My Star Teacher

Chapter 257: 257

The next day.

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On the day of running brothers, Zhang Zhi came to see luminous himself. He would rather be in trouble than talk about it with luminous on the phone. After a while of greetings and compliments, they entered the theme.

Zhang Zhi said, "Xiaoye, what do you think about the Internet Copyright? It's only half a day. My phone has been blown up by the person in charge of these video websites. They are all asking me about Internet copyright. The prices are higher one by one. "

Luminous smile, he and Liu ChiYan also received a lot of video website calls, no doubt, all are to ask about network copyright, run now but fragrant steamed bun, everyone can't help but want to eat.

Luminous said with a smile, "brother Zhang, don't worry. It's not too early. If you want, we'll wait...

" what are you waiting for? " When the night light finished speaking, Zhang Zhi was about to explode, "what are you waiting for? It's one thing to have good ratings, but it's also to make money to make good ratings. However, if you don't make a lot of money now, how can other leaders in the TV station have no opinions.

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What's more, the outside audience is about to blow up. Zhang Zhi is relieved to see that the night light nods. He's afraid that the night light will repent. He even says, "well, Xiaoye, this is settled. I'll go back to contact various online video platforms and finish it today."

Zhang Zhi is in a hurry. He comes quickly and goes faster. He is also very efficient.

In the afternoon, Beijing Satellite TV and TT video jointly issued a statement, saying that the running brothers program, Beijing Satellite TV and youxianqi entertainment authorized TT video to broadcast exclusively.

As soon as the announcement was issued, countless viewers applauded and finally saw the program on the Internet. The news that TT video won the right to broadcast the program on the Internet quickly spread on the Internet. At the same time, another news:

despite the disclosure of unknown insiders, TT video won the copyright of running brothers for 200 million yuan.

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This news also spread on the Internet. An Internet copyright actually sold 200 million yuan at a sky high price. What's the concept? The Internet copyright is 200 million yuan, which is something that the strongest voice has never done. Of course, the inability to sell the strongest voice's Internet copyright at this price is directly related to its short broadcasting cycle. However, 200 million yuan is also an absolute sky high price, and we all know it Think TT video is crazy, 200 million yuan, can you earn it back?

What unknown insiders are on the top of this news, but in fact, it is the news that TT video released itself. Without them as the driving force behind the scenes, no one knows how much the network copyright has been sold if Beijing Satellite TV and luminous do not disclose it. This news can not be spread on the Internet so quickly. The reason for TT video to do so is very simple. It is nothing more than taking advantage of sky high prices The gimmick of Internet copyright attracts the audience's attention with the sky high price of 200 million yuan, so that the program can have more and better traffic after the website goes online.

It's a very old-fashioned, but also very practical propaganda trick. Many netizens are attracted by the sky high price of 200 million yuan of Internet copyright fees. Then they are curious about the running bar brothers program and go to TT video to see the full picture of the running bar program.

TT video action is very fast, and did not do much publicity work, only in their home page carousel big recommended position put on the running bar brother online notice poster, can't wait that night on the line running bar brother's first program.

But it really doesn't take much effort and money to do any publicity. Running bar brother is in the limelight for a while now. There are too many viewers who haven't seen the first issue, and there are countless viewers who want to watch it again. TT video only needs to release the news when they broadcast, which is enough to attract a large wave of traffic specially for running bar brother.

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The program was officially launched at 8 p.m.

That night, running bar brothers only 10 minutes online in TT video, with more than 10 million hits.

This data makes the person in charge of TT website, who has been paying close attention to the data of brother programs in the backstage, laugh and say, "no loss, no loss, bet on the right treasure!"

The enthusiasm of the audience is really high. Many people missed the first episode of the program. Now there is an online version. Everyone wants to make up the first episode. The audience who has seen it also wants to watch it again. Many people are also attracted by the online discussion about running bar program, or the news that TT video has bought Internet copyright at a sky high price.

TT video traffic this night was explosive growth.

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By 8 o'clock the next day, 12 hours before the network premiere, the hit volume of TT video running bar brother had reached 50 million.

However, you should know that at least eight of these 12 hours are sleep time, and there are still a few people who surf the Internet in the middle of the night. In fact, most of the 50 million hits are concentrated in the period from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. strictly speaking, the 10 million hits per hour in these few hours can't be stopped.

So terrible!

It's 12 hours before 8:00 p.m., and these 12 hours are also the prime time. The growth rate of network hits of running bar brothers has slowed down a lot, but it has been steadily increasing. If there is no accident, the network hits of running bar brothers can exceed 100 million in 24 hours!The number of hits on the Internet has exceeded 100 million, and the 24-hour broadcast has exceeded 100 million! This will break the record of online variety show and create a new height! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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