My Star Teacher

Chapter 305: 305

Jin Taixu came to the airport armed.

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Tickets have been online booking, because it is night, the airport traffic is not much, plus Jin Taixu fully armed, but no one recognized him.

When he came to the check-in counter, Jin Taixu said his passport and handed it to the beauty staff at the counter, "Hello, please help me check-in. First class seats are divided into four levels. Level one is the most common, level Four is the highest and the most strict. In normal times, the security level is level one.

"Please take off your slippers and your carry on luggage, sir."

Jin Taixu put his handbag into the security machine, but he had questions about his slippers, "take off your shoes? Why take off your shoes? "

"Sir, please cooperate with us."

Jin Taixu pointed to the person who had just passed and had not gone far ahead, "why didn't he use that just now?"

"Sir, please cooperate."

Jin Taixu was a little depressed, but he took off his shoes and hat at a glance. The security inspector took the instrument and swept it around him. "Turn around."

Jin Taixu turns around, and the security inspector sweeps his back again. After sweeping, Jin Taixu turns back and wants to leave with his shoes on. But unexpectedly, the security inspector doesn't let him go. Instead, he sweeps the instrument in front of him again, "turn around."

Jin Taixu was not happy, "why? Didn't you check it? I have nothing with me. "

"Sir, please cooperate with us."

Jin Taixu suddenly speechless, he found that he was very tired of hearing this sentence, no way, want to go through the security inspection must cooperate, so, Jin Taixu turned around again, was checked again by the security inspector.

After passing the security gate, Jin Taixu saw another security inspector waiting for him next to his handbag. "Sir, please open the bag. We need to check it."

Jin Taixu was slightly stunned, and subconsciously looked at the direction of the passenger who had just passed. He opened his mouth and finally didn't speak. He cooperated honestly. He finally understood that these people were intentional, um... Not too stupid.

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However, even if he knew that the security inspectors were deliberately trying to embarrass him, he had nothing to do. People were acting according to the rules and regulations. For a moment, Jin Taixu felt that the whole world was full of malice against him. Now, Jin Taixu just wants to get on the plane, leave this place, go back to his motherland, and return to his mother's arms.

Today's security check is definitely the most stringent one. The security inspector asked Jin Taixu to take out the things in his handbag and inspect them seriously. He even took out the sponge in the watch box and had a look. It can be said that he didn't miss any trace.

Finally, after passing the security check, Jin Taixu breathed a sigh. It was finally over. Finally, he was able to board the plane and go home.

But what he didn't know was that it was just an appetizer.



The plane took off smoothly.

After boarding, Jin Taixu sat down and thought it was wrong. Didn't he say that the first row and the first row of the first class cabin were full? But... Now there's no sign of being full? There are only two passengers in the first class. One is in the first row by the aisle, and the other is in the third row.

"Liar!" Jin Taixu wants to cry without tears, "they are all liars!"

The plane has already taken off. Thinking that no one is sitting in front of him, Jin Taixu unfastens his seat belt and goes to the window on the right side of the first row to sit down.

It's still comfortable to sit in the first row, Jin Taixu said.

After a while, a stewardess opened the curtain and came in. The stewardess went to the passengers on the left side of Jin Taixu and politely asked, "Hello, sir, what would you like for dinner? Here's our menu. Have a look." Then the stewardess handed over the menu.

The passenger on Jin Taixu's right is a middle-aged man. He casually ordered a garlic deep-sea cod set meal, and then ordered a juice drink.

Jin Taixu sat in his spare time. He had already thought about what he wanted to eat. He also wanted to eat silver cod. He waited for the stewardess to ask him what he wanted to eat. He had a fight with his agent before, but later he was criticized by the company. Then he went to catch a plane. He didn't eat at night. He was hungry for a long time.

After the stewardess said hello to the middle-aged passenger, she turned to face Jin Taixu. However, Jin Taixu did not expect the stewardess to smile politely and ask about the meal.

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The stewardess turned to Jin Taixu and said with a smile, "Sir, please go back to your seat."

Jin Taixu has some silly eyes, "what do you say?"

The stewardess smile service, "Sir, every passenger's seat has been confirmed at check-in. You can't change it at will. Please go back to your seat."

There's nothing wrong with this, but as soon as I hear it, I know it's deceiving. Jin Taixu said, "it's your check-in staff who cheated me that the front seats are full, but now it's empty. I tell you, I want to complain!"

