My Star Teacher

Chapter 342: 342

As for the explanation given by microblog, no one doubts anything.

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As we all know, there is no need for microblog to lie and cheat netizens at all, because the winner of luminous's "water tune head"!

Yes, it's for this reason that everyone thinks it's well deserved. If the final result is the opposite, Wencai won the championship, then the audience will question it.

Before the collapse of the web page, the number of votes of luminous and literary talent was almost the same. Not to mention the accurate data in the background of microblog, but to see the growth momentum of the data on the web page, not to mention the remaining ten minutes. Only three or two minutes can luminous surpass literary talent.

This is the consensus of all netizens who have been paying attention to the list. Even Wencai is sitting by the computer at this time, but he has no idea of questioning.

What's more, how long has it been since luminous came out? How long does the poetry of literary talent come out? Don't say that luminous now is the champion of the list, even if it is not the champion, it is also the uncrowned king in the hearts of netizens!

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In a short period of time, night light is not ready to make any more variety shows. It takes a long time and energy. Next, he wants to be at ease. When fan Qingwen arrives, he will finalize the foundation's affairs and put the foundation on the right track.

It's ten days away from the one month agreed with fan Qingwen. Luminous has been very patient and didn't urge fan Qingwen. He believes that since fan Qingwen has agreed to come and help him, as long as she handles her own affairs well, she will come as soon as possible. Urging is useless and will leave a bad impression.

However, the night light and so on, not fan Qingwen and so on, but wait for a, no, a few, also wrong, should say wait for some other news.

October 12th.

After China, the United Kingdom officially issued the air pollution prevention and control law.

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October 14.

The United States officially promulgated the air pollution prevention and control law.

October 15.

Germany, Italy and Canada officially announced that the air pollution prevention and control law came into effect.

October 16.

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Egypt, Netherlands, Poland, Finland, Switzerland and France announced the introduction of air pollution prevention and control law.

October 17.


October 18.


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October 22.

Following the promulgation of air pollution prevention and control laws by more than 50 countries, the United Nations announced a big news on this day. This news may not have a great impact on other countries, but it can only be regarded as news. However, this news is still shocking to the Chinese people, just like thunder in the clear sky!

The United Nations has announced the appointment of luminous as the Global Environmental Protection Ambassador!

The whole country is in an uproar! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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