My Star Teacher

Chapter 391: 391

It's more than three in the afternoon.

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With the help and request of the makeup artist, night light put on a little light makeup, and the program recording began.

Make up is not to be more handsome or something, just because on the stage, under the light, if you don't put some powder, you will look greasy and not on camera.

The recording began.

It's the first time luminous has been on someone else's show.

In a recording hall of more than 1000 square meters, the audience has been filled under the stage.

Dong Jiaqi stepped onto the stage. After the director gave the order to start, Dong Jiaqi looked at the camera: "Hello, everyone. We meet again. Welcome to watch this issue of Jiaqi. I'm the host, Dong Jiaqi. Welcome."

With a smile, Dong Jiaqi continued: "today we have a wonderful guest. Who is it? I believe that all of you here have heard his name during this period. He is an unusual young man. He has many auras that others can feel extremely proud with just one. What kind of auras does he have? "

Dong Jiaqi said with a smile, "it's really a lot. When I recite this passage, I almost didn't remember it. I'll count it to you. He is the youngest member of the Provincial Writers' Association. He is named the first poet of the new generation. He is known as the most talented songwriter. He created the miracle of last year's variety show. He was employed as the Global Environmental Protection Ambassador. He is a master of language proficient in 50 languages, and he has nearly been a musician Today, he performed a box office miracle with a 15 million low-cost movie. He was called the strongest artist in the industry. He has a title that everyone agrees with - talent! Some time ago, netizens gave him a nickname, called yedaxian

"I believe everyone already knows who is coming to our program today?" Dong Jiaqi looks at the audience with a smile.

"Night light!"

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"Luminous! Night light! Night light

The audience screamed wildly.

Recently, the popularity of the night light program is booming, which really surprised and surprised the audience who did not know in advance.

Dong Jiaqi smiles and says to the camera, "yes, that's him. Let's welcome the guests of this issue - the talented man with many auras, the immortal night light! Let's welcome it. "

Clapping and thundering, there was a scream under the stage, and the audience called out the name of luminous.

This period of time is really hot, with countless fans and high popularity. We can see from the enthusiasm of the scene. First of all, the audience is not entrusted, they all spontaneously come to watch and participate in the program recording.

Came out from the backstage, luminous smile waved to the audience, "Hello everyone." The light of the night said hello and caused another shout.

"Ah, luminous, I love you!"

"I love you night fairy, I want to give you a monkey!"


when he came to Dong Jiaqi, luminous shook hands with him and said, "Hello, Jiaqi."

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"Welcome to luminous night." Dong Jiaqi said with a smile, sitting with a gesture of "please sit down."

Yeguang and Dong Jiaqi sat down on two sofas respectively.

The scene also quieted down.

Dong Jiaqi: "to tell you the truth, I'm very surprised to invite luminous today, because the luminous film is on recently. It must be very busy and hard to invite. I just called you with a try mentality, but I didn't expect you to agree. Thank you."

Luminous smile: "I have what difficult please, I'm not a big name, the film is not busy, I either put home to sleep at this time, or fight with the company's colleagues landlord."

Dong Jiaqi and the audience laughed.

Dong Jiaqi: "luminous, you are wrong. You are really a big brand now. Do you know how popular you are?"

Luminous er a, "almost know it, but, big is really not, at most is a second-line star level."

Dong Jiaqi: "you are also modest. Come on, let's give evidence." Then a picture appeared on the big screen behind them, which was a screenshot of the homepage of the microblog. The number of fans in the screenshot was specially marked with a red box.

"This is your current number of Weibo fans, 37 million. This number of fans has surpassed many first-line stars." Dong Jiaqi said with a smile, "look at the next picture."

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There's another chart on the screen. It's a statistical chart.

Dong Jiaqi: "maybe you can't understand this picture. Let me explain. This picture is a micro blog search map in the past three months. It can also be said that this is a chart that can tell you clearly what you are paying attention to recently. According to the chart, there are many topics about noctilucent in the past three months, so noctilucent is very popular These two words alone are the most searched keywords on Weibo in three months. "

"With such popularity, do you dare to say that you are not a big brand?" Dong Jiaqi looks at the night light with a smile.

Luminous shyly smile, touch his nose, "er... OK, compared with Liu Tianwang and my boss Liu goddess, I'm far behind."Dong Jiaqi chuckled, "well, your standard is a little high. Speaking of it, luminous, because I invited you to the program, I specially went to check your resume in all aspects. Really, after watching it, I was too shocked. I didn't expect that there would be people like you in the world."

"Let's talk about your star journey first. It seems that your star journey has always been a smooth one. The first one was a journey to the West storytelling program, which was recognized by the audience. After that, it seems that the development path is different from that of the artists we usually see. Most of the artists increase their popularity little by little, from the artists to the third tier, to the second tier, and then to the first tier, but you seem to omit it I've taken these steps. "

"Since we got to know you, the topics and concerns you aroused have hardly been discussed. They have brought surprises to us frequently, and the speed of popularity is really fast. It seems that I only knew you yesterday, and today you will become a heavyweight star in a twinkling of an eye."

"Can you tell us? How did you embark on the road of entertainment circle? Was your original dream to become a star Dong Jiaqi asked.

Luminous smile, replied, "to tell you the truth, into the entertainment industry is really wrong, this has to thank my boss, Willow Pond smoke willow goddess, without her, I would not have today." After a pause, he continued, "as for dreams, I don't have any dreams. If I have to say yes, maybe I'm going to be a teacher."

Dong Jiaqi was stunned and asked, "be a teacher?"

Yeguang nodded and said with a smile, "well, in fact, before I entered this industry, I just graduated from university and became a primary school teacher for several months after graduation. But later, I left my job for some personal reasons. Then I found a job in a TV station and happened to meet goddess Liu and joined her studio. Everyone knows that later."

Chen holiday did not tangle much on this issue, continued to chat with luminous, asked some questions, luminous answered one by one.

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After chatting for a while, Dong Jiaqi said: "the previous topic was just warm-up. It's not good to come to our program without exploding some materials. Next we'll have something fierce. You have to be ready for luminous."

Luminous smile: "Jiaqi elder sister, you can say hello, since on your program, I'm not afraid to be asked by you."

"You said that." Dong Jiaqi said with a smile, "well, I asked you the first question. Your emotional information is now a blank. Can you share your emotional experience with us? What are your criteria for choosing a mate? I believe that the majority of female compatriots are very interested in this issue. After all, many girls now regard you as a male god. "

"Er..." night light sneered, "Jiaqi elder sister, this is the beginning of such a sensitive topic, really fierce, you are not afraid to scare me away."

The night light made a joke.

The audience under the stage was full of excitement.

Indeed, for Noctiluca, if there is any topic he is more taboo about, it is undoubtedly a matter of emotion. The relationship between Liu ChiYan and him can not be made public yet.

Luminous touched his nose, said, "in fact, my emotional experience is really blank, so I can't find any information on the Internet, because I don't have anything about love at all. So far, I haven't had any love."

The answer of night light is a chicken thief, but it's not a lie. He has never been in love. He married Liu ChiYan directly. Before he got married, his love life was really blank.

However, this answer is to let Dong Jiaqi and the audience do not believe, 20-year-old boy, this year, who is not in love? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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