My Star Teacher

Chapter 38: 38

It's more than four o'clock in the afternoon after buying home appliances.

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Night light and Liu ChiYan's crazy purchase shocked the business manager. Because they were big customers, the business manager took special care of them. He took photos and promised that they would deliver the goods immediately, and he would install all the household appliances within three hours, so that they could use them normally today.

Luminous gave the address to the business manager, who arranged for someone to send the appliances to Liu ChiYan's home, and appointed four smart home appliance installers. Because there were no valuables at home, Liu ChiYan gave the key to the delivery master directly, and then called Jiang Xin, asking her to help her to stare at home, not afraid of losing it What is it? It's just that the world is sinister. You can't be harmful and you can't be defensive. Liu ChiYan's identity is more sensitive. You have to be careful to change it.

Why don't you go and ask Jiang Xin to stare?

This is because when Liu ChiYan heard from the business manager that he could install all the household appliances today, his small eyes lit up and he was going to buy Bedding, quilts, sheets and so on. I'm going to stay in this evening. I want to stay in a hotel.

The light of the night also let her toss.

At home in the private City, Liu ChiYan chose three favorite designs and colors, one for each of the two rooms, and one for standby. After choosing, he immediately asked luminous to pay.

There was another pain when the payment was made by night light. It turned out that the cost of firewood and rice was too high. It turned out that bed sheets and bedding were so expensive. Of course, this was the reason why Liu ChiYan chose to be expensive. The total cost of the three sets was 90000 yuan.

The night light feels in the heart probably, this where is quilt, this simply is gold! I really don't understand the world of the rich.

Of course, Liu ChiYan also has a good reason: "these things are personal, how can we not buy better ones?"

The light of night was speechless.

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There is a quick wash service in the furniture city. The waiter washed all the sheets and quilt covers. Yeguang and Liu ChiYan waited for a while in the furniture city. After two rounds, they carried all the things to the car. Although there were many of them, they didn't take up much space, so they didn't let the furniture city send them. They could go back as soon as they were loaded.

After a crazy afternoon of shopping, yeguang and liuchiyan were tired and hungry. They went to a restaurant and asked for a private room for dinner. During this time, Jiang Xin called liuchiyan and asked where liuchiyan was. She said that all the appliances had been installed and sent her the keys.

Seeing the night light, Jiang Xin's eyes were full of confusion, and it was unnatural to see Liu ChiYan.

Liu ChiYan explained awkwardly: "there are too many things to buy. If you ask luminous to help me, you can also help me carry things. I can't carry so many things alone."

Luminous also nodded: "yes! I'm just a coolie. "

Jiang Xin simply said a few words to Liu ChiYan, but didn't ask much. He looked at the night light strangely and said hello to him, so he left.

I don't know if Jiang Xinxin believes this explanation. Anyway, luminous believes it.

After Jiang Xin went out, night light touched her nose, "does sister Jiang see something? It feels like her eyes are weird. "

Liu ChiYan Leng for a while, and then ate a small mouthful of rice, light said: "nothing, ginger sister will not talk nonsense."

After dinner, night light guides Liu ChiYan to the road. First, he goes to the hotel where Liu ChiYan originally stayed, takes his luggage, and then drives her home.

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Sure enough, liuchiyan's new house is not far from the studio, which is only four or five traffic lights away. The community is called Hexin garden, elevator room. The greening of the community is very good, and the space between buildings is also very large. It looks very comfortable. The geographical location is remote and quiet. Liuchiyan bought the ninth floor, the middle floor, not high or low, which is very good.

Liu ChiYan took the night light to go upstairs with big and small bags. There were too many things. It was really troublesome.

Open the door and turn on the lights.

"Oh." Luminous, "you're good. You're big."

Liu ChiYan also looked at the room. There were a lot of home appliances, which he bought today. The master who came to install them was very responsible. He didn't leave any garbage at home, and all the home appliances were put in a very good position. Liu ChiYan was very satisfied and said with a smile: "it's OK, 130 square meters, two rooms and two halls. It used to look quite empty, but now these appliances are on display, and I feel pretty good. "

The night light nodded and looked at the environment in the room. The modern decoration style was very comfortable. The dining room and living room were very big. After all, it was 130 square meters, only two rooms and two living rooms. It was not so big.

"It's really good." Luminous added.

Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "you just like it."

Throw the big and small bags on the sofa, Liu ChiYan rubs his arm: "you can get the rest by yourself, I can't carry it."

Luminous said with a smile: "just let you don't carry, I am an old man in, this kind of thing which also need you to do." Said, the night light turned downstairs to take the rest of the sheets and bedding.

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When the night light came up, liuchiyan was no longer in the living room. The light was on in the bedroom, and the night light went in with things.

The bedroom is very big, with a balcony. The color of the room looks very warm. Liu ChiYan is busy making quilt covers and bed sheets. The bed is big, so she is in a hurry.Luminous put down things, said with a smile: "here, I help you."

Liu ChiYan is not polite to him either. It's really difficult to make a two meter bed, a bed and a quilt cover.

"Here, you hold the two quilts. Hold it tight. " Liuchiyan put the two horns into the hands of luminous, and then turned to the other side.

"Well, stretch it out."

"Oh, take it easy."

"Bring me that pillowcase over there."

"Take the quilt first."

"Help me lift Simmons down. Well, yes, hold it still."

"The sheets are a little bigger, but it's OK. You're going to your side. Well, that's it."

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The night light has been smiling, looking at Liu ChiYan, who seems to be a little expert at home, a warm feeling surges in his heart.

After working hard for a long time, I finally sorted it out. There was a little sweat on my forehead. I went to the Liuchi tobacco bed at random.

"At last I know it's not easy for my mother."

Liu ChiYan chuckles and says nothing about the night light lying on his bed. He smoothes some messy hair ends and starts to clean up the wardrobe. Then he puts all his clothes in.

There are some close fitting clothes in the trunk. Liu ChiYan is a little embarrassed and says to luminous, "you go out first."

Night light is comfortable lying, twisted his neck to have a look, Liu ChiYan quickly covered the trunk to block the sight of night light.

"You do it, I don't look at it." Luminous turned his head, "this bed is very comfortable, I will lie down."

Liu ChiYan blushed and snorted, but he was not catching up with the night light. He changed his direction, turned his back to the night light, blocked the sight of the night light with his body, and then arranged his personal clothes.

But Liu ChiYan didn't know that her clothes were tempting, which was also a dead thing. She turned her back to the night light, bent down and stood on tiptoe. The perfect curve of her back made the night light almost turn into a beast on the spot.

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