My Star Teacher

Chapter 397: 397

Lao Jiang rushed in and lost his temper. Luminous said he was confused.

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Okay, what's going on?

Luminous a Leng, don't know why of ask a way, "Lao Jiang, you how?"? Who set you on fire? I didn't invite you to annoy you. "

Jiang Fengxian: "still say no, do you know how hard it took me to make Jiang Xin promise to travel with me? You're good. You've taken her down again! "

Luminous once promised Jiang Fengxian that after the movie was taken off the shelves, he would let Jiang Fengxian go out for a few days at public expense, and also gave Jiang Xin the welfare.

Jiang Fengxian kept this in mind all the time. No, the movie was off the shelves in a few days, and it's going to have a holiday soon. When he had time to go out, he finally got through with Jiang Xin, but he was disturbed by the dark light.

If Jiang Feng wants to make another appointment with Jiang Xin next time, it may be much more difficult than this one.

Jiang Fengxian is about to cry. He has no words to look at the sky. Night is a disaster. You are really a disaster!

Jiang Fengxian was not happy. Luminous said that he was helpless. Who knew Jiang Fengxian was so quick that he told Jiang Xin to travel with him.

Luminous: "Lao Jiang, I don't know this, otherwise I would not go to Jiang Jie."

Jiang Fengxian: "but you are looking for it, and you have disturbed my travel plan!"

The night light laughs and says, "why don't I go and tell sister Jiang that I don't need him to be my assistant?"

Jiang Fengxian bit his teeth, "now go and say what's the use! She has already said that she won't go. With her stubborn nature, even if you don't use her as your assistant, she won't travel with me any more. "

Jiang Jie's character is really stubborn. What she says is what she says.

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Luminous some embarrassed touched his nose, stirred up the good things of Jiang Fengxian, luminous also feel some sorry.

"Lao Jiang, take it easy. It's my fault. Now it's all like this. I can't help it. Next time, I'll give you another chance."

"That's what you said!" Jiang Fengxian immediately replied.

"Hey." The night light is happy, "you come to ask for a crime is to wait for me this words?"

Jiang Fengxian: "er... No, I'm here to ask you a question. I'll let you go this time. I'll fight with you next time!"

Luminous smile, also don't tear him down, wave, said, "OK, OK, nothing busy, you go, have you so and leadership talk?"

Jiang Feng first cut, out of the luminous office.


the other side.

Jiang Xin's action is very fast, luminous forefoot just told her to find a few programs, where Jiang Xin has already started to contact, and has already had an eye.

Jiang Xin's ability in the studio is far less than Jiang Fengxian's, but in the entertainment circle, Jiang Xin, who has been Liu ChiYan's assistant for so many years, is much better than Jiang Fengxian. In the entertainment circle, Jiang Xin is an expert.

"Hello, director Li? I'm Jiang Xin. How are you doing? " Jiang Xin is on the phone in her office.

"Oh, Jiang Xin, long time no see. Why did you want to call me today? What's up? If you have something to say, I will help you if you can. " On the other end of the phone, Li Dao said with a smile.

Jiang Xin: "there is such a thing. Director Li, your program" musical power "is getting better and better. What's the matter? Are you still short of guests?"

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Li Dao on the other end of the phone was stunned, "what do you mean? Can Liu Tian come in the future? "

Jiang Xin said with a smile, "it's not Chi Yan."

Director Li said, "I'll tell you how Liu Tianhou can watch my little show. Moreover, even if she can come, I can't afford to invite her. Since it's not Liu Tianhou, who are you talking about?"

"Night light."

"What? Luminous? Jiang Xin, are you kidding me? Night light on my show? I'm a music show. "

Jiang Xin: "I'm not joking with you. It's really night light. Don't underestimate him. He's very good at composing words and music. You should know that, and he's also very good at singing. If you don't believe it, go to find the program video that was broadcasted last night. Night light sang a song at the end."

Li Dao: "that's OK. I'll go and have a look later. But since Jiang Xin has said that, I'm sure there's no problem here. However, the guests of the year before have already been appointed, and they may have to wait until the year after."

Jiang Xin: "no, it has to be ten years ago, and the sooner the better. You don't need to give him a special program, just let him be a special guest and sing a song."

Li Dao some doubts, "Jiang Xin, what situation is this?"

Jiang Xin replied, "it's hard to explain. Anyway, it's just that night light wants to borrow your program to sing a song, so you can say it's OK."

"Yes! Sure it will Director Li promised quickly, "he's so popular these days. I can't wait for him to be on my show. He can also pull up some ratings for me. If he just sings a song, it's easy. You can decide the time. Any issue will do."

Jiang Xin: "OK, thank you, director Li. I'll ask him later. I'll contact you when the time is fixed."After hanging up director Li's phone, Jiang Xin kept playing many more calls.

About an hour later, Jiang Xin went to see luminous.

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"It's settled." Jiang Xin said, "it's three songs, right? Just in time, I've selected three for you. You can see if it's OK. If it's OK, I'll make a decision so that I can reply to others. " With that, Jiang Xin handed a small notebook with notes to luminous.

"So fast?" Noctiluca said and took sister Jiang's little book and looked at it.

February 2: the power of music.

February 4: Li Fei Er's concert.

February 6: Huasheng billboard.

After watching the night light, he said, "well, I seem to have received a phone call from them a few days ago, saying that they were selected for some awards, and then I forgot about it."

Huasheng Fengyun list, the annual music festival, is similar to the Oriental Fengyun list in the dream world. They all present awards to good singers and songwriters in recent years. In the Chinese music world, the awards presented at this festival are authoritative and influential.

Jiang Xin nodded and said, "well, you and Yan'er have been selected. Originally, you just went to get a prize. I just called the director there and asked him to add a song time for you."

Luminous nodded, "please, Jiang Jie, Li fei'er's concert is on February 4. It seems that he Xing has said that this product seems to be going to help."

Jiang Xin: "well, I do. I just contacted Li Fei'Er and said that when you went to the field to help guests, he told me that I chose these three temporarily. Li Fei'Er's concert and the billboard time are dead, and the music time is flexible. If you feel the time is tight, you can adjust the tone ahead."

nodded in the nocturna. "It's okay, it's not tight. It's just two days, but what's the reason why Jiang Jie is moving forward?"

Jiang Xin looked at the noctilucent. "Yes, you can, but at the end of the month, the company will have a holiday, so I will follow you everywhere. Do you have the heart to go back and delay me for a few days?"

"..." night light, "I'm really sorry, elder sister Jiang. I've worked hard for you. I'll make up for your vacation later. At that time, I'll let Lao Jiang accompany you to play for a few days."

Jiang Xin glared at the glow of night. "If you give me a holiday, why do you mention him?"

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"Er..." the night light sneered, pretended to be casual and said casually, "sister Jiang, what do you think of Lao Jiang?"

Jiang Xin looked at the night light and said, "it's a very mature and stable person, with great working ability."

Luminous: "no more?"

"No more."

Luminous: "no, sister Jiang, I don't mean work, but people. What do you think of others?"

Jiang Xin frowned and said with some displeasure, "I know what medicine you sell in gourd. Don't talk about this kind of thing, or you can go alone!"

"Night light even busy way," Alas, ginger elder sister you don't misunderstand, I just casually ask, no other meaning

"There is no best." Jiang Xin said lightly.

Night light is a little depressed. Looking at elder sister Jiang, it's a long way for old Jiang to go. However, since elder sister Jiang doesn't mean that to old Jiang, why did she promise to travel with old Jiang before?

I don't understand. I don't understand.

It can only come down to the fact that women have a deep heart.

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