My Star Teacher

Chapter 355: 355

Luminous chose to accept the post of Global Environmental Protection Ambassador after all.

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This is his final decision.

Up to now, he still has some rejection in his heart. Lu Liang is right. The main reason why luminous finally made this decision is really out of patriotism. He finally thought twice and chose to accept it.

No one intimidates and threatens him. Luminous has made his own decision after careful consideration. In his outlook on life, patriotism is still very important. However, luminous thinks that patriotism must originate from, I think, I will.

We have all kinds of patriotic feelings and deeds of countless revolutionary martyrs and great men of the century. But I think that their patriotism is definitely not that someone forces them to love their country or to die. Just because they are willing, they want to do so, they are willing to fight for the motherland, dedicate their life, and shed their blood for the motherland.

What is the motherland, the motherland is when it needs you, it does not need to say, but you are willing to sacrifice for it.

I'm willing to do something for the country. I want to do something for the country. It's absolutely not that someone forces you to say what the country asks you to do and what you have to do for the country.

The state never forces anyone to do anything. It is the people who will force people.

In fact, the purposes of the two are the same, but they have different meanings, which is the main reason why Noctiluca insisted on not bowing its head at that time.

Patriotic can, but never be coerced!

To give them a free and fair environment, the final result is actually the same, but some people like to put the initiative in their own hands, freedom means uncertainty.

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in the evening, I had a chat with liuchiyan lying in bed for a while, and the light of night came back safely. Liuchiyan was very relaxed and talked a lot.

Night light will not be impatient, holding Liu ChiYan in her arms, listening to her talking about all kinds of unimportant things.

In fact, sometimes the happiest thing in life is like this. The person you love is around you. You can listen to him or you can tell her those unimportant things. You don't have to look for topics or worry about the appropriateness of words. Your two hearts are very close to each other and are very stable.

The next day, luminous's life returned to normal.

In the morning, I had a rich breakfast prepared by liuchiyan. I sent liuchiyan to the company and Yiyi to the kindergarten.

Recently, the studio took a big holiday, almost doing nothing. Liu ChiYan, the boss, was very open-minded. He wanted to let the employees take a vacation directly, but the employees refused. He said with a good name: do your best for the company!

Luminous mercilessly exposed them, "cut, you want to mix wages."

Later, Ruan Qiwu said contemptuously, "do you envy us for our salary?"

The night light was a little stunned.

Ruan Qiwu added, "don't think we don't know you only have 800 living expenses per month."

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Night light suddenly a black line, lying trough! How do they know that? Who sent it out?

Yiyi in kindergarten class, suddenly sneezed.

Some time ago, the employees just took a National Day holiday. It's enough. A holiday means that they don't get paid. Everyone comes out to work. Naturally, no one can't get by with money. Besides, what's the difference between staying in the company and having a holiday? Some people are chatting and chatting. When they are bored, they can find a meeting room for a few people to play card games. Don't be too happy.

Liu ChiYan is the boss. He doesn't get angry when he sees the employees like this, because there is nothing wrong with him. Can't he ask the employees to sit in a daze? Besides, occasionally he gets bored and can't sit still, so he will participate in it.

Luminous didn't stay much in the studio. In the afternoon, he made an appointment with fan Qingwen to discuss the foundation.

In other words, the foundation hasn't started yet, even if it is full of twists and turns. At the beginning, it bothered luminous for a long time. It's been more than a month and it hasn't started yet.

The location is still about a coffee shop, but it's another one. Last time, that one... Night light felt bad.

"Xiaoye, is there nothing wrong with last time? I can't get in touch with you these days. " Fan Qingwen is concerned.

Night light waved his hand: "it's OK, it's over."

After a few polite remarks, they got to the point.

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Fan Qingwen obviously did and did a lot of homework during this period. When she talked about the foundation, she was right. Before luminous, she also checked a lot of information on the Internet and learned a lot about it. She didn't know it at all, and she couldn't understand it very well. Generally, she understood it.

They had a good chat, and before long, they discussed the fuzzy framework of the foundation.

Fan Qingwen: "Xiaoye, thank you for trusting me. Don't worry. I will try my best to help you manage the foundation well."

Luminous nodded with a smile, "I want to thank you Qingwen sister, thank you for coming to help me, if not for you, I would have a headache, I don't know how long." Luminous said, think of what, "Oh, by the way, Qingwen elder sister, salary things have not talked with you, you see my brain, almost forget, so Qingwen elder sister, you make a price, I will never reply."Fan Qingwen smiles, "I'm asking for a price? Yes, ten million a year. "

The night light is tiny a Zheng, smile.

Fan Qingwen: "OK, I won't tease you any more. You can look at it. I don't have any requirements."

What do you want to see? In fact, it's more difficult than setting a high price directly. It's not good for you to say that it's too low, and luminous feels sorry. People quit their jobs to help you. Can't they treat others badly? So we have to go higher, but how high can we count as high?

The night light was not sure, so she asked, "sister Qingwen, how about the salary where you used to work? How much is a month? "

Fan Qingwen smile, "OK, I belong to the executive, 30000 a month."

Luminous nodded, 30000, for executives is not much, Jiang Fengxian's salary luminous remember seems to be 40000.

"Well, sister Qingwen, I'll give you 50000 yuan a month and 600000 yuan a year." Night light says, fan Qingwen resigns to help him, night light thinks ought to go up on salary just right.

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Fan Qingwen nodded with a smile, "OK, thank you Xiaoye."

In fact, fan Qingwen didn't say that 30000 is just her original base salary. If you include her performance bonus and so on, 60000 or 70000 yuan a month is OK. Otherwise, how could fan Qingwen have collected 200000 yuan in just a few months to return to luminous.

However, night light doesn't know, and fan Qingwen doesn't plan to say that she doesn't value money. If she has enough money, she won't care too much. He can help night light, which is largely for the sake of humanity, not for the sake of salary.

That's how the salary is settled.

The basic framework of the foundation has also been finalized in the discussion between luminous and fan Qingwen.

After chatting for a while, fan Qingwen said with a smile, "by the way, Xiaoye, what's the name of the foundation? After talking for so long, I don't know the name of the foundation. "

Luminous smile nodded, "long thought."

"What's your name?"

"It's called... Lilac." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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