My Star Teacher

Chapter 337: 337

I stayed on the roof for a while.

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Night light and Liu ChiYan go downstairs contentedly.

In fact, they were called "Psycho! Singing in the evening My roar disturbed my interest, so I went downstairs to go home.

Go home.

Open the door.

As soon as liuchiyan entered the room, he was stunned and speechless.

"When did you do it?"

"Do you like it?"

"Husband, I love you so much!"

In the room, from entering the room, you can see a room full of rose petals.

Red, purple, pink, all over the house.

On the tea table, there is a heart bouquet composed of 99 roses.

Garlands were hanging all over the windows, cupboards and walls.

Liu ChiYan jumped into the sea of flowers, stepped on the petals, and made a "rustle" sound, as well as the whisper of her silver bell.

Night light in the frenzied at home covered with petals, living room, bedroom, bed, sofa, even the kitchen did not let go.

In order to these petals, luminous almost ran all the flower shops in Nanchang, just collected these scattered petals a little bit.

Liuchiyan was at home all day today, and the night light accompanied liuchiyan to the rooftop. He left midway and took the opportunity to get these out.

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Fortunately, there is an artifact in luminous, which is the storage bar of the system. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get these petals home, not to mention spreading them.

It's much more convenient to put the petals in the storage bar and lay them up again. The night light only needs to walk around the room, think about it, put a pile of petals on every place, and then sweep them to spread them.

Simple is simple, but because he had to be in a hurry, he was really tired. So when he came back to the roof again, he was panting.

In addition, the characters on the building, the candles downstairs, and the Kongming lamp all took a lot of effort. For this reason, on that night, the Nightlight hired 40 temporary workers to help him create this romance.

Of course, the main manpower is spent on the Kongming lamp. There's no way. If the Kongming lamp wants to fly, it must be put out one by one. It's not like fireworks. One person can manage a lot of them.

Liu ChiYan leaps and dances with joy. Today, Liu ChiYan is wearing a blue long skirt with shoulder straps, swinging around in the petals, like an elf, very beautiful.

Luminous some see crazy, looking at her happy appearance, luminous face is also full of brilliant smile.

I remember gashan and night light said that Liu ChiYan didn't like flowers, but seeing her like this now, what does she mean? The key still depends on who sent the flowers.

After a while of cheerfulness, liuchiyan quieted down.

Walking to the luminous body, Liu ChiYan put his hand around luminous's neck, "thank you, husband."

Luminous smile, "how are you going to thank me?"

Liu ChiYan looked at him and didn't speak.

Liu ChiYan stretched out his hand to loosen the waist of his long skirt, took off the shoulder strap, and the skirt fell down his smooth and tender skin.

In front of the scenery can not be described, the night hard swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Because of the previous play, Liu ChiYan is still breathing slightly, ruddy complexion, beautiful eyes, with a trace of charm, "hold me into the room, love me."

Where still use her to say, night light immediately embraced Liu ChiYan, "today you are birthday, birthday has life, dare not from."

Liu ChiYan pinched his waist, put his hand around his neck, put his chin on luminous shoulder, opened his mouth, breathed out in luminous ear, and said, "then... I'll be on it for a while."

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After that, it's not appropriate to repeat it. I only know that the next day, the night light and liuchiyan sleep until 12 o'clock.


the next day's night light and liuchiyan didn't go anywhere, so they were tired of it at home.

The room full of petals has not been cleaned up, luminous said to wait until today liuchiyan's birthday.

Liu ChiYan is very happy all day today. Maybe it's because of last night's moistening. Her face is red all day. She's beautiful.

Liu ChiYan likes to call the name of night light directly, no matter who is in the past or not. But today, her husband's voice is delicate and soft, which makes the night light crisp to the bone.

I didn't buy any birthday cake in the evening. Neither of them likes cake very much. Moreover, it's not necessary to eat cake for a birthday.

Yummy food is prepared full table, night light personally cook, today liuchiyan birthday, night light will not let her cook.

In the evening, Liu ChiYan was still not willing to sleep. She said, "today is my birthday. I'm very happy. I don't want to waste every minute of today. I won't sleep until zero."

Lying on the bed, they chatted for a while. The night light looked at the time. At 11:57, Liu ChiYan's birthday was just a few minutes away."Night light," liu'er, time is coming. I'll read you another poem. I made it myself

Liu ChiYan nodded.

Fireworks flash out.

Just to say I love you.

The lights lit up the night.

Just to say I love you.

The candle leaped and burned itself.

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Just to say I love you.

Kongming lamp turns into a firefly, floating far away and falling out

just to say that I love you.

The moon is also saying that she loves you.

That's my heart.

My song.

Singing love you.

My heart is beating.

Just to love you.

But it's not.

This is not the most romantic love.

Never give up.

I'll grow old with you.

That's what I'm going to do with my life.

It's woven.

The most romantic love.


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when Liu ChiYan was reading a poem in the night light, he looked at the night light with a beautiful eye. After reading the poem in the night light, Liu ChiYan thought about it for a moment, and the scenes from zero to now appeared in Liu ChiYan's mind like movies, which made him smile involuntarily.

Never give up, accompany you old, with a lifetime of manufacturing, the most romantic love.

Liu ChiYan remembers that the first poem that night light once wrote for him was when you are old. These two poems express the same artistic conception.

I'll grow old with you.

However, the poem written by night light is much worse than the original one when you are old. Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "it's better to be old than the one you wrote."

"Luminous sneered," don't you like it? I'm original. "

Liu ChiYan smiles and kisses him in the face. "I like what you write."

"Just like it." Luminous smile, touch Liu ChiYan's head, "sleep, already zero."

Liu ChiYan nodded with a smile and went into his arms, "well, you sleep with me."

The night light sprinkles a smile and embraces Liu ChiYan. They both close their eyes and go to sleep slowly.

This poem is named "the most romantic love" by luminous.

It is true that luminous knows that this poem is not as good as that one when you are old. In fact, this poem is really not very good, because this poem is really original, not plagiarized, not borrowed, completely original. Luminous remembers a lot of love poems, but he didn't read them tonight. Instead, he chose to write such a poor poem for Liu ChiYan.

Some silly, because as long as it is read out by luminous, in this world, it naturally belongs to him. But luminous chose to do it in this way. He wants to really, purely, rely on his own ability to write the next poem for Liu ChiYan and his wife.

Even if it's not that good.

Even if she didn't like it that much.

But it's not just a poem.

It's the promise of their love that luminous himself made to liuchiyan in his heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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