My Star Teacher

Chapter 253: 253

In the end, Zhong Jing and Luo Yu won the race.

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Xinlan is very good at tearing up famous brands. However, a girl is a girl, and her strength can't match that of Zhong Jing. In the end, she was torn down by Zhong Jing. However, it's worth mentioning that Xinlan is a taekwondo black belt, and her Taekwondo fighting skills are quite exquisite, but tearing up famous brands is not really a fight after all. Maybe she can beat Zhong Jing, but it's just strength and tearing up famous brands Card skills, he is still much worse than Zhong Jing.

Several rounds of the game are over, Zhong Jing and Luo Yu won the victory of this competition, and also won the last chance to change the true love water.

After some discussion, Zhong Jing decided to exchange the yellow on his hand for the red of the night light.

In the previous rounds, it seems that the target was red, and red was also the most frequently exchanged among the other groups of guests in each round. Therefore, Zhong Jing and Luo Yu also chose red.

Gashan said, "now, through the game, everyone has finally confirmed their own bottle of true love water. Please pour the true love water into the glass container in front in turn. The container is already half of the magic potion made by witches to make people love each other for a lifetime. As long as you add the true love water, then the gray brown potion will turn into a transparent and clean magic potion. If you add the true love water, you can see that if you add it If it's ordinary water, the color of the water in the glass container will not change. "

Lan Bao, "is that amazing? Zhong Jing, go and have a try. "

Zhong Jing and Luo Yu smile. Then they open the bottle of true love water with the red lid. They slowly pour it into the glass container.

Everyone was quietly watching the change.

After more than ten seconds, there was no change in the grayish brown color in the glass container.

"It's a pity that the" true love water "you get is just ordinary water," he said

Everyone has doubts.

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Liu Tianwang said, "the hint I got was..."

luminous, "my hint was..."

Xu Chen, "ours is..."

Zhong Jing, "yes, these messages all point to red. Director, will it be the wrong bottle?"

Wan Hua said, "it should not be. Although red is included in these clues, we ignore it. In fact, yellow is also included in these clues. It's just that we always think it's red, so it's always red in exchange. Subconsciously, we ignore yellow."

When people think about it, it seems that this is really the case. Habitual thinking makes trouble, and everyone is fighting for red. So subconsciously, they regard red as the true love water, and the clues they get can be connected with red, so they take it for granted that red is right.

All the guests looked at the night light and the yellow bottle in his hand.

Luminous, "... So, I picked up a bargain?"

"That's not true." Liu Tianwang, "your boy is lucky. Zhong Jing was right. He just used the real thing for your fake."

Zhong Jing looks helpless.

Luminous, "ah, the audience won't think it's the director. OK, I'll say first, it's really dark. It's an accident. It's an accident." That's what night light said, but the expression was like a prelude.

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Yeguang and liuchiyan stick to the bottle together and tell the truth of the yellow cap. Pour the water into the glass container.

In a few seconds, the grayish brown water in the glass container began to fade slowly, and the night light stirred it for several circles. The two chemicals reacted quickly, and the water in the glass container became more and more clear.

The crowd applauded.

Gashan said, "congratulations to yeguang and Liu ChiYan for successfully helping the witch make magic potion that can love each other for a lifetime. Today, everyone's performance is excellent. The witch is very grateful for your help. Therefore, the witch decided to give each couple a magic potion that can love each other for a lifetime."

The crowd applauded.

There is a etiquette lady holding a tray, carrying more than a dozen small glass bottle crafts, glass bottles filled with some liquid, what ingredients do not know, small glass bottle crafts, looks good, etiquette lady will these small glass bottle crafts to each guest, is to this issue of the guests issued a souvenir.

Gashan said, "there are extra gifts for the night light and liuchiyan. The gifts are in the glass container."

The luminous probe looked inside. Sure enough, there was a small box at the bottom of the glass container. Luminous reached out and opened it to the camera.

It's a pair of rings.


"Oh ~"

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the crowd roared.

Liu Tianwang, "night light, how to do, don't I teach you?"

Luminous is also slightly stunned. This environment is really not designed by him. There is this section in the dream world. However, luminous deleted this section when designing. Unexpectedly, after the change of the game design team of the program group, it added this section.

Again, history is amazingly similar.

Luminous took out the woman's ring from the box, turned to Liu ChiYan and gave her a gentle smile.Liu ChiYan looked at the eyes of the night light with a smile, but there was a sense of panic in his heart.

See, night light face Liu ChiYan, in front of the camera face Liu ChiYan kneel down on one knee.

"Oh ~"

all the guests roared together.

Luminous holding the ring, looked up at Liu ChiYan affectionately, seemingly acting, but extremely serious soft voice said, "my love, would you like me to take this ring for you?"

All the guests hold their breath and stare at Liu ChiYan to see her reaction.

Liu ChiYan silent smile, seems to be a little embarrassed, hand half cover mouth smile, left hand gently out, slightly trembling.

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Luminous looked at her with a smile, gently holding Liu ChiYan's catkin, and then put the ring on Liu ChiYan's middle finger. However, the size of the ring seems to be smaller. Liu ChiYan's middle finger doesn't seem to fit in. The ring is stuck in the joint, and luminous didn't dare to put it in, for fear of hurting Liu ChiYan.

When people saw this, they couldn't help laughing.

Lan Bao said, "ha ha, there is no atmosphere in the moment. The ring is one size smaller."

Luminous also helpless, had to ring back out, replaced by Liu ChiYan's ring finger cover up, this time, very suitable! It's just like tailor-made. It's just right.

Originally, luminous wanted to wear the ring on Liu ChiYan's ring finger, but he thought that the ring finger was only worn when he was married. Although Liu ChiYan was indeed married, the audience didn't know. So luminous paid a little attention to it and changed to wear the middle finger. But who knew that the middle finger couldn't be worn in, which was embarrassing. It seems that God should pay attention to the ring It's on Liu ChiYan's ring finger.

So, comply with destiny!

After wearing the ring, luminous got up and hugged Liu ChiYan. Everyone clapped.

Among the staff of the program group headed by Jiashan xiahai, the staff of Xianqi entertainment looked at the scene. Although they were silent, their eyes were a little strange.

There was a little doubt in the hearts of the guests. What was the doubt?

What they were puzzled about was that the acting skills of luminous and Liu ChiYan were really good. In the scene just now, the emotional connection in their eyes was just like real. The acting was so lifelike that everyone almost thought they were real lovers.

After Liu Tianwang's final speech, the program ended with the slogan "run, brother". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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