My Star Teacher

Chapter 325: 325

Did not chat more at the door, night light and father Liu were invited into the club.

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"Liu Gong, please come inside."

They were led in.

Come in.

Night light found that this club is unusual.

I thought it was very elegant from the outside before, and I found that I had a unique insight when I came in.

There is a big screen on the opposite side of the door, which blocks the sight. When you go around the screen, you can see it immediately.

Cornices angle, Diaolianghuadong, pavilions, bridges, water, rockery forest, quiet chic.

What an old-fashioned club. No, it's a garden.

No wonder the calligraphy meeting is held here. Most of the literati who love ancient Chinese characters are fond of this place with ancient flavor.

"Is Shu Hai here?" Father Liu asked the guide.

"Here we are. Shu, Mo Shan and Zhang Qian are all in Zhiya garden now."

Father Liu nodded, "OK, let's go."

The night light goes along with father Liu. The garden is very big and the scenery is unique.

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The night light keeps looking around. Let alone, the scenery of this club is really unique. It's usually only seen in the famous gardens of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Liu's father suddenly stopped walking and said, "if you like to see it, just go around. Don't follow me."

What does father Liu mean?

The guide also said, "today, there are some young calligraphy lovers and young people accompanying the master. Now they are all in the erudite garden in the West. You can go along this road and have a look. They are all young people and easy to communicate."

Luminous thought about it and nodded, "OK, I'll go around myself."

Father Liu nodded and left the night light in place.

To tell you the truth, the night light is still a little confused. I don't know whether father Liu really wants him to go shopping or has no intention.

Forget it, I can't guess the big man's mind. I'll go shopping by myself, and I'll be happy.

He didn't go to the erudite garden immediately. After wandering around for a while, he met some people of different ages, but most of them were of some age, at least the elders of luminous.

It's no wonder that calligraphy needs to be practiced over time. Generally, most of those who have achieved something are older.

Luminous, a young man, appeared in this meeting. Many people also cast curious eyes at him, but they didn't ask much. It's not that the elders of the family have brought the younger generation to see him.

In fact, at least most of the erudite gardens are brought to see the world by their elders like luminous. Maybe they all know a little about calligraphy, but it's hard to say how many attainments they have. The difference is that luminous really knows calligraphy, and it seems to be quite amazing.

The garden is very big, but it's just so big. Unconsciously, the night light wanders to the erudite garden.

An arched door, the night light looked inside, and in a pavilion gathered a group of people who looked really a little younger.

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Young is relative. Compared with those who met before the night light, those who are so old, even older than father Liu, and all with white beard and bent back are much younger.

But these people compared to luminous, at least luminous do not think these people who are young, clearly are middle-aged!

Luminous is not a person who is willing to go to the crowd. He is not very sociable. He wanted to turn around, but luminous has been seen.

"That little brother over there, come here, come here." Someone in the pavilion called to the light of night.

The night light is tiny a Zheng, walked past.

As soon as I walked in, I heard the man say, "I said I'm not the youngest today. You don't believe me."

The speaker was a young man. He didn't look very old, but he was much older than luminous. Luminous estimated that he should be in his thirties.

"Hello, everyone." Luminous came in and said hello to the crowd.

People also nod or smile to night light.

"Well, it looks familiar." Someone in the crowd said.

Everyone looked up and down at the night light again, and someone asked in disbelief, "are you... Night light?"

Luminous smile, "I am luminous."

"Oh, it's really you." The man said with a smile.

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"Luminous? Which night light There are also people who do not know who is luminous, asked.

The young man in the blue shirt who first called luminous said, "it's luminous which is very popular on the Internet now."

"I don't know."

"The night light that hit the Koryo."

"Ah? Play Koryo? Well, I still don't know. "

"Run, brother. Have you seen it? It's made by luminous."

"No, I don't know."

"Do you know the sky screen video? Air pollution prevention and control law, right? You've made it up. "

"Ah! I know. He made it? " The man looked surprised.Someone also asked the luminous, "Why are you here?"

The night light laughs a way, "and the elder of the family comes together."

The crowd nodded to show that they understood. Many of them were brought by their elders. This kind of gathering is attended by all the calligraphers. Normally, they will not be invited directly.

The big guy didn't ask much about who brought the night light. He took him and began to talk about it. He also talked about calligraphy. But in fact, most of them were talking about calligraphy. Few of them were serious about calligraphy.

But it's good, at least the atmosphere is more active, and the glow of the night also takes on a few words from time to time in the crowd, which doesn't seem boring.

There is no plot of a silly x with no brain. Even if some of them are usually high-profile and perverse, they will pay special attention to this occasion as long as they are not really brainless. The protagonists who really participate in the rally today are not them, and there are a group of real bigwigs on them.

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No one dares to mess around. If you offend someone casually here, it may lead to great consequences. Moreover, their elders will not allow them to mess around.

Many calligraphers are not just calligraphers with only one identity. For example, father Liu, who came to the Calligraphy Club, calligraphy is just one of his hobbies.

For example, Shu Hai, father Liu's good friend, is much more accomplished in calligraphy than father Liu, and deserves the title of contemporary everyone, but his more prominent identity is vice president of Beijing University.

In addition, the back of a calligrapher is more or less a scholarly family. Generally speaking, he is not ill educated since childhood. Even if he is extroverted, he is not arrogant.

On the contrary, it is those families that have nothing but money that are more likely to give birth to some brainless young masters who like to pretend to be 13.

Among a group of people, the young man in the blue shirt seemed to be very interested in luminous at the beginning, and he didn't know who he was. He was a self-made man. He asked questions about luminous, and there was a lot of nonsense in the sky and the earth.

He is several years older than night light. According to his own opinion, this year, night light and his age span is not big, but they are quite chatty.

This man's name is Shu Yong. I know he has something to do with Shu Hai. Yes, he is Shu Hai's son.

Luminous also has a good impression on him. He likes to contact with such open-minded people. Those people who have a lot of frivolity and twists and turns in their stomach, luminous says they can't play.

When talking with night light, Shu Yong tells night light himself that the name is obtained by his Laozi, and the purpose of choosing a character is to let him practice calligraphy since he was a child.

Isn't there such a saying: practice calligraphy first, practice forever.

However, it seems that he has deviated from his Laozi's expectations, and the further he goes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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