My Star Teacher

Chapter 24: 24

This microblog has no title.

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It's direct and simple. It starts with a short sentence: "married.". The expression of fireworks celebration was added before and after these three words.

And then it said, "there's someone else who has a beautiful poem." Next is the original poem that night light read to Liuchi Yannian when you are old.

Liu ChiYan tweeted the poem. Luminous knows that he read it sentence by sentence and Liu ChiYan recorded it sentence by sentence, but he doesn't know that Liu ChiYan tweeted the news of his marriage! It turns out what Liu ChiYan said in the car is true!

Luminous forehead cold sweat, think about Liu ChiYan tens of millions of fans, who knows if there will be a few extreme crazy neuropathy, will not really be out of human flesh and then be hated to death...

microblog also attached a photo, this photo is also let luminous guilty.

Yes, the photo is a red marriage certificate!

Xin Kui Liu ChiYan gave him a way to live. He only photographed the shell of the marriage certificate, but didn't open the inside. If he didn't hide at all, he directly made public the relationship between the two people. Night light felt that this morning, he was definitely not just awakened by the phone, so relaxed and freehand. Yes, night light felt that it was a relaxed and freehand thing to wake up by the phone.

He was exposed, and then angry by Liu ChiYan's crazy fans. All kinds of strange and inhuman death methods made him shudder.

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After reading the messages in the message area of Weibo, luminous was relieved.

Catkins 201: "ha ha, grab the sofa of Goddess Liu!"

Catkins 191: "sofa!"

Catkins 651: "191 you are a step late."

Catkins 008: "what's the situation! Is our goddess Liu married? "

Catkins 921: "lying trough! Really? It's impossible. "

Catkins 10086: "there's a picture and a truth. Alas, goddess Liu is married. She's so sad that she can't be in the pink."

Catkins 583: "roll upstairs, fake powder. Even if goddess Liu gets married, we will powder her all her life! But it's sad! "

Zhixuan: "this is big news! Is goddess Liu married? It's incredible. "

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Catkins 102: "are you stupid upstairs? Can goddess Liu get married? And don't think about what day it is. "

Catkins 321: "today is April Fool's day. Stupid! I'm worried about your IQ. "

Let me fly: "I said, I also forgot. I was so surprised when I saw the news that I forgot that today is April Fool's day. How could goddess Liu get married? "

Brother cunqian: "ha ha, April Fool's Day joke."

Catkins 411: "goddess Liu is so naughty that she makes such April Fool's Day jokes for us."

Catkins 109: "this shows that our goddess Liu is approachable."

Catkins 832: "if it wasn't for my IQ, I would have believed it. Ha ha, April Fool's Day joke, upstairs is fooled by all silly lack

Liu ChiYan's fans all claim to be catkins. As soon as Liu ChiYan's microblog came out yesterday, his fans exploded in an instant. At the beginning, a few fans thought what Liu ChiYan said was true (it was true), but then some people realized that it was April Fool's day when Liu ChiYan sent his microblog yesterday. When Liu ChiYan was joking with them on April Fool's day, the comments behind it were unexpectedly out Qi Congyi thinks that Liu ChiYan is joking with them on April Fool's day.

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Of course, there are reasons for this. First, yesterday was indeed April Fool's day. Although we all like to make jokes on April Fool's day, we all want to be the one who makes jokes, not the one who is fooled. Since we all say that Liu ChiYan is a fool's Day joke, it's a fool's Day joke. Three people become tigers. Even if some people are a little suspicious, they still don't want to be fooled. So they all follow the trend and say that it's Liu ChiYan's fool's Day joke. They have high IQ and are not fooled.

Secondly, Liu ChiYan has always been a beautiful and clean image in the eyes of the public. All of a sudden, there is no news about her marriage, which is very abrupt. Then many fans subconsciously don't want Liu ChiYan to get married. Naturally, they find a perfect excuse for themselves, April Fool's Day joke!

With a sigh of relief, luminous continued to read the comments below.

Domineering: "goddess Liu is writing poetry again! There was one the day before yesterday

Dynamic GG: "goddess Liu is incomparable in talent and appearance! That's great

Waiting for love: "there is only one person who loves your pilgrim soul, the painful wrinkles on your aging face. I was conquered by this sentence! If someone loves me so much, I'll marry right away. "

Nanyang Han: "the explosion of a photo upstairs, as long as it is long enough to marry you!"

Catkins 662: "it's beautiful. I wonder if it was written by goddess Liu. "

Outstanding: "really not, did not see the goddess Liu said that someone wrote it?"

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Catkins 451: "what a fool upstairs! That's what goddess Liu joked about in order to get married on April Fool's day! This is what our goddess Liu wroteTruth Emperor: "what if it's not April Fool's Day joke?"

Catkins 051: "upstairs before the Internet trouble with IQ, your family April Fool's day marriage ah?"

Catkins 176: "ha ha, that is, getting married on April Fool's day, isn't marriage the biggest joke on April Fool's day. Only fools get married on April Fool's day. "

Yeguanghan, well, I and your family, no! My goddess Liu and I are the two idiots. After reading some comments, I don't talk about marriage any more. On the contrary, I pay more attention to Liu chiyanfa's poem. Occasionally, some netizens jump out to question the marriage. Immediately, they will be spurted by a large number of smart netizens who think that marriage is an April Fool's Day joke! In the end, no one even talked about Liu ChiYan's marriage, as if Liu ChiYan had never said it. They all focused on Liu ChiYan's song when you are old.

Noctiluca sighed and felt that he had picked up a life. Thank you for your wisdom!

It's a coincidence that Liu ChiYan and night light married on April Fool's day. By coincidence, they were not exposed in the Civil Affairs Bureau. Night light thought Liu ChiYan would hide it first, but she didn't expect to tweet. Although the marriage certificate was not photographed, it has been made public. Liu ChiYan is angry, so he really wants to make his fans hate night light? impossible!

The more luminous thought, the more strange she felt. What does this girl want to do? He doesn't seem to be afraid of getting married at all? I dare to tweet like this. Yesterday was April Fool's day. Everyone thought it was April Fool's Day joke. Otherwise, if Liuchi sends it out, even if some fans don't believe it, there will be no less people who believe it. They have to copy it on the Internet. Let's not talk about whether luminous will be killed by angry fans. Say Liu ChiYan, he is not afraid of the trouble and influence that marriage brings to her?

Luminous can't understand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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