The stewardess said with a smile, "Sir, I don't know what's going on at the check-in. I'm only responsible for on-board service. Moreover, it's not impossible for passengers to temporarily refund their tickets or miss the plane. Every passenger's position has been confirmed at the check-in. Sir, please go back to your seat."Jin Taixu is not happy, which is clearly deliberately making things difficult. From check-in to security check to now, he has been making things difficult everywhere. Jin Taixu is also angry, playing a rogue, "I don't care, I'm going to sit here!"

The stewardess continued to smile, "please go back to your seat, sir."

Jin Taixu simply closed his eyes by the window and pretended to sleep.

The stewardess didn't say anything and turned to leave.

After a while, Jin Taixu's stomach grunted for a while. Then Jin Taixu remembered, eh, no, I wanted to order a meal. How could I get up and sit.

Just when he wanted to call the stewardess for service, the stewardess just came in. She just gave the middle-aged passengers the exquisite silver cod set meal and juice.

Jin Taixu called to the stewardess, "I need to have dinner."

The stewardess said with a smile, "Sir, please go back to your seat, otherwise we can't provide meals and other services."

Jin Taixu looks angry, "you are..." the stewardess doesn't wait for him to finish, and turns around and walks away randomly.

Jin Taixu some silly Leng Leng keep angry appearance.

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Bullying too much, bullying too much! Jin Taixu roared in his heart.

Glancing at the middle-aged passenger on the other side who is enjoying the silver cod food leisurely, Jin Taixu swallows a mouthful of saliva.

I'm so hungry.

His stomach did not compete with the "Gulu" cry, next to the middle-aged passenger with a kind of scornful eyes squint at Jin Taixu.

Jin Taixu almost stamped his feet, but he didn't dare to attack. If he had a fight on the plane, he might be arrested as a terrorist. Now he just wants to go home.

All right, go back! It's just a seat. We don't want it!

Jin Taixu returned to his seat and pressed the call service button.

The stewardess came over and saw Jin Taixu return to his seat, with a sly smile in her eyes.

The stewardess continued to smile, "what do you need, sir?"

Jin Taixu didn't want to say a word of nonsense, "give me a silver cod set meal, a glass of red wine, prepare dessert for me in advance, and bring it to me immediately after dinner."

The stewardess said with a smile, "I'm sorry, sir, we don't have these services."

Jin Taixu was stunned, "no? Nothing? "

The stewardess said with a smile, "no, silver cod, red wine, no dessert."

Jin Taixu was stunned and pointed to the passengers in the first row, "I bought first class! What's more, how could he? "

The stewardess said with a smile, "Sir, strictly speaking, we are aiming at you. We don't have these services."

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Jin Taixu was stunned, and then immediately became angry. He patted the chair and stood up, "I'm so deceiving! Why are you doing this to me! "

The stewardess is still smiling, "Sir, you are on a Chinese flight, and I am Chinese, why do you say?"

Jin Taixu can't speak at once. If he can sing cool, I'm afraid a cool song will blurt out at this time.

This stewardess is also lovely, smiling throughout the service, and then may not feel satisfied, and gave Jin Taixu a knife, "Sir, if we are not looking forward to sending you back home, you may not be able to board the flight, the voyage may be bumpy at any time, next please do not walk around at will in order to avoid accidents, I wish you a happy journey, thank you!"

Happy, your sister! Thank you, sister!

Jin Taixu felt that he had received 10000 critical hits.

Ignoring Jin Taixu, the stewardess opened the door curtain and went out. As she left, the middle-aged passenger who passed the first row said, "Miss, your service is up to standard. I'll praise you. After getting off the plane, I'll go to the advice office and give you good comments."

Outside the curtain stood several eavesdropping stewardesses and crew members, all of whom were laughing and covering their mouths.

"Snow elder sister, you are really good, that grandson's lung is afraid to explode." A stewardess said with a thumbs up.

Jin Taixu was sitting in his seat dejectedly. His eyes were a little absent, his stomach was still purring, and he muttered in Korean, "Mom, I want to go home."

Fortunately, it's only two hours' voyage from the capital to Korea. It's no big deal to be hungry for a while. If Jin Taixu's family is in the United States, it's fun to fly for more than ten hours.

Check in attendant, security inspector, stewardess, their duties are different, they all perform their duties, have their own good professionalism, but at this time today, they almost abandon their professionalism to deliberately create difficulties for a person, objectively speaking, this is not a good behavior, but they have no regrets, even if they will be complained afterwards, they will be punished, but they are not good We still insist on doing so.

For nothing else, just because, you and I, we are all Chinese! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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