My Star Teacher

Chapter 250: 250

Xinlan is the most relaxed with lanbao on her back.

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Xinlan has a pair of big long legs, a few small sandbag obstacles have no effect on her at all, they are very relaxed, take the lead, have reached the end, and the water in the lanbao basin has not spilled much, almost completed the competition perfectly.

When lambao and Xinlan arrived at the finish line, they held hands, laughed and danced. They were very happy.

Lan Bao also made a strange scene in front of the camera, standing up straight, pinching orchid fingers with both hands, and paralyzing from the chest, "perfect ~"

this funny look makes people laugh again, except for the glow in the dark.

The night light is so silly. This action is actually this action. Well, history always has amazing sight of each other. Zulan imitates Venus in the dream world, but it has gradually evolved into one of Zulan's unique symbols. I didn't expect that the world's lanbao made this action by himself.

Xu Chen and Wan Hua were the second group to arrive. They did a good job. There was no trouble all the way, and they cooperated very well. However, they spilled some water and poured it into the meter. They finished the task.

Liu ChiYan and yeguang are closely followed. Because they fell at the last three-layer sandbag barrier, they are a little behind Xu Chen and Wan Hua, who have been keeping pace with them.

What's more, the water in the luminous basin is almost sprinkled. When it is poured into the meter, it is only a few milliliters high, not too much less than that of lanbao and Xuchen.

Wutong and Hua Wu Tong also went on a hard journey. After the first fall, the two fell down in third obstacles, and after he reached the end point, he poured water into the gauge.

drops, two drops, three drops...

, everyone laughed, he Xing was white busy, not right, should be said that Wutong white tired, and finally, their water spilled clean.

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he Xing shouted to the sky, and let off his heart's sulking. But he still did not forget to comfort the Wutong tree. "Hard, hard, and it's good enough to arrive, and we'll succeed." Grades don't matter! "

Luminous and others also echoed the applause, "yes, you have been great, the results are not important."

Only Liu Tianwang, Li Feifei and Zhong Jingluo are left.

Li Feifei, carrying Liu Tianwang on his back, is very steady and careful. He has walked most of the way and passed the second obstacle.

Luo Yu was just in front of the first obstacle with Zhong Jing on her back. The height of a sandbag was not high, but Luo Yu couldn't cross it. She couldn't help it. Zhong Jing on her back was too heavy for her. It was difficult for her to walk normally, not to mention raising her legs.

"Come on, Luo Yu!"

"Come on

"Good job, Luo Yu!"

"You are the best, come on!"

Several couples who have reached the finish line yell at Luo Yu to cheer her on.

Inspired by everyone's encouragement, Luo Yu also broke out the force of famine, and finally made a difficult step to cross the first obstacle sandbag.

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The guests at the end of the line applauded for her.

Just as Luo Yu was about to move on, Zhong Jing came down from his back. Luo Yu was very tired, but he looked back at Zhong Jing in surprise and said, "what are you doing down here? Come on, come on up. We have plenty of water and hope."

Zhong Jing took the basin and poured out all the water in it. "Here, there is no water."

Luo Yu was stunned, then sullen, "what are you doing? You've come here."

Zhong Jing gently hugged her, said, "we don't go, you have great, you prove yourself to everyone, to tell you the truth, you such a small man can carry me so far, let me have a surprise, the result is not important, don't be too forced, too hard."

Luo Yu thought about it and said, "then we can't compare?"

Zhong Jing nodded, "no more." With that, Zhong Jing turned to gashan and the crew and cried, "director, let's give up."

The end.

The other teams applauded.

"Good job, Luo Yu."

"Zhong Jing, you are a man!"

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The second part is over.

Liu Tianwang was the last group to reach the end, and Zhong Jing gave up.

Liu Tianwang's group can be regarded as coming from behind. The water in his basin is almost not spilled out and is full. When it is finally poured into the meter, Liu Tianwang's group has the most water.

Liu Tianwang was able to say, "ha ha, see? What's the use of running first? Material is the king's way. This is called catching up from behind!"

Finally, the competition ended with Liu Tianwang coming in first, Lan Bao second and Xu Chen third. These three groups also got their own ranking clues.

Next, starting from the third place of Xu Chen, according to the clues obtained, the three winning groups exchanged the true feelings of other teams.

Xu Chen took the lead in exchanging the orange color of he Xing with the true love water of his blue bottle cap.

Later, lanbao traded his yellow for the red of luminous.Liu Tianwang exchanged his green for the red that lanbao exchanged from luminous.

At the end of this session, Liu Tianwang, as the team leader, also summed up his speech in front of the camera.

Liu Tianwang said, "we are a team and a big family. In this big group, our brothers and sisters love each other. Today, Luo Yu shows us his strong and unyielding side. Luo Yu is really great. Zhong Jing's practice today is also very manly. Although you finally gave up the competition today, you have won the respect of all of us. Everyone gives him the respect Let's applaud. "

The crowd applauded.

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Liu Tianwang continued, "no matter in our program or in real life, the truth is the same. Everyone cares whether you go far or not, whether you fly high or not, but there is only one kind of person who cares whether you fly tired or not. This kind of person is your family. The brothers and sisters of our running group are a family who love each other Then Liu stepped forward and said, "we are family!"

The crowd applauded and cheered.

The night light was stunned for a moment, and it was also a startling similarity. Deng Chao, the man running in the dream world, was the captain of the team, who called this slogan by chance. Of course, what he called was "we are lumbering." Because Deng Chao's English pronunciation is not very standard, it also caused a burst of laughter at that time, but this sentence has become a landmark slogan of running men.

Now, Liu Xuecheng, as the world's male running team leader, also calls out this slogan. In addition to the previous "perfect" action of lanbao, it really surprised luminous.

The historical process is always astonishingly similar.

Liu Tianwang, "come on, let's shout the slogan together." Liu Tianwang gathered the crowd and wanted to end the game by shouting slogans, "one, two, three!"

"Run! Brother The crowd cried out.

"We are tired of logging!" Luminous alone.

"Ha ha ha." The crowd burst into laughter and yelled, "run, brother." "We are tired of logging," he said

Noctiluca also responded. He felt his nose and laughed awkwardly. He had just been thinking about Liu Tianwang shouting "we are family." When Liu Tianwang gathered people to shout slogans, he subconsciously thought it was this sentence. So when Liu Tianwang was one two three, he blurted out "we are lumbering".

It's embarrassing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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