mobile phone.

"Luminous! You are a bastard. You lied to me As soon as the phone was connected, Liu ChiYan's voice came from the other end.

Luminous: "how did I cheat you?"

Liu ChiYan, "PM2.5 air pollution, you tell me clearly! You've already thought about the consequences, haven't you? You've deliberately lied to me and kept it from me

Luminous: "how can I cheat you? What I told you is the truth. Did sister Jiang tell you something? Don't worry, sister Jiang, their idea may be reasonable, but it's just a little conjecture. I didn't do anything illegal. Didn't you support it? Maybe the country will award me a three good citizen award at that time. " The night light tried to comfort the Willow Pond smoke.

Liu ChiYan: "you think I'm a three-year-old. I didn't expect that I would be involved so much. Now you still want to cheat me. Night light, I tell you, you're not allowed to mess about. Come back and make it clear!"

"It's really not that serious. I haven't got off work yet, and I'm going to pick up Yiyi right now..."

Liu ChiYan said, "if you don't come back, I'll come here!"

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Luminous even busy way, "OK, OK, I'll come back, I'll come back, you don't feel well, stay at home, I'll be right back."

Hang up the phone, night light is helpless with a bitter smile, look at the time, Yiyi almost school, but no way to pick up Yiyi, night light thought to trouble sister Jiang, to Jiangxin office found Jiangxin.

"Jiang Jie, I have to go back. Yiyi has no one to answer... Forget it, you don't have to go." Luminous said half, in Jiangxin puzzled eyes left.

Night light originally intended to let Jiang Xin pick up Yiyi, but he didn't know how to get through the hurdle at liuchiyan's home, and didn't know what the situation would be like. Yiyi didn't see it very well when he went home, so night light thought about it and asked his father to pick up Yiyi. Today, I'd like to stay at his father's house.

Luminous called Dad, and dad said something happened today, can't pick up Yiyi, let dad to pick up, Dad readily agreed.

When I got home, as soon as the night light opened the door, I saw Liu ChiYan sitting on the sofa with a frosty face. The TV didn't turn on and the mobile phone didn't watch. He just sat there.

Night light silently nose, smile to walk past, "why, a face not happy."

Liu ChiYan didn't give him a good face because of the luminous smile. He turned around and said, "you make things clear for me!"

Luminous sneered, "what do you say? I've made it clear. It's not as serious as you think."

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"Why not!" Liu ChiYan said anxiously, "this is a national issue. Generally speaking, it is related to the international economy and lifeline. Do you know the impact? Do you know what the negative impact will be? According to what you said, the most PM2.5 produced are fuel, coal, industrial production and automobile exhaust. Can you change these? Do you know how many industries and people you will offend? Have you ever thought about the impact and sensation of the masses? "Luminous: "I'm just talking about the matter simply. I'm just making clear the source and harm of PM2.5. My purpose is very simple. It's to make people aware of the seriousness of air pollution, save energy and reduce emissions as much as possible, and protect them when haze is serious."

"But people don't think so! Not everyone can think clearly and calmly. Some people will resent you, and others will resent others because of your reports. No one can estimate the impact of the final upgrade. " Liu ChiYan looked at the night light, "when I listen to sister Jiang and I talk about this, I think about it myself. I feel that my back is cold... I'm really afraid."

Liu ChiYan said with some tremors, pulling a sleeve corner of luminous, "luminous, let's not report, OK, we really can't manage this matter, I'm really afraid."

The night light was silent for a moment, "Liu Er, don't worry too much. You can't all think about the bad. What you think is the worst result, but maybe things are not so bad, and... I've sent out the video." Luminous finally chose to confess with Liu ChiYan, this is not full, Liu ChiYan must know, take advantage of now to say it together.

Liu ChiYan was stunned and looked at the night light for several seconds. Then he rushed to the night light and beat the night light with his hands like a drum. The tears in his eyes flowed out and he said, "night light, you bastard! You are a bastard. How dare you, you bastard! You mean it. You mean to send the video while I don't know. You are selfish. Can't you think about it for me or for this family? You are a bastard. If you have something to do, what should I do! You don't care about me at all! I don't care about this family at all! "

Liu ChiYan was very emotional and tearful.

Night light heart a pull, hold Liu ChiYan tightly, don't let her move, his heart mixed feelings.

To tell you the truth, Liu ChiYan's reaction at this time has been able to think of long ago, but what can he do?

Having made this choice, the present scene is bound to happen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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