My Star Teacher

Chapter 264: 264

after meal.

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Yeguang and Liu ChiYan are honest enough to go back to their room and continue to copy books. Liu's father's task can't be careless, which is related to their future happy life.

Luminous also received a call from the person in charge of TT video to express his thanks. Luminous hung up with him after a few words of greetings. They were not familiar with each other and had never met each other. Besides mutual compliments, they had nothing to say.

Gashan also called to ask him where he was. What he said was how to arrange the next program and asked him to draw up a chapter.

Where can night light manage the program, and even if you want to manage it, you can't do it yourself. But father Liu has a word in advance, and is not allowed to go anywhere without copying ten books.

Luminous: "Lao Shang, there's something wrong with me. I can't leave for a while and a half. It's estimated that I'll be delayed for a few days. You can see the arrangement for the next program."

Gashan was a little confused, "what do you mean I look at the arrangement? How can I arrange it? "

Noctiluca ear with a phone, hand also kept copying the article, "no matter how to arrange, link what, I originally prepared a lot for the game design team, you look at select a few to gather a program, as for the theme you think, it's really not good, you can brainstorm."

Gayama, "what about the guests?"

Noctiluca said casually, "guests are welcome. If you think it's suitable, you can contact yourself if you have a candidate. If you can't, please let Beijing Satellite TV help you."

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Gashan answered, and then asked, "night consultant, what are you busy with? How many days? Don't delay the recording. "

Noctilucent, "life events, forget it, don't you say more, I'm busy, so ha, hang up." Then, without waiting for gashan to continue talking, luminous hung up the phone.

Liu ChiYan was a little tired of copying, so he took a rest.

Liu ChiYan said, "it's so hard to copy. Luminous, do you think we will delay the recording? I feel like I can't copy it all in a day. I have to copy it ten times. "

Night light shakes his head, "won't, have me, don't worry." Said, he also stopped, led Liu ChiYan's catkin, helped him rub sour wrist, "today you work harder, wait for tomorrow uncle and aunt to go to work, not at home you rest, have me."

Liu ChiYan felt that luminous was comforting her, but he was still very happy and said happily, "luminous, you are so good."

With that, Liu ChiYan leaned out and pecked at the luminous face. Just then, the door of the room was pushed open.

It's mother Liu. He comes in with a plate of fruit.

Liu's mother looked at Liu ChiYan and the night light strangely.

Liu ChiYan suddenly blushed with shame. He felt that he had been caught cheating. He wanted to explain, "Mom, it's not what you think."

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Liu mother did not take over, silently put the fruit tray on the desk, and then turned to go out. When she closed the door, she turned back and said, "your father is here, please pay attention."

Liu ChiYan was embarrassed again. After Liu's mother closed the door and went out, Xiao Fenquan beat the night light, "it's all your fault!"

Luminous face muddled force plus innocent, how to blame me, you know the hand ah, no, you move the mouth ah.

Sure enough, women are unreasonable creatures, even if she is a queen.

The writing stopped until evening.

Liu ChiYan and night light are tired wrist sour, Liu ChiYan can't help but from time to time and night light sajiao said aggrieved.

Liu's father also came once before going to bed. He looked at the night light with a straight face and a bad complexion. "Go back to your room. It's so late. Why do you want to spend the night here?"

The night light laughs and runs away.


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night light and Liu ChiYan are locked up in a disguised form, and all the affairs of the program fall on gashan. Gashan is clear about the process of the program. Originally, most of these are his worries. Night light is to grasp a big direction. It's no different whether there is him or not. However, there is one thing that gashan can't handle very well.

About the next episode of the show.

The guests were originally arranged by night light, and the guests of this program have to worry about it. Gashan has a headache about it, but it's not that there is no candidate. Let's run. Brother, it's hot now. The artists who want to be on the show are lining up one by one, and everyone wants to rub the heat.

The rules for this issue of gashan have been worked out, and the guest of the program will be invited. He already has a candidate, but he contacted the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV for help. When the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV learned that the guest of this issue was not night light himself, and let gashan arrange by himself, he thought carefully.

Beijing Satellite TV wants to arrange the candidates for the guests of the next program by them, and recommends a candidate to gashan. Gashan has a headache. He already has a candidate, but Beijing Satellite TV has a foot in the door, which makes it difficult for him to do. He is not luminous, and luminous is indisputable in the crew. Even the person in charge of the special mission of Beijing Satellite TV is in charge of all aspects of the crew They all have to listen to the night light, but compared with the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, the position of gashan is still lower. You know, most of the crew members are from Beijing Satellite TV.And the identity of the artist recommended by Beijing Satellite TV is also a little special. His name is Jin Taixu, a Korean.

Gashan had already had a candidate, and he didn't want to replace him, not to mention he was Korean, but because of his affection, he didn't want to directly and rigidly refuse the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, so he was in a bit of a dilemma.

Under the repeated requests of the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, gashan could only shirk saying that he asked luminous to make up his mind. Gashan's original intention was to use luminous to refuse the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, but the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV was also an old fox. He didn't give gashan the chance to contact luminous alone at all, so he asked gashan to call luminous on the spot.

Gashan can only dial the luminous phone in front of the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV.

Luminous also copied the book, picked up the phone of gashan, put the mobile phone in his ear, "Hello, Lao Shang, what's the matter?"

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"Night consultant, it's about the guests of the next program..."

while listening to the phone, night light copied a book, flipped the page, left the mobile phone unclipped on the desk, and night light quickly picked up the phone again. Fortunately, the signal was not broken, so night light picked up the phone and continued to listen to him.

"... Beijing Satellite TV recommended an artist. Let me ask if you can do it."

Noctiluca casually said, "whatever, what Beijing Satellite TV recommends is OK, you can do it."

Gashan on the other end of the phone was stunned. He took a look at the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, and then tentatively asked, "who is recommended by Beijing Satellite TV?"

Luminous, "whatever, don't say ah, I'm busy, nothing I hang up."

Gashan "...

after hanging up at night, gashan was speechless listening to the busy tone in his mobile phone.

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