My Star Teacher

Chapter 344: 344

There was no resistance when luminous was taken away.

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There were many people in black, five or six. When the leader was staring at the night light, the night light felt a palpitating momentum from him. He once had this feeling.

Once at grandfather Liu's home, when he was competing with Uncle Wu, for a moment, Uncle Wu gave the palpitation of luminous, and the feeling was even stronger.

The man in black didn't make any special moves, but five or six people scattered, each guarding a direction, as if afraid that the night light would run.

The leader took out a red certificate from his arms, opened it and shook it in front of the night light, "Guo'an, Mr. night, please come with us. Someone wants to see you. Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

Luminous only glanced at the information on the leader's certificate, but he remembered it.

It says Liu Cheng, the national security and defense Bureau.

At first, I was a little confused, but when I thought about it, I got some ideas. It should be related to the Global Environmental Protection Ambassador.

I didn't ask who wanted to see him or where I was going. Luminous knew it. Even if I asked, they wouldn't say it. Why did luminous know it? It's not always on TV.

Luminous nodded to Liu Cheng, and then said to fan Qingwen, "sister Qingwen, it seems that we can only change the day. You go back first. I'll contact you when it's over."

Fan Qingwen was a little surprised and worried. "Xiaoye, are you ok?"

Luminous smile, "nothing, you go back first, I go with them."

Say, night light follows a few people in black, got on a business car to walk.

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On the bus, luminous was sandwiched between two people in black and sat in the back seat. He proposed to call his family. After thinking about it, the man in black didn't refuse.

Yeguang called Liu ChiYan and gave a brief account of the situation. He said that people from Guoan had something to do with him. Maybe it was because of the Global Environmental Protection Ambassador. Maybe she would go back later and let her not worry.

After Liu ChiYan told him to pay attention to safety, he didn't ask any more questions. Luminous was hired as a Global Environmental Protection Ambassador, so it's no surprise who invited him.

Sitting in the car, luminous carefully thought about the Global Environmental Protection Ambassador, and then suddenly realized that it was not appropriate to send out the microblog that refused to be employed by the United Nations just now.

Luminous is not stupid. It's just that he met fan Qingwen before and thought about the foundation all the time. He didn't think so much about it. He just thought that he would not take up this position, so he naturally refused. But now, it seems that... This position is not so good to refuse.

The global environmental protection ambassador is too famous to refuse.

However, Weibo has been sent out. What should we do?

In other words, luminous really doesn't want to be a Global Environmental Protection Ambassador. However, if the country needs it, luminous also wants to contribute to its own country.

"Can I use my mobile phone to access the Internet?" Noctiluca asked.

"Help yourself." Liu Cheng, the leader of the man in black, said, "don't get me wrong, Mr. night. We just invite you to see someone. We don't mean to restrict you. Please help yourself to what you want to do."

Liu Cheng said politely.

"Thank you." Noctiluca nodded and went to the microblog with his mobile phone. He wanted to see what happened to the microblog he just sent.

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However, after logging in to the microblog, luminous found that the original microblog had been deleted, and he specially searched for it, but he didn't find any relevant information.

How could it be gone? No information can be found on the Internet.

The brain flies, the night light thinks for a while, wry smile.

It seems that we are likely to be forced to take up the post of Global Environmental Protection Ambassador.

The car turned left and right for a while.

The night light was kept at a place where there was a sign of the cultural relics protection bureau at the door.

He was invited into a small room. Liu Cheng took him to the room and asked him to wait here for a while. Then he left with some people.

The small room should be an office that no one uses. There is a desk on which there is nothing. There are two sofas and a coffee table on the opposite side. Luminous sat on the sofa and waited for a long time, but no one came.

Until the night after lunch and rest for a while, night are a little impatient, this finally someone came in.

Two people came in, one of them was a middle-aged man, looking very elegant, the other had an inch guy behind him.

The middle-aged man came into the room, took a look at the glow of night, and then sat down at his desk.

Out of politeness, luminous got up and said, "hello."

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The middle-aged man glanced at the night light and said, "come here." The tone was cold.

The night light didn't say much. After walking over, there was no chair in front of the desk, so the night light had to stand.

The middle-aged man took a file bag, opened it, took out a pile of files, and said, "what's your name?"Luminous a Leng, isn't you call us to come over? You also asked me what my name was, and how could I hear that.

Luminous: "Hello, my name is luminous, night of night, bright light."

"Age." The middle-aged man uttered a word coldly. He didn't lift his head when he spoke. He kept staring at the file on his hand.

Luminous heart some uncomfortable, "25 years old." Luminous also honest answer.

"Gender." It's still a cold voice.

Luminous brows wrinkled. He had the feeling of being interrogated before. Now he doesn't have to feel it. It's just the rhythm of the interrogation. It's just not in the interrogation room. Even the gender is asked. The standard interrogation oral language, as long as you're not blind, you can see it?

It seems that those who come are not good at it. I don't know what to do. Luminous is on the alert.

The night light didn't say a word for a long time, the cuntou beside drank lightly, "Leng Dai why, ask you words!"

Luminous brow wrinkled again, glanced at the cuntou, and then looked at the middle-aged man who seemed to have been looking down at the file carelessly, and faintly vomited out, "is this interrogation? If so, I'm sorry. I refuse to answer any questions. "

"Be honest!" He drank again.

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Luminous did not look at him, directly ignored, looking at the middle-aged man has been looking down at the file, as if luminous does not exist in general, luminous also very simply turned to go out.

"What are you going to do?" Cuntou immediately rushed to the door and stopped the night light.

Luminous looked at him and said, "get out of the way, I'm leaving."

Cuntou block in front of the night light, very impolite said, "where do you think this is, you want to come, want to go?"

The night light face also pulled down, if it was really a grand banquet, cold face, night light said, "I'm not a prisoner, I don't care who you are, you have no right to detain me, get out of the way, I don't want to start."

Cuntou sneer, tone is quite disdainful, "do it? Just you? You can try. "

Night light didn't say more nonsense. His character is just like this. When people greet him with a smile, he will never give people a look, but he will not look at others' faces.

Today, he was brought here. After waiting for a long time, he was a little upset. However, the middle-aged man and his cuntou showed a high and invincible appearance as soon as they entered the door. He felt angry when he looked like a prisoner.

We're not criminals. Why do you interrogate me?

Try it?

Just try!

"Bang!" A figure fell and flew out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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