My Star Teacher

Chapter 315: 315

The next day.

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It's time to record the program.

The program regulations of this issue are all written by gashan, and the night light almost didn't care. Like Liu Tianwang and other guests, they came to the program group on time with Liu ChiYan to go to the recording site.

To tell you the truth, luminous is a bit half hearted. I think it's troublesome to shoot the program once a week. I'm wondering if I can discuss with you to make a big one. I'll just focus on a few more days and shoot several issues in a row.

Now the foundation has to be shelved. On the one hand, the time of the program is delayed. On the other hand, after the recording of the program, he and Liu ChiYan have to go back to Nanchang and bring their parents to the capital for a meeting. The night light has never forgotten.

Today's shooting of the program is still smooth. There is no problem. There is no doubt about gashan's ability. In fact, even when luminous used to work on his own, he was only responsible for the planning of a charter and process, and the others were all operated by gashan and xiahai.

and today's guests, Zhong Jing has undoubtedly become the object of our collective ridicule. No matter who is in private or in the programme recording, who made the goods two days ago and Luo Yu make a big news.

Liu Tianwang said, "it's a good idea to travel together among single people, but you secretly go to pick up girls on the way. Zhong Jing, do you think you are worthy of our revolutionary friendship?"

Luminous this goods also join in the fun, "is, is, see color forget friends."

Liu ChiYan looks at him quietly. How can you have the face to talk about others?

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He Xing looked excited. "Don't panic, comrades. I think it's a good thing!"

Xu Chen, "how to say?"

He Xing said, "this shows that our spring is coming. We can believe in love. Even Zhong Jing likes Luo Yu. Isn't the day when we take off the list just around the corner?"

Zhong Jing a black line, "brother several, can not damage me, I don't first you step to find love."

Lan Bao nodded and continued, "yes, yes, you and Luo Yu have no other explanation except for love, ha ha."

The crowd burst into laughter.

After the recording of the program, a group of guests had dinner at the hotel. Liu Tianwang was curious about how Zhong Jing and Luo Yu suddenly came together and asked why. Several other guests, including yeguang and Liu ChiYan, looked at Zhong Jing with a curious face.

On the contrary, Zhong Jing was a little embarrassed. With a dry cough, he didn't hide anything. He said frankly, "after Luo Yu came to the program, we left contact information and then began to chat. We had a good chat. Later, I went to the mountain city because of my work. Luo Yu was a mountain city person, so we met several times. We called each other and went back and forth, Later, you also know that... "

after hearing this, the night light laughed and said," Zhong Jing, you have to thank me. If I hadn't invited Luo Yu to my program and asked you to form a team, a good girl like Luo Yu would not have got you. "

Zhong Jing is simply, "I'll give you a red envelope later."

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Luminous one Zheng, "so simple."

Zhong Jing said with a smile, "Luo Yu also said to me that we are predestined together, and this predestination is promoted by you, and we should thank you."

Liu Tianwang also said with a smile, "maybe the love water made up by the night light in that program has come into effect, and Zhong Jing and Luo Yu have fallen in love all their lives."

Everyone laughed. Liu Tianwang looked at the night light and Liu ChiYan again. "So, goddess Liu, when I heard that you and night light were paired, I was not surprised. At that time, you also took the water of love."

Lanbao added, "and the glow of the night gave me a ring."

Night light and Liu ChiYan are pretending to smile as if nothing had happened. In fact, they are all in a sudden. Liu Tianwang, you really said that. Moreover, where are the two just paired? They are all married!

He Xing also coaxed, "in that case, Zhong Jing has already matched Luo Yu, Xu Chenhui with Wan Hua, Liu Tianwang with Li Feifei, luminous with Chi Yan, and Lan Bao with Xin Lan... Xin Lan, Lan Bao with Xin Lan, ha ha, the picture is too beautiful to imagine." He Xing burst out laughing.

Noctiluca and others are also happy to smile, Luo Yu with Zhong Jing, although it looks full of disobedience, but also can see past, but if lanbao and Xinlan, it is really hot eyes.

Lan Bao didn't know whether he had drunk some wine or was embarrassed and annoyed by people's laughter. He patted his thigh and said, "what's the matter with Xin Lan? Is it so funny? I think I'm very good with Xinlan. You like to laugh at me, right? OK, then I'll go after Xinlan! "

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Zhong Jing raised his glass and said, "lambao, good boy, come on, good brother, I support you!" Two people quite pretend to clink a cup and drink.

The crowd laughed.

Liu Chi smoke spoke, smiled and said, "OK, don't be joking. This is what we are talking about. If we are heard by others, we will be bad. And what is your" Wutong "spectrum? You are happy, Wutong can be happy. "He Xing has a smile.

Liu ChiYan took a look at Liu Tianwang and said, "what's more, do you think I'll go with luminous? You ask him, "if I dare to marry, will he?" With that, Liu ChiYan also took a meaningful look at the night light.

The other guests looked at the night light with a smile.

The night light is a Leng, then the heroic spirit is numerous, a clap table, "marry! Sure to marry! If goddess Liu marries me and I don't, am I stupid? "

Liu ChiYan glared at the light of night, "Alas, how can we not play according to the routine?"

"Ha ha ha." The crowd laughed.

Zhong Jing thumbs up, "man!"

Xu Chen joked, "then one day when I saw the news, the night light was found in the street by Liu ChiYan's fans, and was severely beaten by the angry catkins, and his life was hanging on the line."

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He Xing said, "well, very likely!"

Liu ChiYan was happy and said with a smile, "am I so terrible? As you say, I don't want to get married in my life."

Everyone was laughing and chatting, very happy. After a period of time, the guests of the running group got along really well. No matter what kind of jokes they played on or off the stage, they all took each other as good friends and brothers. Even the biggest brand Liu Tianwang didn't have a fight at all, and they became a part of each other.

It can also be said that Noctiluca was lucky. He found guests to record programs, and the guests he found could get along with each other so well. He also had so many interesting and sincere friends. Noctiluca did not recognize many friends in his heart. Although the contact time of several present guests was not long, Noctiluca had regarded them as good friends and brothers.

Sometimes the friendship between men is more strange than the love between men and women, some people you know for a lifetime, but you are still wary of him from the heart, keep the distance, some people get along soon, but you already know that you will be the best friends in your life.

Because of this, no matter what you want to do, whether you want to make TV or movie, you will think of these guys first.

Liu Xuecheng, he Xing, Lan Bao, Zhong Jing, Xu Chen, Liu ChiYan, and ye Guang formed a running group because of the gathering of running bar brothers. However, since the gathering, even if running bar brothers no longer record new seasons in the future, this team has never really disbanded.

These seven people are also known as the backbone of the night class in the future!

However, one of the jokes in this dinner party has become a reality in the future , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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