My Star Teacher

Chapter 334: 334

After that, I don't want to go into details about the belly dance at night. The scene is really hot. The goods are really drunk and overjoyed.

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Liu ChiYan also repeatedly asked everyone, hoping that the big guy can keep secret about their marriage.

Everyone also nodded and agreed. It's a common occurrence in the circle that hidden marriage happens. Even if Liu ChiYan doesn't say it, everyone will keep it secret for him. It's a small hidden rule to pretend that he doesn't know and doesn't talk about it.

However, this kind of hidden marriage happened to Liu ChiYan, which really surprised everyone.


in hotel rooms.

Liu ChiYan simply said what happened last night and the night light.

The night light immediately covered his face.

No face.

He doesn't have anything to tell you about Liu ChiYan and his relationship. Liu Tianwang and others don't have much to do with him even if they know about it. Liu ChiYan only details that he is crazy and sings and dances, and takes off his clothes and dances belly dance, which makes night light feel shameless.

And... It is said that Xu Chen also recorded a video.

Mad, I want to die...

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I won't drink anything in the future! Night light gnaws teeth in the heart secret way.

Liu Tianwang, Xu Chen and other guests have already left the capital early this morning. Everyone has their own business to do.

After having lunch in the hotel with Liu ChiYan, luminous finds Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin and begins to explain what happened after the recording.

In fact, there's no need for him to explain anything. Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin have been dealing with the affairs of the program team in an orderly way. However, the shopkeeper has to show his face occasionally to show his sense of existence.

The recording of the program is finished, but the program team will not be disbanded immediately for the time being. The staff of the studio will have to stay in Beijing for a few days. After all the later stages of the program are finished, they will deliver the finished film to Beijing Satellite TV, and then collectively return to Nanchang.

This time, the staff of the studio also came out for nearly two months because they recorded the running bar program. Everyone was very hard. Luminous discussed with Jiang Fengxian and Liu ChiYan, and prepared to give you a bonus later.

If you have credit, you should be rewarded.

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin are left with all the affairs of the program group. In the afternoon, night light and Liu ChiYan go to Liu ChiYan's home.

Because it's a weekday, Liu's father and mother are not off work. Yiyi is also in kindergarten, and only Lian's aunt is at home.

After a short rest at home, it was almost time to see the night light. I went to the kindergarten to pick up Yiyi from school.

Yiyi is very happy to see that today is the night light to pick her up. I don't know why. No matter aunt Lian or mother Liu and others go to pick up Yiyi, Yiyi doesn't have any feeling. But every time the night light comes to pick her up, the little girl can't help feeling happy and in a good mood.

He didn't plan to live in liuchiyan's house tonight. He wanted to go back to Nanchang in the evening.

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But now the night light is also in trouble. Originally, he planned to come and take Yiyi back with him this time. However, he is planning to celebrate Liu ChiYan's birthday and give her a surprise. They have a good romance.

So, it's a question of whether to bring a dependency or not.

Take it. This little girl is really a small light bulb.

Don't bring it, it seems not very good, as if because two people want to romantic, to leave Yiyi in general.

Luminous trouble, simply let Yiyi decide.

This evening, because night light and Liu ChiYan have to catch a plane, so dinner is early. At the table, night light puts a chopstick on Yiyi and asks, "Yiyi, I'll go back to Nanchang with your aunt this evening, will you go?"

Yiyi thought for a while, but she didn't speak. On one side, mother Liu said, "Yiyi won't go this time."

Yiyi can't make a sound. To be honest, she wants to go. Although it's very good at father Liu's home, father Liu and mother Liu usually have to work and don't have so much time to accompany her. Yiyi still likes to live with luminous and Liu ChiYan.

Liu's mother added, "National Day is coming soon. Your father and I are on vacation. We are thinking about going out for a trip. We want to take Yiyi with us." Then mother Liu turned to Yiyi and said, "Yiyi, do you want to travel?"

Yiyi immediately nodded, "think!" On the two choices of going to Nanchang and traveling, Yiyi decisively chose the latter.

Luminous nodded, "OK, Dad, mom, you take Yiyi to have a good time. I'll take Yiyi after the national day."

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The night light now to Liu's mother, Liu's father changed to call his parents is already smooth, Liu's father also adopted a default attitude, although the heart is still some strange.

Yiyi is taken to travel by Liu's father and mother, which is just in line with the idea of luminous. He can make a surprise for Liu ChiYan.

Mother in law, help! The night light whispered in my heart.

In fact, before he took Liu ChiYan, Liu's mother had assisted him many times unconsciously.However, the night light is also a little surprised. Liu's mother didn't say to let the night light and Liu ChiYan don't rush back tonight. Liu's mother is not like Liu's father. Some don't like to see the night light. At least she would be polite. She didn't say a word. It's not Liu's style.

It's no wonder that Liu's mother actually said it. She told Liu ChiYan when she was busy in the kitchen with Liu ChiYan.

Mother Liu: "Yan'er, don't rush back today. Stay at home for one night and leave tomorrow. Yiyi's things haven't been packed yet."

Liu ChiYan thought about it and said, "I'd better go back."

Mother Liu, "in such a hurry? What can I do for you? "

Liu ChiYan laughed and said, "it's not." Looking at the night light playing with Yiyi in the living room, Liu ChiYan approached his mother and said, "it seems that the night light is preparing some birthday surprise for me. He's still hiding it from me. I don't know. I want to see what he can do."

Liu's mother patted her forehead, "yes, yes, it's your birthday in two days. You see, my mother almost can't remember." Said, Liu mother also turned to see the night light, "small night is quite intentional, but also you young people like to come to this set, OK, go back, you young couple romantic."

As a result, the considerate Liu's mother did not stop the night light and Liu ChiYan from going back. She specially took advantage of the tour to leave Yiyi behind, which is to deliberately create romantic opportunities for the couple. Liu's mother didn't have any travel plans before, but Liu's father said he didn't know at all.

There is no such a good mother-in-law.

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In the evening.

Yeguang and liuchiyan both boarded the plane back to Nanchang.

The next day, I got up early in the morning. Without waiting for Liu ChiYan to get up for breakfast, I said, "Liu Er, I'm busy today. I'll come back later."

I went out in a hurry.

Liu ChiYan did not stop him, only when he went out, he explained, "remember to eat."

After going out at night, Liu ChiYan went back to bed to sleep. Without night light, she was too lazy to get up and make breakfast.

To tell you the truth, although he has guessed that luminous is making a surprise for his birthday, Liu ChiYan is still looking forward to what kind of surprise luminous will give her. This is his first birthday for her.

What would it be?

Liu ChiYan imagined many possibilities in his mind, and finally shook his head to dispel these messy ideas.

"As long as it's you, even if it's just a bunch of roses, I'm happy."

There is a charming smile in the corner of his mouth, and Liu Chi Yan whispers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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